Posts Tagged ‘experiences’

A macro meal

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

I attended a “Meet the Macro Experts” meal and info session one night at M Cafe. It was wonderful! I love the food and find the lifestyle intriguing, but I like my bad foods too much to follow it strictly. 😛 Take a look at what we had!

menu of 4-course macrobiotic meal at m cafe

The menu of delectable macrobiotic dishes!

split pea and barley soup at m cafe

Mmm, split pea and barley soup. Very tasty.

falafel, tabbouleh with quinoa, garlic hummus with chickpeas, crackers, and olives at m cafe

Mmm, a wonderful appetizer of tabbouleh with quinoa, falafel, garlic hummus with chickpeas, a few crackers, and some olives.

salmon on a skewer, zucchini noodles and rocket lettuce, brown rice pilaf at m cafe

I got the salmon for the main course. It came with zucchini noodles atop a bed of rocket lettuce and a big scoop of brown rice pilaf.

strawberry kanten dessert at m cafe

Strawberry kanten to finish off the meal! I have no idea what kanten is.

platter of macrobiotic desserts at m cafe

Mmm, so many dessert options!

m cafe t-shirt

They even gave us a t-shirt!


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

I don’t think commuting and I will get along too well.  I’ve got about 3-4 hours to drive each day to get to and from work now that I’m back at home and I don’t know how long I can keep it up.  The past two days I’ve already felt like an oldie because both nights I had to retire “early” and cut the festivities short.  Granted, I was still getting to bed around 1, but those still in college and summer mode were still going strong at that time.  Meanwhile, I’ve been exhausted at night once it gets close to midnight.  At least my body is forcing me to sleep so that I’m not too tired for work.

Now that I’ll be spending even more time driving, I’m only going to be more tired.  I’m going to have to go to bed before midnight (gasp!) just to get enough rest to make it through the day.  Even then I get tired driving and will need to test out a variety of techniques I’ve been pondering.  Today I tried the first one – getting a Jamba Juice for my drive.  It worked pretty well in the beginning as I had something to sip on that also kept me quite cold, but once it was gone, I still had a good 45 minutes to go.  And that was getting it already 45 minutes into the drive!  Perhaps I’ll have to find one that’s an hour into the drive and stop by there.

Other options are to drive to a certain point, then find a nice spot to park the car for a quick snooze.  That also allows the traffic to clear up a bit and the sun to set more so it’s not glaring in my eyes or heating up my car and making me tired.  I can also see if I can find a tea that actually keeps me awake.  Or maybe I can do what I do when I study – drink so much water that I’m either drinking water or going to the bathroom the entire time.  Of course, that would mean I’d probably have to make at least one pit stop along the way and find a bathroom to use.  I’ve also contemplated resting before even leaving, so we’ll see if that makes it any better.

Olympic javelin transporter

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

So at the 2008 Beijing Paralymics, they had these things that looked like toy cars that you could stick the javelins in, then use a remote to drive it up and down the range. They didn’t work all that well…

javelin car from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Busy weekend!

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Ok, I totally cheated since I didn’t post yesterday, but I can’t help but keep up an entry per day (even if it’s a little late).  Friday night I was pretty tired and crashed really early.  What started off as a nap became sleep and by the time I got up this morning, I had too much stuff to do.  First I spent about an hour setting up my new phone, then I took a shower and it was off to my microdermabrasion appointment.  It was a pretty interesting experience and though I can’t be sure for another day or two, I think it changed my skin enough for it to be worth another treatment.

After that, it was off to the Hacienda Heights/Rowland Heights/Walnut/Diamond Bar area to have lunch with friends, which was quite yummy and filling.  The rest of the afternoon was spent at SpeedZone, where we a good three hours putting through an 18-hole mini golf course.  The last time I had gone mini golfing was in 2nd grade and I don’t have a knack for this particular sport, so I didn’t do so well.  But we had a lot of fun nonetheless!

From there, it was back to Westwood to pick up Houdini for dinner.  We had a nice meal, then went to visit another friend and had a good chat for about 2 hours.  Back in the room, we ended up chatting with The Legend and his friend for quite awhile before getting called away at midnight for a friend’s birthday surprise.  Maybe half an hour later, Panda finally got around to starting to pack up the room, which we had meant to start on about 4 hours earlier.  Oh well, it was a good day with a lot of friends!  Then tomorrow we’re rounding up the troops for a massive dim sum get-together, which will be pretty epic.  🙂

A view of Sentosa

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Taking a ride on the Tiger Sky Tower on Sentosa Island, back when I was in Singapore!

sentosa tiger sky tower from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

The dirty underwear analogy

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

I have a bad habit of wearing my contacts all the time.  I rarely take them out at night and when it’s time to use a fresh pair, I just take out the old ones and put in the new ones.  My poor eyes hardly ever get a break from having a foreign object in them.  I also am not very good at keeping track of how long I’ve used a pair, so they end up getting way more mileage than they ever were meant to.  It’s a testament to the hardiness of a pair of contacts, this way that I abuse them.  You’d think I would have had some sort of problem by now, but my eyes are perfectly healthy (except for the nearsightedness and astigmatism, of course).

Last time I went to the optometrist, I remember her saying that leaving my contacts in like that is like wearing a dirty pair of underwear for a couple of days.  It was one of those things that created a terrible image and got me to start taking out my contacts at night for awhile.  But alas, as time goes by, old habits creep back and I am doing the same old thing again.  Tonight I took my contacts out for the first time in a looong time and it feels good.  After all, my eyes need to breathe and having a plastic cover prevents that from happening as effectively as it could.  It’s nice to feel air on my pupils again and not have a strange piece of plastic between my eyeball and eyelid.  Though I’ve long since gotten used to the feel of contacts, my eyes still appreciate when they’re bare again.

I really need to try to stop “wearing dirty underwear” on my eyes, lest it damage my eyes later on.

Baby goat feeding

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Their little legs are so knobbly and unstable! There’s something very cute about their awkwardness. 🙂

baby goats from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Vegas weekend

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Panda and I are spending the weekend in Vegas with a bunch of friends, so there’s not much time for a post right now! We have spent a lot of time eating, watching people gamble, and walking around a looot. My legs are sore and my wallet is light, but my stomach is full and I am happy. 🙂 It’s been quite a weekend, so now I just want to rest up for the drive home.

The good life

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

I really enjoy the way my life is going right now.  At this moment, I’m saving the most money I ever will – I don’t need to pay rent (staying at Panda’s for free), don’t need to pay for my brand new car or this year’s insurance for it (present from parents), don’t need to pay for parking (Westwood streets aren’t crazy crowded over the summer so street parking gets me by), don’t need to pay for my phone bill (covered with the company plan), and now I don’t even need to pay for health insurance anymore (payment was lowered to be completely covered by the company)!  Now how great is that?  All I need to worry about is food and gas.

Plus, Panda is still here and hasn’t left to work far away so I get to see him.  I am independent and don’t have any kids or pets to think about and take care of.  It’s pretty great, this sort of freedom that allows me to save up money in my 401k and still have plenty to spend each month.  Now if I could just get an intern to help me alleviate some of my workload, I could be pretty stress-free too!

I’m not looking forward to next month, when things will change as Panda moves back home and so do I.  We’ll get to see each other less and my commute time will double and can nearly triple.  So while it’s still August, I will enjoy it as best I can.  Work has been making me tired though!  However, I do at least quite enjoy what I do and want to go in each day.  In fact, I haven’t taken a vacation day (and I’m the only one in this time period not to take time off).  Next month I’d like to attend the Opportunity Green conference, so maybe I’ll my first days off for that.  Until then, I’ll be making the best of the good life I’m living.  🙂

Air hockey spinning top

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

We somehow decided to try spinning the air hockey paddles as tops and they turned out to be really good! Note how well they self-correct and save themselves from spinning out of control multiple times. Maybe top tips should be round instead of pointy.

stable top from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

I’m tempted to put some water in the center. Wouldn’t that be cool?

air hockey top from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

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