Posts Tagged ‘experiences’

Male manners (or lack thereof)

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

I work in an office with only one other female and I have found this really impacts my experience in the restroom.  We have three: men’s, women’s, and handicapped.  You would think this would be enough for the 20 or so people who are in the office space.  Yet, somehow, I still go to the women’s restroom to find the seat cover up and urine stains on the rim.  It really baffles me because the restroom is clearly labeled “women” and there are clearly women in the office to use it.  So what could possibly motivate a guy to use the supposed women’s restroom?

There are two others and with less than two dozen people sharing them, it’s pretty uncommon for both to be taken when a third needs to use one.  Even if that was the case, it’s just a matter of waiting a few seconds for one of them to clear out.  Despite that, I consistently go into the restroom to find the toilet seat up, which also happens to reveal even more of the stains left behind.  That is just repulsive and I’ve tried putting up Post-It signs to request these two things do not happen, but to no avail.

It’s gotten to the point where I am tempted to track everyone who goes to the restroom to see who dares violate my space.  I’m the one who has to sit on that!  I’ve also thought about getting the key to it and restricting use to just us two women.  I find this behavior offensive (but mostly unhygienic); unfortunately, my coworkers don’t all seem to share that sentiment.  Alas, the downside to being so outnumbered.

Hungry bull

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

It’s been a long 3 1/2 days, so here’s a quick video post. When I went up to Ngong Ping Village in Hong Kong, I was walking over to the temple when I came across this bull grazing. He was SO close – the video doesn’t do it justice. I was intimidated and very watchful of him, in case he decided to run one of us over. But hey, it seems he’s really into his food.

grazing bull from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Strong ties

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

Today two of my fraternity brothers came to attend the Opportunity Green conference today and they asked me why I came back to volunteer.  I hadn’t actually thought about it – I just found out they did need extra support and asked for days off from work so I could help.  In fact, a lot of people had done the same, even flying in from NorCal and the East Coast just to help out for these two or three days.  It’s astonishing the level of dedication we get from our core team of staff (mostly interns).  We’ve got people going on two or three hours of sleep at night for days on end just to get everything in order.  Both Tuesday and Wednesday night I was at the venue until about 1 AM along with a small group of other volunteers, working on a variety of logistical tasks.  We got to bed around 2 only to get up at 5 or so to get back and crackin’ again.

When I did think about it some, I think it’s the strong bonds that we’ve developed through pulling crazy all-nighters together and spending so much time and effort laboring towards these two and a half days that actually comprise the conference.  Everyone who pulled their weight continues to do so above and beyond most people’s capacity, which then motivates the rest of us to continue to toil away as well.  It’s a self-reinforcing cycle where dedicated people continuously drive each other on by example.  We also have a sense of teamwork that allows for us to stay long past our expected departure time to support other teammates.  And we’re led by two fearless leaders who sacrifice even more of their sleep to insure this conference is a smashing success time after time.

These tight connections made it really exciting for me today when a bunch of old interns from last year (like me) returned to volunteer.  It was thoroughly uplifting to see them again and remember the times last year when we worked so hard as a team to pull of a conference of such a scale.  Out of about fifteen or so core volunteers from last year, something like twelve or thirteen returned!  That is a pretty awesome retention rate.  I’m proud of us for being so supportive even after our lives have moved on.  We made time for the conference and most of us took days off work to be here.  It’s a great feeling to be a part of something that means that much to that many people.

Mass buying

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

I went on a bunch of shopping outings today and bought way more than your usual amount.

First, it was at Costco, with 14 gallons of milk, 7 gallons of creamer, 9 lbs of sugar, 3000 packs of Splenda, and 3 gallons of soy milk.

shopping cart filled with cases of milk, creamer, sugar, sandwiches, and veggies

trunk filled with cases of creamer, milk, and other food

Then at Home Depot we took the entire display of buckets and then tracked down 4 more for a total of 30. Countless zip ties, nails, tape, and cords later, it was time to check out. Thankfully it all fit in my car ok.

two huge stacks of orange 5-gallon buckets


laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

Original Gangsters or Opportunity Green? 😛

Well, it’s that time of year again and I took a few days off from work to volunteer for Opportunity Green! Here’s a peek at what we were up to tonight…

bright clumps of yellow, red, and orange lanyards

We put plastic sleeves into the lanyard key rings.

small plastic pieces that fell from the plastic sleeves

We soon had a pile of plastic pieces that fell from the hole cutouts on the sleeves. Kind of a cool look, but don't worry, we cleaned it up. 🙂

ribbons for badges

The various ribbons we have to stick on the badges.

a cool speckled pattern with rainbow colors

It's kind of like confetti static noise...

box of advinylize bags

Would you have guessed it was a pattern on an AdVinylize bag? The lucky attendees get these lovely swag bags filled with goodies!

Homemade buffet

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

At a gathering awhile back, we had this delectable buffet home-cooked for us. If only I could have this kind of meal more often!

a lovely display of home-cooked dishes for a gathering

All home-cooked and delicious!

a plate of food from home-cooked buffet

Mmm, a great selection of foods makes for a really appetizing dish.

Ferry docking

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

I took a ride on a ferry all around the Hong Kong harbor. Here we are stopping at Central Pier to pick up a few people. First they churn the water really hard to stop the forward momentum, then a guy pulls us in.

approaching central pier from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

ferry docking from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Scenic, peaceful drive

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

I’ve been driving the 210 freeway in LA a lot more lately because that is how to get from my house to Panda’s.  Now that he is living from home, I go out to his town when I have time and I’ve found that the drive is quite pleasurable.  The roads are clear with only light traffic when you get to the Pasadena area and you drive along the rolling hills, getting peeks of great views.  There is a lot of greenery surrounding the roads and it’s very peaceful.

Usually PCH is known for its scenic drive, but I think that the 210 should be recognized for its scenic route as well.  Sure, it doesn’t give you spectacular views of the ocean, but it also doesn’t wind around hills and force you to drive in one lane.  You get lots of space, lots of nature, and a certain tranquility that you can only get if you park your car along PCH.  Driving it is a whole other story.  More adventurous and energetic, whereas the northern hills of the Valley are more zen and calming.

Being a light drive, you don’t have crazy drivers who cut you off or ride up on you until you speed up or move out of the lane.  It’s a great time to clear your mind and enjoy the weather.  No need to brake and go all the time, or try to get around that one slow car clogging up traffic.  There’s plenty of space to maneuver around cars (or be maneuvered around) without getting in people’s space and igniting short tempers.  I wish battling the 5 and 405 was half as easy.  That would make my commute an absolute joy!

Caught in a web

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , ,

I recently went a little crazy on the spiders that have decided to take up residence in corners I rarely frequent. I spent a couple of minutes completely terrorizing them, though I have no idea if they’ll even understand or remember what happened. I tore down their webs and followed them as they crawled around, slapping my hands and stomping things right next to them. I made as much noise as I could and often got close enough to touch their legs. One of the smaller ones I blew the whole way out the door. One of them I attempted to fume away with some strong scented oil. It turned out to be a good thing though, because look at this gem I found!

He was getting himself caught up in one of the webs. Look at how small he is!

tiny baby preying mantis in doorway

Where I first spotted him.

a finger next to preying mantis baby for comparison

With my finger for scaling.

cleaning off his right hand

They groom much like cats do.

climbing up around knuckles

Climbing all over my knuckles!

preying mantis climbing on hands


preying mantis climbing on jade bracelet

Now on my jade bracelet, kind of matching.

preying mantis coming right towards camera

Coming straight towards me.

preying mantis climbing right over camera lens

Goes right over the camera lens.

preying mantis with hula hoop in background

I thought it was kind of cool with the hula hoop in the background.

Soreness and aches

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

I’ve been driving a lot more lately and my legs have been really sore from it all. My right butt cheek has gotten quite the workout from pushing the gas and brake pedals all day long, since much of the time I’m stuck in traffic. I try to use cruise control where I can, but it’s hard to find patches of freed-up traffic appropriate for it. I’ve even begun to stretch more so my muscles can feel better, but it’s hard to stretch just the right spot. I wish there was a left-footed driving option, so I could give the right leg a break and use my left leg more. I hate being uneven!

Also, something about the way I sit in my seat makes my back sore as well. I guess sitting for so long just isn’t a good feeling and I often need to stretch, but don’t want to stop to get out of the car. Instead I tough it out and by the time I reach my destination, I am so relieved to be done that I forget to give my back a good stretch until I’m back in the car, aching again. I really need to find the optimal position to sit at! With much more driving on the horizon, I just hope my right leg won’t get much larger than my left. 😛

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