Posts Tagged ‘los angeles’


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Today I attended a friend’s commissioning ceremony and it brought back memories of times long gone.  In a way, I still yearn for the military, but my life has taken me so far from that path that I don’t actually want to serve anymore.  It was cool to see all the people’s family and friends who came to participate in the ceremony, going on stage to swear them in, pin on their new bars, or give them their traditional “first salute” as an officer of the United States Air Force.  One girl even had her brother swear her in via webcam, from somewhere in the Middle East.  Others had their fathers, grandfathers, brothers, or friends swear them in or give them their first salute.

After the new lieutenants all received their bars, one went up to give a speech about the class, highlighting each person and what they had to overcome to get to today.  It was kind of cool to hear a snippet of each person and their background.  There was a girl who transferred a few years into the program, one who had to commute from Santa Barbara, another who also had to work while attending school and doing the ROTC program.  Then were was my friend, who had to get though a major change and make it through six years of the program!  One of the guys did the program as a grad student, another struggled with English not being his first language (though that one seemed to be more of a joke, since he obviously grew up here), and there were many more.  I was a bit disappointed that he didn’t also speak of himself, but it was nice to hear a little of how each person got to this point.

And with that, a new batch of 14 Air Force officers will be entering the work force in the coming weeks and months, courtesy of UCLA’s AFROTC.  Oh, and a happy Father’s Day to all those dads in attendance today.  Not a bad way to spend the afternoon, watching your child or grandchild get commissioned into the USAF.

Lakers domination

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

Oh yes, even Kobe has one.

No, I am not writing about the Lakers’ victory today.  But in these weeks leading up to these games, Los Angeles has been speckled with Lakers flags.  You can’t drive anywhere without seeing them!  You know what I’m talking about.  Those little flags that flutter in the wind as cars drive, barely hanging on for dear life as the wind whips them into ragged pieces of cloth.  They’re super annoying for reasons I can’t seem to pinpoint, but admit it, you think so too.  As an avid Lakers fan, I’m sure you wouldn’t admit though, would you?

Then I heard there were riots going on after Tuesday’s game?  What insanity.  Today everyone left for work early, leaving me all alone because they had to rush home to catch this momentous match-up.  Oh, and of course they spent the day figuring out how to bet to win the most money!  I am amazed at the level of obsession fans have.  It’s really quite interesting to observe, so long as it doesn’t get dangerous.  I made sure to stay home tonight lest there were trouble on the streets, from elated Lakers fans or bitter Celtics fans.  At least summer has come and most students have moved out of the area for this week to be at home before summer school or internships start.  We got some loud honking and rowdy behavior, but nothing too bad.

Seriously though, what is it about the Lakers that makes Angelenos go wild?  Maybe it’s just because I don’t connect with the city the way that I do my school.  I can imagine being that excited if UCLA basketball or football won a championship.  But the Lakers?  Though purple is my favorite color and they do have Jordan Farmar, it’s just not enough to get me to join in the wild celebrations.  I wouldn’t mind so much if those annoying flags weren’t a part of the picture…  By the way, click on the picture to see the source and read the article that comes with it – you’ll find another gem of a picture there.

Killers concert

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

I volunteered for a few hours and in exchange, got free entry into the concert!

killers concert from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

killers concert raining confetti from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Meowing parrot

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

It meowed at us first! So of course we had to meow back until it meowed for the camera…

meowing parrot from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

The big one

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

Very early this morning, at 2:17 AM, there was a tremor from an earthquake that occurred just off the coast of the Hermosa Beach area.  Somewhere in the ocean, the earth moved and we Angelenos shook with it.  Panda and I were still up and felt the swaying sort of shaking motion for just a few seconds.  I watched as his laptop and desk lamp jiggled before settling.  We looked at each other, alert and ready for any signs of a larger quake to come.  I contemplated the size of the space beneath the desk.

And of course, I went to the place that gives me all the buzz – Twitter.  Plenty of others had felt it and soon enough, I found a map and details of the 3.6er.  I always get a bit nauseous when I experience a rolling quake and definitely felt a little seasick afterwards.  Kind of ironic since I don’t get seasick easily, if at all.  Then again, the ground moving beneath you can certainly be a powerful force.

Naught but 15 hours later, I was at work, closer to the epicenter of that quake when another one, a 3.7 this time, jerked our little office building.  The earthquake seemed to pretty much come from the same spot and I wonder if these are precursors to the large one everyone’s kind of been waiting for.  The one in the afternoon was far more abrupt and seemed like the shaking, shuddering kind of earthquake you see in the movies.  Usually I get the rolling wave kind of feel, which might be due to the structure of the earth beneath the areas I was in.  Panda says the LA basin’s sediment is not as hard as other areas so we tend to feel more rollers.

I hope we’re all prepared for when that scary one comes along to rattle us all, and certainly do some property damage.

College Night at the Getty

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

Every year, the Getty invites college students to come hang out and check out their exhibits. Panda and I went to enjoy the views, the art, and the free food! They had delicious garlic fries and sweet potato fries, along with a myriad of other tasty items.

Click through for the full picture!

Police “chase”

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

On the drive home on the 405 and suddenly there are flashing red lights glowing around me.  A glance to the left found a police car advancing to pull a car over.   I slowed to let him pass and wondered if I was allowed to drive past him once he got the car to the far right lane and was just waiting for it to pull over.  Unsure, I just drove slowly until he exited.

I’ve definitely noticed a lot more police action lately!   In fact, earlier this week I was at McDonald’s for lunch and saw two cops on motorcycles pull over a car, then saw two cop cars in the parking lot, and as I was leaving, another one on a motorcycle had pulled over a car.   They must be short on money and really looking to fine people!

police chase down from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Old times

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

Tonight was my first time going to Spring Sing in Pauley Pavilion and it was a really fun experience.  The one thing I love about being indoors is that I won’t get cold!  So tonight I could really focus on the performances at hand.  Also, I went with Panda and Houdini and some other friends I haven’t seen in a long time, which made it very enjoyable too.  Now what really struck me about the night, as I was watching all the great entertainment that Company (the crew that does the comedic skits between all the acts) does, was how much I will miss some of my Bruin moments.

A lot of what they do is inspired by making parodies of what life on campus is like for students and there are more than your fair share of inside jokes.  I haven’t been away long enough to really miss college, but hearing about swiping into the dining halls and the crazy squirrels reminded me of the fond memories I’d created along the way.  There was one joke about passing out a book called “Wild Animals” on Bruinwalk that I didn’t get because it came about after I left.  I’m going to be sad when more and more of those references begin to slip by me as I get outdated.  Thankfully, there will always be our staple jokes about Trojans and North vs. South campus and Bruinwalk.  I’m starting to miss the good old times, when I was one of those “in” students who understood everything.

Los Angeles foot traffic

laelene Posted in general blog, photo blog,Tags: , ,

people crowding crosswalk in PasadenaPeople always talk about LA’s traffic problems, but you know where we don’t have a problem?  Foot traffic.  In fact, I’m surprised I didn’t notice the notable lack of people walking around the streets.  Now I understand why Westwood always felt so much homier and festive – because there are always students walking around!  So imagine my surprise when I stopped at a crosswalk to find this many people criss-crossing!  It’s probably one of the few places in LA where you’ll find so many people that you can’t even see the other side of the road.

Festival of Books

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

It’s that time of year again!  This weekend was the LA Times Festival of Books and I went with some friends.  This year they had a mobile scavenger hunt with the prize of an iPad.  Panda and I decided to participate and we invited our friend, Houdini, to join in.  Saturday, Houdini and I spent a good 4-5 hours running around the UCLA campus answering clues to the hunt.  I unfortunately took a hit when I got a question wrong, but that allowed Houdini to get a perfect score on the hunt… let’s just hope he gets enough bonus points for pictures to outdo the competition!  That’d be awesome, considering it’s his first time to the fair!

The focus this year really centered around the scavenger hunt, which was really a nice way to check out most parts of the event.  From the poetry corner to the kids’ stuff to the cooking stage to the news booths, we saw a lot!  It was also nice to get out on such a beautiful weekend rather than lazing around all day like I usually would.  I do need to get (and stay) more active and though my back hurt and my legs were aching after the first day, it felt good to be outside moving around.  I also ran into some random people, which is always fun.

I found that this year I didn’t really have an interest in checking out the booths like I have in previous years.  Perhaps it is because there were so many people there that anything I might have wanted to do would have taken up a lot of time standing in line.  Plus, I wasn’t out to buy anything, so none of those booths interested me, and I’ve never been one for book signings or readings or cooking shows.  It’s nice to just hang out and enjoy the atmosphere and catch bits of performances as I pass.

festival of books poster on wall

It has found a nice home over the fireplace.

Oh, and then today we got word that Houdini won the iPad from a raffle we entered on Saturday!  Pretty awesome, especially considering we were really donating money to help homeless people when we bought those tickets.  I remember seeing it was a 32 gig one, which is better than the one the LA Times has up for grabs from the scavenger hunt!  That one seems out of our reach though.  And as Panda and I were going through completing the hunt for him today, we were able to snag a really nice poster and a button, which was great for him since he has empty walls to fill and collects buttons.  🙂  All in all a great weekend, no?  If only I could have won that iPad so I could feel better about the iPod Touches that I no longer own…  😛

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