Posts Tagged ‘experiences’

Making waves

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Ok, rather unrelated, but both have to do with the word “wave.” First, a wave that went around the Rose Bowl. Fifteen (maybe sixteen) times!

the wave around the rose bowl from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Then, wave boarding afterwards! The wave board I got in China had light-up wheels, which was just plain fun and awesome to play with in the dark.

waveboarding from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Happy Birthday

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Today is Panda’s birthday!  On Sunday, he told me that it was his Chinese birthday, so I joked that he got a year younger in three days (because by the traditional Chinese measure, you’re 1 year old when you’re born, so he was technically 23, then turned 22 today).  🙂  Isn’t that a fun way of looking at things?

He’s a hard one to get things for, so I was worried for awhile, but I managed to conjure up a few small items and make them into a scavenger hunt of sorts.  That way, it’s a fun journey of discovery too!  It was simple and practical, which is exactly what works for us.  No need for fancy bells and whistles.  All in all a fabulous day.  😀

Aches and pains

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

For no good reason, my hip started hurting today sometime after lunch. I can’t think of a single thing that could have triggered it, since I was sitting the whole time. Yet, it has made me hobble around and weakened my core enough to make lifting my leg or bending at the hip a difficult chore.  I even had to take a painkiller for it, which I rarely do.  I’ve probably had no more than two dozen of those pills in my lifetime.  I’m also sick from not staying warm enough last night, so I figured it could serve a double purpose.

In the mean time, I’m not moving much (or doing so slowly), watching the Olympics, and sipping hot water as I rest.  Oh, and I had slept the wrong way two nights ago, giving me a sore neck that I couldn’t quite turn to the right.  Days before that, my knees felt bruised.  What’s going on with my body?  So many pains, big and small.  Perhaps it’s time to visit a doctor again, make sure everything is functioning reasonably and no underlying issue is giving me aches.


laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

In the spirit of the Olympics going on now, here are some clips from the Paralympics in 2008!

Starting with a 100 meter dash by blind runners. They get partners who run with them, so it’s a challenge of teamwork too. Their running buddy can’t cross the finish line before them, but must also stay within a certain distance, so they’ve got to be about equally fit.

men’s 100 meter from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Then on to the 4X100 on wheels! Check out the guy who was going so fast he flipped himself over!

men’s 4X100 meter race from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

And finally, the medal ceremony for the 4X100 relay.

chinese anthem for the men’s 4X100 from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

LUSH facial

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , ,

A drizzly night earlier this month, my friend and I went into LUSH after a wooonderful dinner at Buddha’s Belly.  A lovely surprise awaited as I was invited to get a free facial!

getting a facial at lush, part one

Ready to start!

getting a facial at lush, part two

First layer, the face wash.

getting a facial at lush, part three

Having some fun with the fizzle they put in the water.

getting a facial at lush, part four

The final stage, a mask. Mmm, blueberries!


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

A few nights ago, I went to a screening of HOME, a film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.  It’s a film that brings to light many environmental issues surrounding the planet.  It has such spectacular graphics that sometimes it doesn’t feel real.  Plus, you’re seeing things from a bird’s eye view (or, more accurately, a hot air balloon’s eye view), which is rather unique in itself.  Such images are striking possibly purely because of the difference in perspective you get.  Whatever the case, the beauty of the film is undeniable and the message it spreads is powerful.  In fact, you should go see it yourself – it’s free to the world!

The bit that struck me the most was when it said that Dubai has just about as much sunlight as you can ever hope for, yet not a single solar panel.  It’s not really something that I had thought of before, but it’s ironic, isn’t it?  The great thing about films like these is that they not only inform you and teach you, they make you think.  They don’t always have the answers for you, but they bring about certain issues that are important to consider.  Just by starting conversations and getting people aware of things they should consider, they’re making a vital contribution towards the betterment of this world.  In addition to learning that tidbit, the film also showed me an area (I believe it was in Germany) that has solar panels covering the rooftops.  If a place like that with less sunlight can take advantage of the energy provided by the sun, why aren’t the countries closer to the equator and with far stronger sunshine following suit?

It’s truly a fantastic film that should be shared with the world.  By making it free, what better way to spread it far and wide?  That is his goal, and he has been traveling all over the planet to promote the film, answer questions at screenings, and generate the sort of momentum we must gather to turn the environmental movement into something that will truly change the world.  We are changing for the better, but not fast enough.  It’s not too late to right some of the many wrongs that have happened, but all too soon it could be.  Hence, it’s important that we take action now, in a way that we haven’t been.  Copenhagen was disappointing in the lack of unity between countries and that NEEDS to change.  We’re the first and only species that has ever done so much harm to the very environment we live in.  Are we set on self-destruction?!

I hope not.  Which is why I appreciate efforts like these to get people to take charge of the future and make this world better, not worse.  And for those who laugh and make fun of the environmentalists out there… well, you can be the ones to blame when our progeny no longer have a safe planet to live on.  That’s just a lose-lose situation for us all.  It’d be pitiful for a “great” population such as ours to contribute to our own undoing.  So much for being superior.  Ultimately, the film ended by saying that “it’s too late not to be optimistic” and I think that’s true.  If we give up hope, all is lost and we destroy so much beauty and wonder.  So, we have no choice but to put our hearts and souls into saving the future of the planet and believe that we can.  I certainly believe we can.  Now, will we?

Stuck on the 405

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , ,

One late night on my drive home, traffic suddenly came to a standstill on the 405 North. (Read the story here.)

The ambulance arrives on the scene…

ambulance rushes to the accident from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

After an hour of waiting, many got impatient and started to back out, including this limo.

limo backing down shoulder of highway from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Gettin’ in the Bruin spirit

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

I love my alma mater. This is how we get into the spirit for sports games:

1. Get pumped up listening to the UCLA Bruins Marching Band.

how far we’ve come, bruin style from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

2. Go to the Rose Bowl and be entertained as Red Bull parachuters wind their way down from the sky.

redbull parachuters from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

3. Cheer your team to touchdowns (and dance along with Joe and Josie Bruin).

ucla touchdown from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

4. Enjoy a lovely halftime show, including a showdown between some young’uns.

little footballers from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

5. Celebrate a victory where the lights of the Rose Bowl are turned off just so we can do an 8-clap in the dark.

rose bowl dark from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

6. Round off the night with a firework show!

rose bowl fireworks from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Hot tubbing

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

My mom adores the hot tub at our local pool and likes to go whenever she gets a chance.  Since I have a bad back, I’ve been trying to go more often to help soothe those muscles.  I’ve found that it actually turns out to be a good place for conversations, as the heated water swirls around you.  In fact, my mom and I have discussed many an important thing while soaking there, from my thoughts of moving out of the house to our viewpoints on life issues.  Surprisingly, we’ve had great exchanges and I’ve revealed more of myself than I ever have before.  I guess relaxation of the body brings about relaxation of the mind, so my thoughts come out more readily.

There’s something about water that is really soothing, and great for thoughts and inspiration.  The potential reasons are many, but the result is undeniable – people tend to relax more and think better when surrounded by water.  For me, it’s the sort of peace and tranquility I get from it.  It’s nice to just close my eyes, sink back, and let the water support me.  Maybe it’s because my thoughts are “swimming” around in my head and the water helps me let them pour out.  It could be just as simple as the fact that so much of us is composed of water and we developed in fluid that we feel a deep connection with it.  Who really knows?  I do believe it works though, and that’s what matters most.

So, what are your reasons?

Birdie behavior

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

At the Singapore Bird Park, there were quite the variety of birds to see! From frolicking penguins to macaws “making out” to upside-down parrots, it was quite the adventure.

penguins playing from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

macaws making out from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

bird climbing upside down from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

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