“I’m so sorry.”
I was just getting into my car leaving work and I checked my phone to see that text message from Bestie.
“Uh oh,” I thought to myself, “what bad news could it be?” I thought it might have to do with work — perhaps something he couldn’t change that we had hoped for.
Instead I opened up my phone to see he had sent a picture of my tupperware.
“Ok, maybe he broke it while washing the dishes?” I pondered.

I looked a little closer to find that it seemed fine, and then it hit me: he had eaten all the cookies inside it! LOL I almost died laughing. You see, earlier that day I had brought a batch of cookies to work. I was practicing baking them for a housewarming this weekend. As soon as Bestie confirmed they were vegan, he went to town on them and consumed 5 during a short 2-3 minute conversation. I shouldn’t be surprised, but it still amazes me how quickly he can make food disappear.
Later in the morning, we had a staff meeting where he gently ate one or two more. He went home before me and returned to find the remaining cookies on the counter. Next thing you know, they were gone too and he was texting me to apologize as he collapsed into a food coma.
His version of what happened when he got home is even funnier! First, he had already overeaten when he got back so he really should have resisted. But when he noticed there were more cookies, he went to just snack on one. And then a second one. By then, he was kind of ashamed but was still stuffing his face as he wiped the crumbs from the counter and sent me the picture. I can imagine him looking around to make sure nobody was around as he hid the evidence of his snacking. He then used his shirt as a makeshift basket to shovel the remaining cookies into and stumbled into bed still scarfing them down. So there he lay, eating the rest of the cookies in bed before passing out. Lol, it makes me chuckle every time I think about it.
All in all he consumed over a dozen cookies that day. I bet his belly paid for it!