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I love all things in miniature – mini perfume bottles (even though I don’t wear perfume), mini alcohol bottles (even th0ugh I don’t drink alcohol), mini food jars (like jams and honeys), mini candles (even better if they’re extra long-burning like the one pictured), mini lotions (like those Bath & Body Works ones and of course the Tree Hut one pictured), heck, even mini golf (even though that’s not a product)! I’m not sure what it is about the smaller size, but I just love them. Perhaps it’s because they’re more manageable; I’ve always loved deluxe sample sizes since you get to try enough of the product to really get a feel for how it works for you but it’s not so large that you’d never finish it up if you didn’t use it daily. It might also be that they are far more portable and easy to manage, plus you don’t have to worry about it being too big to bring on a plane. Or, maybe it’s just that they’re so darn cute! Whatever the case, I totally collect them and I think they’re great!