Posts Tagged ‘experiences’


laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

The Tiger Temple in Thailand is pretty amazing.  There’s a certain awe surrounding creatures so magnificent and powerful.  When you go, there’s an area where the adult tigers hang out during the day, with lots of keepers around who take you around to get pictures with the tigers.  Each person who goes to take pictures is paired with two keepers – one to lead them and one to take pictures.  I put my camera on video mode so I could get a little live footage before the photographer keeper figured it out and switched it to camera mode.  Here’s that footage:

petting a tiger from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

I then noticed one of the tigers pacing around as the keepers tried to calm him.  Nobody was allowed to take pictures with him while he was in a mood.

pacing tiger from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

And then in another area, two baby tigers were playing with the monks who take care of them.  They’re so cute!  But don’t be fooled, these suckers are strong!

playful baby tiger from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

baby tiger playing from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Garden beach party

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

backyard garden turned beach paradise, complete with jacuzzi and bonfire pitOne of my coworkers has been working hard to renovate his yard into the ultimate spot to hang out and throw some parties.  It was finally ready for its official unveiling today and he held a day-long party to celebrate!  I moseyed over around six and quickly fell into conversation after conversation.  My original plan of just stopping by for an hour or so soon dissolved and I settled in for hours of chillaxin’.  With a jacuzzi, bonfire pit, sand beneath your feet, ocean breeze swirling around, and wall projector, what more could you ask for?  This picture doesn’t do the place justice.

Between all the fun chatting and hanging out with some newly-made buddies, I took a detour to two guys’ apartments so they could change into something warmer for nighttime in the beach community.  Seeing these three places so close to the beach makes it a really appealing place to be.  Who doesn’t enjoy an ocean view?  I think I’d live a much more active lifestyle if I was right there.  It would make me want to walk around more.

I happened to have my Acu Hoop in the car, which is a 3-lb hula hoop meant for working out with.  Many tried, but few could master the moves it takes to use one of those suckers.  It was hilarious to see people try though!  Sure made for quite the entertainment when they’d try all sorts of hip wiggles and pelvic thrusts to keep it going.  Unfortunately, those motions don’t work very well for keeping such a heavy hula hoop going.  All you need to do is stand straight and move a little side to side.  I tried to teach a few, but they all attempted to move around too much.  Oh well, it was great entertainment!

I was one of the only girls there, which is quite reminiscent of my work environment, where I am currently the only girl.  It’s always an interesting dynamic, where I am either often the center of attention or pretty much ignored.  Today was much more of the former than I’ve had in awhile, and it was interesting.  I had a lot of fun even when I was teased, hassled, or otherwise talked about.  Boys will be boys, as I’ve learned.  These guys certainly knew how to have a lot of fun though and that brought out the bubbly side of me, which was great.  I haven’t been in situations like that lately, where I can be the sociable person I am in gatherings like today’s.  I enjoyed getting out and meeting new people while enjoying a really great part of LA.

Steaming manhole

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

Early in the year, an electrical explosion underground rocked Westwood and created quite a mess when much of the neighborhood was blacked out to fix the issue. Here it is minutes after the explosion.

steaming manhole from Mary Qin on Vimeo.


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Today I attended a friend’s commissioning ceremony and it brought back memories of times long gone.  In a way, I still yearn for the military, but my life has taken me so far from that path that I don’t actually want to serve anymore.  It was cool to see all the people’s family and friends who came to participate in the ceremony, going on stage to swear them in, pin on their new bars, or give them their traditional “first salute” as an officer of the United States Air Force.  One girl even had her brother swear her in via webcam, from somewhere in the Middle East.  Others had their fathers, grandfathers, brothers, or friends swear them in or give them their first salute.

After the new lieutenants all received their bars, one went up to give a speech about the class, highlighting each person and what they had to overcome to get to today.  It was kind of cool to hear a snippet of each person and their background.  There was a girl who transferred a few years into the program, one who had to commute from Santa Barbara, another who also had to work while attending school and doing the ROTC program.  Then were was my friend, who had to get though a major change and make it through six years of the program!  One of the guys did the program as a grad student, another struggled with English not being his first language (though that one seemed to be more of a joke, since he obviously grew up here), and there were many more.  I was a bit disappointed that he didn’t also speak of himself, but it was nice to hear a little of how each person got to this point.

And with that, a new batch of 14 Air Force officers will be entering the work force in the coming weeks and months, courtesy of UCLA’s AFROTC.  Oh, and a happy Father’s Day to all those dads in attendance today.  Not a bad way to spend the afternoon, watching your child or grandchild get commissioned into the USAF.

Plane’s eye view

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

Maybe it’s just me, but I always love plane rides and it was fascinating when one of my flights had a camera installed underneath the plane.  Here’s what it looks like to take off from LAX and land in Narita as I did on my way to Singapore over a year ago.

takeoff from LAX from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

landing in NRT from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Foamy creatures

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

foam of tea drink made into bird shape

They can make a variety of designs by request, or just do something random. Cool, huh?

Dolphin Lagoon

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

On Sentosa Island, there is a Dolphin Lagoon where I went to watch the pink dolphins perform. Afterwards, I took a picture with Squirt, who only liked girls! 😉

squirt the dolphin from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Killers concert

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

I volunteered for a few hours and in exchange, got free entry into the concert!

killers concert from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

killers concert raining confetti from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Meowing parrot

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

It meowed at us first! So of course we had to meow back until it meowed for the camera…

meowing parrot from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

The big one

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

Very early this morning, at 2:17 AM, there was a tremor from an earthquake that occurred just off the coast of the Hermosa Beach area.  Somewhere in the ocean, the earth moved and we Angelenos shook with it.  Panda and I were still up and felt the swaying sort of shaking motion for just a few seconds.  I watched as his laptop and desk lamp jiggled before settling.  We looked at each other, alert and ready for any signs of a larger quake to come.  I contemplated the size of the space beneath the desk.

And of course, I went to the place that gives me all the buzz – Twitter.  Plenty of others had felt it and soon enough, I found a map and details of the 3.6er.  I always get a bit nauseous when I experience a rolling quake and definitely felt a little seasick afterwards.  Kind of ironic since I don’t get seasick easily, if at all.  Then again, the ground moving beneath you can certainly be a powerful force.

Naught but 15 hours later, I was at work, closer to the epicenter of that quake when another one, a 3.7 this time, jerked our little office building.  The earthquake seemed to pretty much come from the same spot and I wonder if these are precursors to the large one everyone’s kind of been waiting for.  The one in the afternoon was far more abrupt and seemed like the shaking, shuddering kind of earthquake you see in the movies.  Usually I get the rolling wave kind of feel, which might be due to the structure of the earth beneath the areas I was in.  Panda says the LA basin’s sediment is not as hard as other areas so we tend to feel more rollers.

I hope we’re all prepared for when that scary one comes along to rattle us all, and certainly do some property damage.

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