Once upon a time, I used to have a really great signature gift that I could give people for a variety of occasions: birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, thank yous, baby showers… and then they went out of business.
They were Yuzen box, a subscription box that curated high-quality, eco-friendly products. Everything they did was so gorgeous and well-thought out. Each box included a good mix of skincare, beauty, and bath products, along with the occasional snacks. They also had a men’s version ever so briefly, so I could truly gift to anyone on my list.

Now that they’re gone, I struggle to think of a gift that I can so easily pull out of my back pocket to send to people. The closest go-to I have might be Bucky Balls, but I’m still looking for something more classy.
The woman I bought my house from shared with me a very unique tea flavor that I’d never seen before. I don’t know if they’re uncommon in stores, but they’re special enough for her to use as her signature gift when she travels. It also helps they’re so light, so it’s any gift to pack. Perhaps I should also select a favorite tea that I can send to people.
Or perhaps I should finally learn some pottery so I can make silly little things to give to people. Maybe a tiny dipping bowl or a jewelry tray or a mini jug for pour sauce or oil? That would be cool, though I’d have to actually find a place to learn and start making that stuff! It would be cooler than random store-bought stuff, right?
Alternatively, I was talking to a coworker about this and she suggested food. I do make a pretty mean vegan chocolate chip cookie, but man am I lazy. If I had to do that all the time I wouldn’t be motivated. I can only bring myself to do that like twice a year.
Alas, for now I will continue to ponder this issue and keep my eye out for something interesting that catches my eye. I might peruse the online fair trade markets I’ve gotten some fun items from, like GlobeIn or The Little Market. But I certainly won’t compromise until I find something that really hits the mark for me.