Posts Tagged ‘experiences’

Markets and bazaars

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I got the 3D ones so they can stand on their own (the other ones are flat and only have two legs).

I got the 3D ones so they can stand on their own (the other ones are flat and only have two legs).

To continue my story about shopping (and sandals)…

Since my trip to Chatuchak, the big weekend market, didn’t yield anything to show for all my troubles, I decided to go to the Bangkok Night Bazaar for a second go at getting some Thai memorabilia.  I instantly liked the place better – even though it had a smaller selection, it had more of the things I like.  I managed to find some adorable little elephant keychains that would be perfect gift items.  I came across a stall with the type of lamps that I’ve always wanted to get once I have my own place – it was a pity I couldn’t purchase them yet!  I treated myself to a purple stone ring and a pair of earrings and I even got Panda a leather wallet (which I felt he needed as a symbol of professionalism).

I first saw that white one in the bottom right corner at Pinkberry's.

I first saw a white one of these at Pinkberry's.

It tickles a lot at first.  I had to take my feet out a few times and just giggle it out!

It tickles a lot at first. I had to take my feet out a few times and just giggle it out!

I had heard that there was a fish spa at this market, so I asked around until I found one.  It was pricier than the girl at the hostel had told me, so I decided to keep looking.  (Plus it was decorated with way too much pink – I don’t think I could have sat in there for very long.)  I eventually got directed to the right place and happily stuck my feet in for a 15 minutes.  The fish quickly came along and began to gently nibble at my feet and ankles.  Since the skin around ankles is very thin, it tickled a lot when they targeted that area, so I was chuckling to myself quite often.  After a few minutes, I got more used to it and no longer had to wiggle my feet to shoo the fish away for a moment or take my feet out entirely to recover.  I was tempted to go for another 15 minutes, but decided that for the first time, that was plenty.  My feet felt softer and refreshed afterward, though I’m not sure if it was because of the fish or just soaking my feet in water.  I’m pretty sure the dead skin that the fish got rid of for me was a major factor though.  Too bad there aren’t fish spas where I live!  They’re supposed to be good for people with skin conditions, like eczema and psoriasis, and though I don’t think I have those, I do have strange skin conditions sometimes.

Was there a clump of yummy goodness there or something?

Was there a clump of yummy goodness there or something?

Just like grandpa's house, complete with white cloths to help the birds sleep!

Just like grandpa's house, complete with white cloths to help the birds sleep!

Now as for Hong Kong, there was quite the variety of markets available!  I spent an entire day going from the Bird Market to the Flower Market to the Goldfish Market to the Ladies’ Market to the Jade Market and finally to the Night Market.  It was a little tricky to find the Bird Market, but when I got there, I felt like I was walking into my childhood.  The gates were of a traditional Chinese design, the bird cages were the bamboo types that my grandfather uses, and there were some Chinese men sitting around enjoying the chirps of the birds.

I love that Chinese people use porcelain bowls to feed their birds!

I love that Chinese people use porcelain bowls to feed their birds!

bright flowerslotus flowers and seedscarnivorous vaseskittyRight next to that was the Flower Market, true to its name with a lot of flowers and plants in general.  Actually, a lot of what they sold were just plants, but hey “Plant Market” hardly sounds as appealing, right?  This place was a treasure trove, with brilliantly-colored flowers, plants shaped to look like little green creatures, bouquets bursting with all kinds of species, huge lily flowers, and even lotus flowers, complete with buds!  My favorite were the vases that eat flies.  I’ve always wanted a Venus flytrap, so any “carnivorous” plant will do!  Oh, and I also liked the kitty who was sitting in one of the shops.  😛

turtleorange kittenplump goldfishlots of goldfish for sale
A bit of a walk away was the Goldfish Market, which was more of an amazing animal market.  It was mostly aquarium type animals, but I did find some adorable little kittens and even this crazy HUGE beetle that was about the size of a child’s fist.  It was still true to its name though, with a huge variety of goldfish for sale, often put out in rows and rows of plastic bags, ready to be taken off the rack.  Some were the normal goldfish you think of, but many were these cute globe-shaped ones, so plump they were practically spherical.  I also came across some unassuming shells that turned out to be hermit crabs!  I’d totally spend my weekends on this street if I lived in Hong Kong.  I wish I could have gotten new pets, but alas, international travel with live animals is either a big no-no or is at least extremely troublesome.

Not just shells - little hermit crabs!

crazy huge beetleafro goldfishNext up was the Ladies’ Market!  At first I was afraid I’d miss it, but once I got to the street bordering one end of it, I discovered how silly that idea was.  There was NO mistaking the dense market that suddenly appeared.  I happy began my shopping spree, getting dresses and flip flops for myself, a tie for Panda, cuff links for the men at C&S, and compact mirrors for the ladies at C&S.  I did a decent job bargaining (or at least I felt like I did) and I found some great stuff, so I was very happy by the end of it!  Just for kicks, I dropped by the Jade Market and Night Market, but by then I was back to just window shopping.  I did go by this one area that sold adult toys and such, which was completely random.  I also managed to get a Lonpos set for only 10 HKD!!!  After waiting a year and a half, it was completely worth it.  The only other set I had found previously was around $100, so this was a fabulous deal.

All in all a great shopping experience!  🙂  My wallet even agrees, albeit reluctantly.  ;-P

Gusty day

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,
photo credit: WGB Photography on flickr

photo credit: WGB Photography on flickr

Indoors, with the windows open and suddenly the wind picks up.  Clouds loom overhead, cooling the air.  Doors rattle with the passing gusts and an eerie feeling settles.  Outside, the tree shakes its branches, letting down a shower of leaves.  Only the strong ones hold on as the dying ones drift to the ground, creating a loud rustling noise.  It’s too dark to not turn on the lights, but too bright with them.  The air thickens with the gloom of a potential storm, heavy with unseen particles.  Everything feels ominous.

On the drive home, an ambulance approaches from the right at an intersection, howling to get vehicles out of its way.  Stopped at the intersection, you wait for it to make its turn towards the buildings behind you.  The ones you just left.  As firetrucks honk their way from the opposite end, turning in the same direction as the ambulance, you wonder if they will go near where you just had been.  Did the weather bring along with it trouble?  A foreboding sense creeps up on you as you drive off towards home.  Away from danger, away from trouble, you hope.

At the next intersection, leaves swirl in furious spirals in front of you as you wait for the red light to change.  All the excess from nearby trees has been brought down to clutter the curbside.  With each car that passes, another puff of dust is left in its wake, blurring your vision.  You watch as the palms sway vigorously, so high up.  One has even thrashed down a frond that lies forlornly in the road, being run over by the traffic passing by.  For a moment you wonder if the apocalypse could start like this – just a dreary, troublesome day… much like when the Santa Ana winds blow and bring with them strange behavior.

Unexpectedly, you feel your car move.  Did someone just bump into you?  You check in your mirrors and find nothing wrong.  All the cars are a safe distance away.  The car moves again.  This time you recognize it – the gentle rocking from a surge of wind.  You didn’t realize the rushing air had reached down low to shake your car.  After all, it was just the treetops that were affected, right?  But no, the undeniable push of the winds tells you otherwise and you wonder if this is how it feels to be in your car during an earthquake.

What an odd day.

A story of shopping and sandals

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

I don't remember what I was doing here, but probably lamenting the 9 Baht I lost out on (read on...).

I don't remember what I was doing here, but probably lamenting the 9 Baht I lost out on (read on...).

When I was in Thailand and Hong Kong, there were plenty of places to shop where price tags don’t exist and everything is done through bargaining.  In places like these, initial prices are never to be trusted and it’s wise to walk around to get a feel for the products available first.  After all, things tend to be the same from shop to shop and if you find the lowest asking price, you have a good starting point to hack from.  You never know how much they’re trying to earn off of you, but you can bet that their quoted price is at least two to three times as expensive as it needs to be, if not more.  My mom can usually get things for about 20-40% what the vendors try to sell for.  I’m happy when I can get half (even when I know I’m still being ripped off).

In Bangkok, I spent some time at the Chatuchak Weekend Market as well as the Night Bazaar, searching for fun little trinkets that I could give as gifts to friends.  I was also on the hunt for a bikini and a pair of flip flops for myself.  I’d been told to check out the weekend market, if only for its pure massiveness, so I found a buddy at the hostel and we headed out for a day in the heat.  At first, we weren’t sure which section we were in and wandered around the antiques area, crossed over to the food (where I had to stop to feed myself!), and finally ended up in the heart of it all, where the clothes and shoes and knickknacks are sold.

The only pickings from a day of walking, walking, and shopping.

The only pickings from a day of walking, walking, and shopping.

None of the swimsuits impressed me that much and the lady selling the best stall’s worth was extremely unfriendly, so I decided against giving her business.  I found a stall with very cheap flip flops at 59 Baht and chose a pair that wasn’t half bad.  I really wanted it for just 50 Baht, but they weren’t budging and my friend was impatient to move on, so I took them.  To be environmentally friendly, I decided to not take a bag and just hold them on the way back.  And I swore that that 9 Baht would matter down the line, but of course he didn’t believe me!  We headed out not long after, leaving behind the football field of place with little to show.

On the ride back, I fell asleep and woke up to find us in front of the hostel again.  I quickly got out after paying and we went inside to say hi to the lady running the place.  Right as I was about to step over the threshold, I realized I was holding one flip flop.  One.  Alas, I watched as the taxi went out of view, carrying with it the other half of my now useless shoe.  My shopping partner chortled at me, tickled by the absurdity of the loss.  It was the only thing either of us bought in the ENTIRE market!  -____-  Those cursed sandals!

This is when I realized that I now had a useless shoe.

This is when I realized that I now had a useless shoe.

And you know what?  Before I left Bangkok, I realized that I was exactly 9 Baht short of paying for the airport express.  I knew it’d come back to kick me in the butt.  I had no ATM card (the new one was sent to my home address since I didn’t think I’d need it in the few weeks I had left – boy was I wrong).  My credit cards wouldn’t let me take a cash advance (I never set up a PIN number to use in ATM machines).  So, I had to borrow from my poor roommate who I had barely known for two days.  Bless her kind soul.  She helped me get from Thailand to Hong Kong!

More on my shopping experiences at the Night Bazaar and the Hong Kong markets in a future entry


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

environmentaland signOn Wednesday I had a fabulous time volunteering for Global Inheritance, which is a non-profit that opened up Environmentaland on Hollywood and Highland awhile back (October 1st, to be exact).  Tuesday night was a public party to celebrate the brief three weeks that the interactive theme park was there and Wednesday was the final closing party, exclusively for people affiliated with the environmental playland.  Not knowing that it was a closing party (and thinking it was an opening one), I was super excited to share the place with my friends.  It’s a pity they won’t be able to enjoy it.  Perhaps we’ll catch them again when they come round to LA next (and hopefully they will!).

The Global Inheritance logo.

The Global Inheritance logo.

You can kind of see how it wraps and overlays...

You can kind of see how it wraps and overlays...

I started off the night helping set up the food tables and arranging food on them.  I then needed to adorn myself with an Environmentaland t-shirt, so I went to stand in line at the screen printing station.  Sustainable Edition American Apparel t-shirts were available in men’s and women’s sizes.  I took the appropriate one and carefully looked at the six design options, of which we were allowed to choose three to put on our shirts, wherever we wanted.  I knew I wanted the purple one with a whale because not only was it in my favorite color, the whale is just adorable.  I also knew that I liked the faintness of the polar bear one – it would be present, but not drawing too much attention.  Then came the final decision: a cool message or cool design?  I liked both the “Make Love, Not Trash” and the Hit+Run designs and it was hard to choose, but I eventually settled on the former because I liked how it was multiple colors and the message itself was just too cute.  The Hit+Run was harder to “get” and didn’t quite make an impact or statement.

A screen printing machine!  It seriously takes like five minutes from start to wear.

A screen printing machine! It seriously takes like five minutes from start to wear.

I wonder how many volts I was generating... I couldn't see the screen showing the numbers.

I wonder how many volts I was generating... I couldn't see the screen showing the numbers.

Next came the positioning!  Once again, the purple whale was easy – I just wanted it on the chest.  Pretty straightforward.  I’m also a huge fan of having something on the side, kind of wrapping around, so I decided the polar bear would go well there.  The MLNT one I then knew should go on the back, but when I envisioned it I was thinking on the shoulder, but because I didn’t specify, the guy put it on the bottom, overlaying the polar bear.  I quite liked the way he did that – it was his personal flair and style, which put an artistic feel to it.  Extremely pleased with my new shirt, I put it on and got ready to help out at a station only to get called away to join the spinners outside.

Eight bikes were set up, all rigged to a generator battery thing contained inside a large glass box.  That hooked up to a TV that would only run if we provided the power through spinning.  Some volunteers were lined up to participate and we grabbed two people off the street, bribing them with free t-shirts and food.  As we were getting ready to start, suddenly Spiderman came out of nowhere and began to use the bike on the end.  Excited, I tried to recruit him too, but he had to go make some money.  He did say he’d send some people our way though!  After he left, we got on and began to pedal.  There wasn’t much resistance at first and I got overly eager, so I expended a lot of energy at the beginning and wore out pretty quickly.  Soon enough, I was breathing harder and my poor new shirt was getting worn.  We continued on (on and off) for about 20-30 minutes and called it a night from there.

In case you wanted to see how we were powering the TV.

In case you wanted to see how we were powering the TV.

Catered by Lucky Strike, the bowling alley next door!

Catered by Lucky Strike, the bowling alley next door!

I went back in to take care of the food for a bit before taking over the registration table for another volunteer.  I ended up there for the rest of the night, greeting people as they came in and making sure they were on our guest list.  A couple of people wandered in acting like they belonged there until they saw I had a guest list, then asked what we were all about before sauntering off.  A few times, the security guard had to chase someone who walked by too fast, ignoring my calls to come check in with me at the table.  Some other staffers came by to chat so I wouldn’t be too lonely when things were slow at the door, which was nice.  Visitors got score sheets from me, which they could use to keep track of points they earned for participating at each station.  Then, in true Chuck-E-Cheese style, you could redeem your points for prizes – in this case, really cool ones!  They had skate decks and Camelbaks and even Coachella tickets for the highest scorers!

Açaí spirit (whatever that means).  I have no idea what a spirit is.  Açaí however is an oversized blueberry-looking thing from the Amazon!

Açaí spirit (whatever that means) at the open bar. I have no idea what a spirit is. Açaí however is an oversized blueberry-looking thing from the Amazon!

Well, it used to say: "When in doubt RECYCLE," but as you can see it didn't stick very well.  Complete with wheels and handle!

Well, it used to say: "When in doubt RECYCLE," but as you can see it didn't stick very well. Complete with wheels and handle!

As I was sitting there observing the attendees, I noticed quite a few had these cute little recycle bins that they had decorated.  I wanted one for myself, so when I got a chance, I went looking and found an arts and crafts table full of things to put on it, then saw the undecorated ones hidden in a bottom shelf next to the table.  I grabbed one and began to collect things to decorate it with.  I used some of the glittery stuff they had to write out a message that one of the guys told me earlier in the night: When in doubt, recycle.  Basically the idea is that if you aren’t sure if you should throw something out or recycle it, you should put it in the recycle so it can be sorted.  Otherwise, more likely than not, your recyclables in the trash will go straight to the landfill and never get a chance to be diverted.

The night wound down and people filtered out.  I got my parking validated at the Starbucks and the guy had me tell him a good thing about my day, so I shared with him my volunteer experience and how awesome Environmentaland is.  He was sad that he couldn’t check it out since it was torn down the next day, but when I mentioned their next stop is Portland, he and his coworker from there considered a road trip…  So all in all a fabulous night, though it was too bad parking cost me $7.  But hey, I got some sweet free stuff and had a lovely time volunteering!

Some of the other wonderful exhibits…

You stand at the point and throw a paper airplane at the bullseye.

You stand at the point and throw a paper airplane at the bullseye.

A whale to greet everyone, asking for a hug!

A whale to greet everyone, asking for a hug!

Organic apples or not?  Can you tell the difference?

Organic apples or not? Can you tell the difference?

stargazing igloo

Golf course, desert style.

Golf course, desert style.

Every time people use it, they'd create a horrible clown honking sound that was hilarious.

Every time people use it, they'd create a horrible clown honking sound that was hilarious.

A performance by Jason Lytle.

A performance by Jason Lytle.

Plenty of media around!

Plenty of media around!


laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , ,

I almost had a garage door open on me…

So for no good reason, the garage door started to open when I was holding the people door open, wedging it into the wall.

So for no good reason, the garage door started to open when I was holding the people door open, wedging it into the wall.

I managed to kick the door until it closed and the garage door began to open now that it was free to move again.

I managed to kick the door until it closed and the garage door began to open now that it was free to move again.

Organic bouquet …for a squirrel?

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

I’ve been attending a sustainability lecture series and one day in class, a speaker (Mud Baron), brought some organic flowers from his garden at North Hollywood (or was it Hollywood?) High.  A couple of volunteers were tasked with making some nice bouquets as he spoke and at the end of it, the eager ones went up to claim a bouquet.

There was one stipulation, however: you must give it to someone else on the streets or wherever, after you leave the lecture hall!  Then we were to take a picture of said “someone,” happily touting his/her new home decoration piece, and send it to Mud so he could post it on his Twitter feed.

I knew exactly who I wanted to give mine to, but along the way, I got distracted and nearly gave them off to this fellow…

Suddenly, this little guy runs up to me and stares longingly at my bouquet!  Should I give it to him?

Suddenly, this little guy runs up to me and stares longingly at my bouquet! Should I give it to him?

He got a whiff and decided against claiming himself some flowers.  Oh well!

He got a whiff and decided against claiming himself some flowers. Oh well!

Alas, I guess they weren’t his type of plant, so I did end up giving it to the person I had in mind (a former roommate, who was having an art exhibit that night).  It was certainly an amusing detour though.  After all, Mud never specified our recipient had to be human!

Captivating hummingbirds

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

One sitting, one feeding, and one hovering.

One sitting, one feeding, and one hovering.

Going in for a quick dip.

Going in for a quick dip.

Check out that hovering action!

Check out that hovering action!


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Today my dear friend Philosopher arrived from a looong trip over, from across the pond, as they would say.  I encountered far more traffic than I anticipated going down and then spent 40 minutes driving in circles trying to see if he was out yet.  I had neglected to tell him to wait outside for me and the poor fellow had to wait for me for an hour while I was stuck in traffic and driving around outside wondering if he had gotten his luggage!  Thankfully, I finally figured it out and parked my car to go get him and that little round trip was expedient enough to render no parking fee!  Brilliant.

I made a pit stop to Boston Market on the way back because I love their cornbread and chicken pot pie, but alas, they no longer have pot pies!  Philo had wanted a salad that they were out of, so I got some cornbread and we headed back closer to Panda’s and ended up getting some CPK salads.  I learned (too late) that the half size was not quite big enough for my appetite, so I had some of the wooonderful cornbread to supplement my meal.  I think Boston Market’s cornbread is amazing – it’s soft with crunchy little bits of meal (or whatever grainy thing that is) and has a bit of sweetness to it.

When we got back, I was surprised with a box of Quality Street candies (between that and Celebrations, I could be dancing in heaven) and a bar of luscious chocolate, straight from England!  Philo then went off to shower off the grime from the trip and refresh a bit before eating.  We then had a lovely chat, with me sharing a lot of the things that have been interesting me in my life lately – like Google Wave, which I finally received my invitation for!  After a few hours, it was getting late and he was getting tired, so we set up his little bed for the night.

I played around with Google Wave for a bit and now it’s time for me to retire as well – I’ve still got a busy day at Opportunity Green tomorrow!


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,
photo credit:

photo credit:

At moments, my mind is clouded by a foggy haze.  Thoughts no longer come in lucidly and I can just imagine the transmissions in my brain slowing down.  It’s hard to focus when an invisible weight sets foot on your cranium and won’t dissolve, no matter how you try.  In fact, it’s almost like corn starch in water or a Chinese finger trap, where the harder you try, the more resistant it gets.  So I’ve given up fighting against the current and decided that it’s time to let my weary mind rest for the night.  I have no clue what has brought on this mental murkiness, but along with it I feel a sense of increased agitation and restlessness.

Snippets of thoughts run through my head – things to remember, things to do, things to… wait, what was I thinking again? A train of thought is lost just as easily as another takes its place and my mind jumps around lethargically in a way completely unlike the normal stream of thoughts that has me working at a quick pace.  I remember websites I meant to visit and read, but I’ve no patience to go through the words.  My left eye feels more strained than my right and that irks me.  I remember moments that I was harsh or irresponsible towards Panda and I get a pang of guilt.

Too many choices lay in my path and I can’t seem to rationalize my decisions.  Everything is a good path, so how do I choose just one?  I want to go to all these events, but I don’t have the time and shouldn’t use the resources to.  I’ve been craving ice cream all night long and never got around to getting some.  I’ve wasted way too much  time agonizing over when I’ll gain access to Google Wave, then researching Google Voice and MetroPCS instead.  Why?  Because I’m curious and wanted to learn about them.  But I feel at a standstill, unable to get what I want though I know what it is that I’d love so much.  A lot of that has to do with my job search.

I wouldn’t say I’ve found a dream job, but I’ve found one that fits my main specifications and sounds wonderful:

1. with UCLA

2. environment-related

3. decent pay with benefits

4. small work environment

But I haven’t heard back and it’s frustrating because I hate the whole job hunting process and I’d like to just get a job and settle a bit.  Much as I enjoy what I’m doing now, there’s huge pressure from my parents to find a job.  I don’t think they want anything else from me now, even if I win an award or get to do something prestigious.

I'd like some tranquility and a sense of accomplishment right about now.  photo credit:

I'd like some tranquility and a sense of accomplishment right about now. photo credit:

My body feels out of sync and I’m getting more conscious of my unevenness.  I haven’t had a proper workout for ages because I’ve been telling myself that I’ll start up a routine once I get a job.  See, even I’m placing these restrictions on myself.  I just want to land that job, get an apartment, get that new car, and begin a routine.  Strange.  I’m not one for routines and doing the same thing over and over again.  But at the same time, I’d like a little more pattern in my life.  Living week to week is not sustainable.  So many things hinge on settling (and having money): starting to attend yoga classes, joining a massage clinic, picking up more hobbies, getting more creative with cooking, hitting up more restaurants, going to football/basketball games, getting alumni membership in Alpha Kappa Psi, reading books again…  I’m putting off everything requiring money or a steady time commitment.  After all, I don’t want to start something just to have to change when I do start working full-time.

KL (Kuala Lumpur)

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

I took a little tour around SE Asia in July and my first stop was the capitol of Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur.  I was told that it was pretty much just like Singapore, except less clean and that there wasn’t much to experience.  Well, I was stubborn and kept it on my itinerary just because I wanted to see it for myself.  It turned out to be a great choice and though there are decidedly fewer things to do there than a place like Singapore, it definitely had its own personality to offer.

monorailMy first unique experience was the monorail, which sit atop these concrete tracks suspended above the roads of the city.  It’s nice to be able to look out and see things when you’re traveling, which is my one complaint against subways.  Being underground and in the dark is just not very exciting.  Floating over the cityscape is.  Granted, they do move far more slowly and these little monorails don’t take many passengers (not that they need to).  I got in pretty late that night, so I just went to my hostel to rest.  I only left to go next door to get something to eat back at the hostel.

batu cavesThe next day I went to check out Batu Caves.  I walked through Chinatown to get to the bus stop and was driven out to the surrounding countryside.  A huge golden figurine guarded the stairway leading up to the cave, no doubt some sort of religious being meant to protect the place.  There is a plaza area before you approach the stairs and on the string of lights in that area perched dozens of pigeons.  Many more were cooing on the ground and the entire place was speckled with their droppings.  I climbed up 272 steps to arrive at the foot of a big open-air cave in the middle of the mountain.  The cave was mostly empty except for some roosters and, well, cavernous.  I went to the other end where another set of stairs led up to an area that opened up directly to the sky and held a shrine or worshipping temple.  On that side were a cluster of monkeys, climbing up and down the walls of the cave and running up and down the stairs.

monkey eating bananaOn my way down the mountain, a man brought out bananas and began to throw them up the stairs towards monkeys that were streaming towards him.  They grabbed whatever they could and horded what they caught, then each found their own place to enjoy their food.  Being hungry myself, I decided to get some lunch after I explored the rest of the grounds and took a spin around a much larger temple structure at the base of the mountain.  My lunch was pretty simple, just pickled vegetables and rice with a salty, crispy wafer of bread, but it was filling and good for my exhausted body.

A strange finding in the temple.

A strange finding in the temple.

indian food

fish spaWhen I got back to the city, I walked around Central Market, where they had a lot of goodies for sale.  There was a Fish Spa place where a lot of people were getting their feet nibbled at by the “doctor fish” that eat away your dead skin and leave your feet softer.  I was tempted to give it a try, but decided that I would get around to it at another place.  It’s pretty popular in some countries in Asia and at the least I knew there was a place back in Singapore that I could visit if I didn’t get around to it before then.  Instead, I bought a little keepsake cloth art to remind me of the place and summer dress to wear when things got hot.  I then wandered through Chinatown, too lazy to bargain and not really in a spending mood.  I nearly stopped for a massage service but then decided against spending money and went back to the hostel.

liuli crystal fountainAt night, I went out to eat dinner and found myself in front of a huge shopping center called Pavilion.  A beautiful fountain (Liuli Crystal Fountain) stands at the entrance of the massive collection of shops.  I went inside for a stroll and found a lot of classy shops in a mall that’s probably twice the size of the largest mall I’ve ever been to before.  There are something like six stories and the food court at basement level is four times as big as my own mall’s.

petronas twin towersMy final day there, I met with some people from the company distributing the Livescribe Pulse smartpen in Malaysia.  I was treated to dim sum before we sat down to share our experiences and ideas.  I was then taken to KLCC (Kuala Lumpur City Centre), where the iconic Petronas Twin Towers are.  Yet another shopping center is situated at ground level there and I was shown the shops where the smartpen is being distributed.  After a break for lunch (and sitting out a quick rainstorm), I was shown how the cloth art I purchased the day before is made.  It’s called batik and they melt wax in these special “pens” and draw out designs on cloth.  When the wax hardens, colors are painted on to the design and then the color of the cloth is “fixed” (not sure what that means or how it works).  Cloths are then dewaxed and dried and the result is a pretty design with the white lines as areas where the wax was.  Sometimes the wax is left on so the lines appear to be golden in color.  A final pit stop at a chocolate-making factory was a bit less exciting since they wouldn’t actually let you view the process and only offered a huge shop with every flavor of chocolate imaginable (including durian and chili, for example).


They were using salt cystals to I guess "burn" a pattern when fixing the cloth color.

So all in all, I enjoyed myself and I’m glad I went to check out KL.  Next time I go to Malaysia, I’d want to go to a coastal city to enjoy the ocean.

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