Continuing from my UK Day 1 recap, here’s a look at what we did the second day of our UK trip. We did a lot of walking as we went from the Victoria region to Buckingham Palace, through Green and Hyde parks, into the Science and Natural History museums, and back to Victoria.

The day started off with breakfast at the hotel, where we encountered some traditional English items like baked beans and cooked mushrooms. Panda loved it!

I also discovered some things I couldn’t quite figure out, like these “roll mops.”

We then walked to Buckingham Palace, stopping along the way at a gift shop where Panda found tea towels for our moms.

From Buckingham, we went over to Green Park, which was new to me.

As we crossed the street I wanted to get a shot of the thick trees lining the road and it totally got photo bombed.

Apparently there are a fair share of equestrians around here since they have their own crossing lights!

This is the second time I’ve seen a tree like this (the first time was at Hershey Gardens). I want one in my yard!

I couldn’t resist going into the little tree cave for a moment. I mean, it already had an opening!

This adorable squirrel looked so forlorn when the squirrel it was chasing went through the fence. Why it didn’t just follow I don’t know.

Seems like the pigeons and squirrels get along quite well here.

Pigeons are always pecking, which makes me wonder if they’re ever not hungry…

I found some cute baby coons nesting in the reeds. Aww!

Haha! This ruffled up pigeon was cooling its feet in the pond.

Click on this pic and zoom in to see the freakin’ NEON feet of this bird.

Now there’s an unusual duck with pretty black trim.

There were a ton of swans around and it doesn’t look like I’m that close, but it felt like I could touch it!

Some of the kids enjoyed chasing the ducks, geese, and swans into the pond.

The park provided tons of chairs for anyone who wanted to relax. So nice.

After the park we went to the Science Museum, where I got a delicious pasta bake lunch.

Next up was the Natural History Museum where we came across a microscope and decided to take a look at my ring up close.

On our walk from the museums back towards the hotel, we came across signs that had been tagged with fun stickers.

Before going to the room, we stopped at Victoria Station to pick up our train tickets for the duration of our trip. It printed out so many!!

For dinner it was Wagamama and I unknowingly went to the exact one I’d eaten at years ago.