Posts Tagged ‘fun’

Gettin’ in the Bruin spirit

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

I love my alma mater. This is how we get into the spirit for sports games:

1. Get pumped up listening to the UCLA Bruins Marching Band.

how far we’ve come, bruin style from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

2. Go to the Rose Bowl and be entertained as Red Bull parachuters wind their way down from the sky.

redbull parachuters from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

3. Cheer your team to touchdowns (and dance along with Joe and Josie Bruin).

ucla touchdown from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

4. Enjoy a lovely halftime show, including a showdown between some young’uns.

little footballers from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

5. Celebrate a victory where the lights of the Rose Bowl are turned off just so we can do an 8-clap in the dark.

rose bowl dark from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

6. Round off the night with a firework show!

rose bowl fireworks from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Bucky creations

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

Check out some of the things I made with my BuckyBalls!

buckyballs in form of snowflake

A snowflake.

buckyballs in shape of tube, standing up

A tube.

buckyballs in shape of tube, laid on its side

buckyballs in shape of pentagonal pyramid

Pentagonal pyramid.

buckyballs in shape of pentagonal pyramid, side view

The pentagonal pyramid side view.

buckyballs in shape of pentagonal pyramid, inside view

The underside of the pyramid.

buckyballs in shape of pentagonal pyramid with a circle place on top

That circle was just the right size for the pentagon!

buckyballs in shape of hexagon missing one corner

216 balls means this hexagon was one ball short.

buckyballs in shape of hexagon with center missing

I decided it would be symmetric in more dimensions if the missing one was moved to the center.

buckyballs in shape of a tie

I made myself a little tie to wear.

blurred dots of light reflecting off buckyballs

Unfocused lights make me think of the holidays. Warm and fuzzy lights.

line of buckyballs

My own creation.

buckyballs in shape of ball

A Bucky Ball!

buckyballs in shape of ball and mini pyramid

I wanted to use up all the BuckyBalls so I made the ball a sidekick.

buckyballs in shape of small pyramid

Food and travel blogs

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

I’ve been looking through some of the Bloggie nominees and I found that I have no interest in the food or travel blogs.  Ironic, since I love food and travel!  But I think that is precisely the problem, actually.  Rather than looking at pictures and videos of other people enjoying eating delectable dishes and fantastic adventures, I’d much prefer to be the one doing those things!  So maybe it’s in part jealousy, but mostly it is just the fact that I’d rather go discover it myself.  I don’t want to live vicariously through these other people having a great time when I could be the one loving life like that.

Food blogs are great for those who want to be shown new foods to try, how to cook cool things, or just love to look at food.  Food blogs are not good for those who want to discover the great edible things out there themselves, don’t care much for cooking, or see images of food and must go eat.  Now.  Can you guess what type I am?  I absolutely love to take pictures of my food and share it with my friends.  I quite like seeing their pictures.  However, reading a blog with pictures and extensive descriptions takes up too much time when I could be at a restaurant or little street stall, munching away.  So though they could come in as a useful reference if I’m really having trouble finding something to eat (ha!), food blogs are generally not worth the effort to me (except in times when I miss something and just can’t find it in LA, or whichever city I’m in).

Travel blogs are great for those who can’t go and want to see what it’s like, don’t want to actually go but want to see what it’s like, or are about to go and want to see what it’s like in a new place.  Travel blogs aren’t ideal for people who can travel (just not at this exact moment) and experience things themselves, don’t care about traveling at all, or want to find their way around a new city themselves.  Though I can’t make it out to a far-away city right now, it’s certainly within my means in the near future and I like to not really know what it’s like til I get there and I look up places of interest, or talk to locals and recent visitors who can share their wisdom.  I don’t want to spend my time hearing about other people’s travels because I want to be traveling.

Generally I’m obsessed with researching ahead of time, but when it comes to traveling, I am perfectly content with vaguely knowing what a country is like, showing up, and finding some really awesome experiences.  I also seem to have random run-ins with locals.  And you know what?  I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Once again, I find that I would prefer to just use these types of blogs as references (aka: “Hey, I want to go to [insert country/city here], I wonder what random things they have to do there?” *searches entries on travel blog and glances through titles and tags*  “Ah, ok, got an idea, let’s go!”).  Beyond giving me an idea of what’s available, especially obscure stuff, it doesn’t interest me to frequent those type of blogs.  Let those people enjoy their travels and share it with those who want to hear about it!  I want to go out and do it too, without tainting the experience with too much foreknowledge!

So really, it just comes down to me not wanting to live a vicarious life.  Why do that when you can be the one sharing your experiences?  As my friend Ninja once said, I want to live a life worth making a movie about (or writing a book about, in my case).  You can’t do that if you’re too busy cooped up reading about other people’s lives!  Not that those blogs aren’t great for certain crowds.  I just find that I don’t belong in the particular group that reads food and travel blogs, that’s all.  🙂

What about you?  Do you like to safely follow the lives of those more adventurous than you?  Or do you prefer to go have the adventures yourself?

In lieu of a real video blog

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

I wanted to do a “real” video blog today – you know the type where it’s a webcam shot of someone talking at you? Well, turns out when I upgraded to Windows 7, I lost all the pre-installed programs so now I don’t have anything to record on my webcam with. Until I figure out what software I need or find a different program that can do that for me, you’ll just have to make do with watching me enjoy the kick of this rifle.

rifling it from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

A rejuvenating experience

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The past week has been really hard on me, as the pressure to get a job grew and my parents and I had a tiff over my sleeping pattern and job search, among other things.  So, it was an absolute blessing that Opportunity Green was holding a retreat over the weekend.  One of the Board Members owns Casa Barranca, a fabulous estate out in Ojai.  People who had contributed to the Opportunity Green Conference back in November were invited to either stay the weekend or swing by on Saturday or Sunday to hang out.  Tucked in the hills of Ventura County, in a gorgeously maintained house from the early 1900s, I got to spend my weekend relaxing, enjoying nature, and chatting with some really amazing people.

pasta, salad, and schnitzel for dinner

Delicious potluck to start off the weekend.

Friday night I arrived thinking I was late for dinner, but it turns out the days drag out so peacefully and slowly there that dinner hadn’t even been thought of yet.  I hung around the kitchen, talking to some of the people I hadn’t really gotten to know prior to the conference – we were all so busy, after all!  It was already completely dark outside when I pulled up around 6:30, so it felt like 11 when we eventually got around to preparing the food.  I think it was more like 7:30-8.  But that’s the thing about being far away from the city and its lights and noise; time stretches itself to its very limits and you discover how much can be done in just a few minutes, a few hours.  There’s a serenity about Casa Barranca that relaxes you and lets you forget that you have an inbox full of e-mails or that your favorite TV show is on.  In fact, there isn’t a television in the entire place, which I found to be one of the best choices they could have made.

yoga studio at casa barranca, detached from main house

That yoga studio was to die for!

The house itself is absolutely lovely and you should definitely check out the virtual tour on the Casa Barranca website.  Besides that, there are a bunch of little bungalows or “teahouses” sitting around the property and small cabins as well.  You can easily fit 30-40 people without ever feeling overcrowded.  When I got a chance to first see the grounds during the day, it was even better than I imagined.  The yoga studio sits perched at the top of a hill overlooking part of the valley below.  There’s no better location to get in touch with your inner spirit and truly experience some Zen.  Between that and the house lies a little orchard, teeming with citrus trees of all sorts!  Since part of the grounds is an organic winery, I think it’s safe to assume those fruits were organic too.  I meant to pick one to try, but was so distracted by the beauty that I forgot to.  There’s also a chlorine-free pool and hot tub, small field to frolic in, a koi pond, a hammock, and so many great vantage points!

casa barranca wine tasting & gallery

A cute little shop in the middle of town!

The town is also a delight, with a main street that is lined up with little shops.  The Casa Barranca tasting room is right next to the ice cream shop (and thank goodness, because I got hungry pretty quickly and needed something to fill me!).  I felt slightly out of my comfort zone in their downtown, which didn’t have lights illuminating every inch of street.  When I was directed to the nearest ATM, I turned around too early because the lights stopped.  It seems that their town is so safe and quiet that they don’t need lights all over the place.  It was strange to be back in that type of place again, after years in the city.  At night when I went to sleep, I was struck by how absolutely silent it was out there.  It was completely dark as well, and laying there was such a tranquil experience.  The rest of the people had long since called it a day and were no doubt happily dreaming away in their respective beds.  I’m glad I had a roommate to share the space with, otherwise everything might have seemed too still.  But with another person in the room, I fell asleep easily as a long day caught up with me.

cool (and difficult) yoga pose

Can you believe it was only her first time teaching? She did a fantastic job and should totally be a yogi.

I slept in until 10:30 on Saturday, but was still able to enjoy a full day, complete with yoga, sitting out in the sun, chatting in front of the fireplace, going down into town to watch the Casa Barranca wine tasting (mentioned above), playing Spoons and BS, lots of opportunities to experiment with the ISO settings on my camera, an intense game of Jenga, and some hot tubbing.  It was really nice for the day to go on forever, since it allowed me to have a multitude of quality conversations with some remarkable people.  We talked about all kinds of random things, from what they do to what I want to do to what drives us and how we came to get involved with Opportunity Green.  In the mix was also random talk about crazy cat ladies and women who obsess over fake babies.  Sharing some of my ideas really helped me think about what it is I want from life and the like.

people walking along a hiking trail

We came across some great vantage points and learned to be grateful for every bit of shade we got.

On the final day, I got up at 9:30 when I was told we were leaving for the hike.  About a dozen of us headed out along the trail, making our way up the path in the morning sun.  After awhile, those of us with long sleeves began to regret the decision and the few who brought water found themselves sharing with the group.  We met some wonderful people along the way and got to play a bit with their adorable dogs!  Two of the people staying at the retreat had brought their dogs, one of which came along for our hike (even though she’s 13!).  The trip was absolutely worth the huffing and beads of sweat that began to form, as we were rewarded with views of so much greenery it was hard to imagine life back in the city.  It was a great way to spend the morning before heading out in the afternoon.  Though physically I was tired from more physical exertion than I had done in months, it was a great feeling and my spirit was lifted after being there.

And for more pictures of the weekend… I’m quite proud that some came out looking nearly like a DSLR took them, or so I think!

standing at the end of diving board looking down into pool

I went to have some fun on the springy surface.

landing after a short jump on the diving board

They tried to get a shot of me in the air, but the timing just wasn’t right. I had a blast anyway!

decorations inside yoga studio

Artistic pieces sit by the doors that open out to the view over the hillside.

view from yoga studio, looking out over hills and valley

The view that we saw as we did yoga in the studio.

buddha statue sitting outside yoga studio

The statue that sits to the left of the yoga studio entrance.

fire pit with log seats

The fire pit situated right outside the yoga studio doors.

a sitting log full of holes

I wonder if the tree was shot at or got infected with bugs?

a side path leading up to the house

This pathway led up to one end of the house, where the kitchen is located.

orchard full of orange, lemon, and lime trees

Looking the other way down the path, you see more fruits that you could possibly eat!

lone pomegranate on tree

Hidden amongst the green, orange, and yellow is this little gem, just barely clinging on.

sunburst-looking green plant

These plants grew in a patch just outside the kitchen.

bird of paradise flower

I love the colors of the Bird of Paradise.

plant with spider-like legs

It kind of looks like those 8-prong head massagers.

closeup of orange

Take a look at that freshness!

closeup of lemon with little white flower visible

There’s something really fun about the dimpled texture of citrus fruits.

purple iris flower

What a beautiful shade of purple! Absolutely gorgeous.

a dog laying on brick area

Jack, one of the dogs with us for the weekend.

a dog laying on brick

Jazzy, the other dog hanging out with us.

outdoor bungalow/teahouses for guests to stay in

One of the bungalows/teahouses scattered around the property.

looking inside bungalow/teahouse to see bed and fan

Inside each were two single beds, a little desk, a fan, and heater.

hammock overlooking view of mountains in distance

A hammock was put at the edge of the hill, with a great view of the land below.

sun setting through haze

It was a hazy day and the sun began to sink slowly.

setting sun casting hills in red

It soon became a brilliantly beautiful sunset. I love the details of the rocks in the distance.

festive display in window of casa barranca tasting room

It was so cozy, warm, and welcoming.

people getting ready to taste some wines

Everyone squeezed in to the bar for their share of the wine being sampled.

line of wine bottles in a row for display

Many of these were tasted that night, as Casa Barranca generously shared their products.

square coasters made from colored paper

Check out these awesome coasters recycling paper into a great new use! I think I remember reading they were from Vietman or Thailand or something.

funky-shaped leaves

Along the trail path were these funky leaves, complete with curling tendrils.

fence made of wood pieces

The kind of fence you used to hand make with an axe and nails.

a house perched on top of a hill with great views

Now that house is situated in a place with views in nearly every angle!

green metal crane sculpture in alcove along trail

A random sculpture tucked away along the trail.

cute white half-Chihuahua

Such a pretty little puppy!

muddy paw print on black leggings

I was trying to capture how there was a perfect little paw print on her leggings, but the angle isn’t quite right.

hill after hill in the distance

So many layers of hills!

a clearing area on the hill, perfect for sheep

We seriously expected some sheep to be grazing here. I thought we were continuing over this hill, but thankfully we cut down the mountain before then.

view that shows part of the town of ojai

You can see part of downtown Ojai now.

tall pines lining either side of a driveway

Now that’s an imposing wall to have for your driveway.

large pile of avocados

Back inside and we are made some fresh guacamole! I learned that putting bananas and avocados together makes them ripen faster.

fresh-made bowl of guacamole

There’s nothing quite like freshly-made, is there?

lounge chairs on rooftop area

There was this cool rooftop patio complete with lounge chairs for resting in!

view of backyard from rooftop

The view of part of the backyard from the rooftop.

outdoor room with screens

You can sleep here and feel like you’re outdoors without the bugs!

wine grapes in winter

Lines of vines of wine grapes! That’s just too fun to say.

Jealous much?  😉

A numbers game

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Today was my 24th birthday and I got to spend it with Panda and my parents.  🙂

silver 2010 toyota corolla s

I couldn't drive off without a picture first!

I got up early in the morning, surprising my parents, since  I love to sleep in.  Well, I had a date to catch!  Since Panda does not have his own transportation, I went out to pick him up so we could have lunch with my parents.  I was allowed a day of joyriding in my new car for my birthday, after which the car will be stored away until I get myself a job.  Call it sort of reward and encouragement at the same time.  I got a chance to set up the Bluetooth connection and made my first call with it to Panda.  He couldn’t even hear a difference!  Excellent.  Now I’ll never miss a phone call in the car since my music will automatically be muted for incoming calls.

kid-sized ice cream cone with chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream

Isn't that the smallest cone you've ever seen?

So we drove back to my neighborhood and I called up my parents to direct them to the local Souplantation.  I can’t believe we never knew about it before!  But you know, now that I think of it, it looks awfully familiar and I think it’s been there for a long time, but we just never knew about it.  So lunch was nice, with my dad and Panda doing most of the talking.  My parents really enjoyed Panda’s choice of restaurant and it was quite healthy and filling.  Plus, they had the cutest little ice cream cones!  By and by, it was time to part and for me to head off with Panda for the rest of the day.  We did a little strolling around the area before heading over to the dealership, since we’d noticed that the floor mats in my car were missing.

a row of TY brand panda toys in a Borders store

Look what we came across on our stroll!

paper car mat, no real mats

With the paper mats in the way, we didn't notice at first that the actual mats were missing!

fish attempts to eat rock

This fish must have been very hungry, since it spent the night trying to eat rocks.

The rest of the day was very chill as we hung out and enjoyed each other’s company.  For dinner, I had a hard time choosing, so we found something on Yelp that was near his home and headed that way.  Unfortunately, the place was closed for some reason, but thankfully, he had just gone to a nice Japanese place just down the street the day before.  We went there and had a nice time eating and watching the fish doing silly fish things in the tank in front of us.  Nice place and nice food.  To round out the night, we made a pit stop at cha for tea, my all-time favorite boba place.  They offer games there for people to play as they hang out, drink tea and boba, and munch on some food.  We’ve got a little tradition of playing Connect 4 there, so we sat down to a showdown.

All too soon we had finished our drinks, played many a round, and realized it was time to head back for the night.  I dropped him off and drove on home, enjoying the feel of the Corolla one last time.  I came back to dozens of birthday well wishes from friends on Facebook and a steadily growing number of votes coming in to help me towards winning a job interview for January 4th!  It’s great to have support and it’s been a fun way for me to earn my foot in the door for an exciting job.  With just one day left, I’ll do one final push and hope for the best.  I do believe I can stay in the Top 5 and earn an interview, but just in case I’m still working hard to ensure it’s taken care of.

In honor of the “numbers game” that my parents keep saying job searching can be, I thought I’d play around with some numbers myself…

1 lifetime:

2 parents

3 cats

4 countries lived in

5 states of residence

6 cars our family has owned

7 major relocations

8 cousins (and a step-cousin) I don’t get to see enough

9 jobs where I’ve earned money (3 internships without)

10 years old when I started documenting my life like the packrat I am

11 (and a half) places I’ve called home

12 grandparents, aunts, and uncles living in Asia (plus a step-grandparent)

13 years of keeping a daily journal

14 schools attended from pre-school through college (some simultaneously)

15 European countries traveled over a 5-week spring break

16, an eventful age: took driving lessons, attended Leadership Academy, went to Australia & Hawai’i, and moved to California from New York

17 (and a quarter) years’ worth of education thus far

18, the last landmark birthday (21 doesn’t count since I don’t drink)

19 affiliations with UCLA organizations throughout my college career

20 (intermittent) years in this country

21 major cities traveled to over that 5-week spring break

22 countries traveled to overall (not counting the 4 I’ve lived in for some period of time)

23 airports I’ve been through

culminating in 24 years of rich experiences!

I’ve certainly got a lot of stories.  As always, things in my life tend to be more exception than rule, so these numbers may be slightly off, depending on your criteria.  You get the idea though.

Interactive building

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

From chaos...

From chaos... what we dubbed "Sparta." what we dubbed "Sparta."

Fun times at ESLP (Education for Sustainable Living Program) during the lecture series.

Best Buy(ing) experience

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

For some Best Buy’s Reward Zone members, an invitation came to a private event from 7:30 to 9:30 last night.  The rechargeable USB batteries were an incentive, to be given to the first 50 people to arrive.  My mom and I decided to make the trip, invitation card and member ID in tow.  We weren’t in much of a rush, arriving just 15-20 minutes prior to the start of the event.  It’s a good thing we showed up when we did – a line of 40 had already formed!  Thankfully, batteries were given per member card, so we were well within the first 50 to show up and get a slip to exchange for the free gift.

After waiting in the cold for anywhere from 20-30 minutes, the line began to move.  We heard some hootin’ and hollerin’ in the distance, which confused us until we reached the entrance.  Inside, all the employees of the store were standing facing us, clapping and cheering and ushering us in.  A lot of thank yous were thrown out and one of the guys standing on the checkout counter was holding a big sign that thanked us for being their loyal customers (or something to that effect).  I felt at once silly and appreciated, which was a great way to start their two-hour event.  Now that’s what I call a great way to shop!  It’s a pity I didn’t have my camera on hand to document the moment!

A raffle was held every fifteen minutes, with $50 gift cards given out.  Employees swarmed the place, offering help to those with questions.  Games of Rock Band and DJ Hero were set up for people to try and a special offer on Wiis was front and center by the checkout stations.  All in all it was a festive time and a truly great way for Best Buy to make their members feel special while priming them to be in a spending and jolly mood.  Now that’s the kind of service and experience more companies should go for!  After all, happy customers make loyal customers.


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,
Whoa, I can't believe they've actually branded this!

Whoa, I can't believe they've actually branded this!

About a year and a half ago, when I was living my final year on campus, I had a spectacular roommate who was an amazing musician (among many other things).  I had written a little post-it to myself that I stuck on my desk and one of our friends came in and read it: “I fiddle.”  Somehow, from there, Ms. Mariachi got the impression that there was a new product on the market called an iFiddle (must be her musical background).  The friend and I then proceeded to tell her this story:

Apple is coming out with a new product modeled after a real fiddle, which you can hold just like one, but instead of having strings, it has sensors that recognize when your bow and fingers are on it.  It can then play notes just like you would normally, but the great thing is you can connect your iFiddle to your computer and play background music to accompany your notes, or choose to have them transcribed into a composition as you play!  They’re coming out with a whole line of other instruments you can play with it as well, so you can get really creative with the pieces you compose.  You can also hook it up to your iPod to play back pieces you were working on, or use a song you have on there as the accompaniment for your work.  Then through iTunes, you can edit your compositions and share them as new songs…

We had this whole elaborate story going, both of us building off the other’s inventive descriptions until we got to a point where we just couldn’t contain ourselves anymore.  We burst into hysterical laughter that Mariachi had completely fallen for our ruse, which was neither planned nor rehearsed.  In fact, it was completely spontaneous and neither of us had a clue as to where it was going as we spoke!  That’s the beauty of improv!  And all the better that she believed us through and through, and was excited that such a product was coming out.  Just gotta love the random moments you have with your friends.  I just wish I could remember more of the fabulous details we were able to think up on the fly so that you could truly appreciate our brilliance that night.  😉

Markets and bazaars

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I got the 3D ones so they can stand on their own (the other ones are flat and only have two legs).

I got the 3D ones so they can stand on their own (the other ones are flat and only have two legs).

To continue my story about shopping (and sandals)…

Since my trip to Chatuchak, the big weekend market, didn’t yield anything to show for all my troubles, I decided to go to the Bangkok Night Bazaar for a second go at getting some Thai memorabilia.  I instantly liked the place better – even though it had a smaller selection, it had more of the things I like.  I managed to find some adorable little elephant keychains that would be perfect gift items.  I came across a stall with the type of lamps that I’ve always wanted to get once I have my own place – it was a pity I couldn’t purchase them yet!  I treated myself to a purple stone ring and a pair of earrings and I even got Panda a leather wallet (which I felt he needed as a symbol of professionalism).

I first saw that white one in the bottom right corner at Pinkberry's.

I first saw a white one of these at Pinkberry's.

It tickles a lot at first.  I had to take my feet out a few times and just giggle it out!

It tickles a lot at first. I had to take my feet out a few times and just giggle it out!

I had heard that there was a fish spa at this market, so I asked around until I found one.  It was pricier than the girl at the hostel had told me, so I decided to keep looking.  (Plus it was decorated with way too much pink – I don’t think I could have sat in there for very long.)  I eventually got directed to the right place and happily stuck my feet in for a 15 minutes.  The fish quickly came along and began to gently nibble at my feet and ankles.  Since the skin around ankles is very thin, it tickled a lot when they targeted that area, so I was chuckling to myself quite often.  After a few minutes, I got more used to it and no longer had to wiggle my feet to shoo the fish away for a moment or take my feet out entirely to recover.  I was tempted to go for another 15 minutes, but decided that for the first time, that was plenty.  My feet felt softer and refreshed afterward, though I’m not sure if it was because of the fish or just soaking my feet in water.  I’m pretty sure the dead skin that the fish got rid of for me was a major factor though.  Too bad there aren’t fish spas where I live!  They’re supposed to be good for people with skin conditions, like eczema and psoriasis, and though I don’t think I have those, I do have strange skin conditions sometimes.

Was there a clump of yummy goodness there or something?

Was there a clump of yummy goodness there or something?

Just like grandpa's house, complete with white cloths to help the birds sleep!

Just like grandpa's house, complete with white cloths to help the birds sleep!

Now as for Hong Kong, there was quite the variety of markets available!  I spent an entire day going from the Bird Market to the Flower Market to the Goldfish Market to the Ladies’ Market to the Jade Market and finally to the Night Market.  It was a little tricky to find the Bird Market, but when I got there, I felt like I was walking into my childhood.  The gates were of a traditional Chinese design, the bird cages were the bamboo types that my grandfather uses, and there were some Chinese men sitting around enjoying the chirps of the birds.

I love that Chinese people use porcelain bowls to feed their birds!

I love that Chinese people use porcelain bowls to feed their birds!

bright flowerslotus flowers and seedscarnivorous vaseskittyRight next to that was the Flower Market, true to its name with a lot of flowers and plants in general.  Actually, a lot of what they sold were just plants, but hey “Plant Market” hardly sounds as appealing, right?  This place was a treasure trove, with brilliantly-colored flowers, plants shaped to look like little green creatures, bouquets bursting with all kinds of species, huge lily flowers, and even lotus flowers, complete with buds!  My favorite were the vases that eat flies.  I’ve always wanted a Venus flytrap, so any “carnivorous” plant will do!  Oh, and I also liked the kitty who was sitting in one of the shops.  😛

turtleorange kittenplump goldfishlots of goldfish for sale
A bit of a walk away was the Goldfish Market, which was more of an amazing animal market.  It was mostly aquarium type animals, but I did find some adorable little kittens and even this crazy HUGE beetle that was about the size of a child’s fist.  It was still true to its name though, with a huge variety of goldfish for sale, often put out in rows and rows of plastic bags, ready to be taken off the rack.  Some were the normal goldfish you think of, but many were these cute globe-shaped ones, so plump they were practically spherical.  I also came across some unassuming shells that turned out to be hermit crabs!  I’d totally spend my weekends on this street if I lived in Hong Kong.  I wish I could have gotten new pets, but alas, international travel with live animals is either a big no-no or is at least extremely troublesome.

Not just shells - little hermit crabs!

crazy huge beetleafro goldfishNext up was the Ladies’ Market!  At first I was afraid I’d miss it, but once I got to the street bordering one end of it, I discovered how silly that idea was.  There was NO mistaking the dense market that suddenly appeared.  I happy began my shopping spree, getting dresses and flip flops for myself, a tie for Panda, cuff links for the men at C&S, and compact mirrors for the ladies at C&S.  I did a decent job bargaining (or at least I felt like I did) and I found some great stuff, so I was very happy by the end of it!  Just for kicks, I dropped by the Jade Market and Night Market, but by then I was back to just window shopping.  I did go by this one area that sold adult toys and such, which was completely random.  I also managed to get a Lonpos set for only 10 HKD!!!  After waiting a year and a half, it was completely worth it.  The only other set I had found previously was around $100, so this was a fabulous deal.

All in all a great shopping experience!  🙂  My wallet even agrees, albeit reluctantly.  ;-P

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