Posts Tagged ‘pictures’
Elephant tip
Have you seen me?
Today Sir Lancelot, a little white toy pomeranian, was lost from our office. I really hope that someone found him and took him home for the night, and tomorrow will take him to a place that can scan his chip so he can be returned to his owner. Send good thoughts everyone! I know what it’s like to lose a beloved pet.

Sore or pain?
I spent 40 minutes last night using my Acu hoop and boy am I sore! Actually, it’s borderline sore/in pain, I can’t really tell… there are definitely times that my sides get touched and it hurts, but it’s not constantly there and most of the time I forget it hurts. I shouldn’t have gone so vigorously or so long after not using it for quite awhile now. Next time I will go for an easier pace until I can build up to something more.
I have a 3-lb one that looks just like the image, except mine came pre-installed and wrapped in a sturdy plastic cover that I never took off. I figured it made it easier to clean and less likely to wiggle loose or something. I think that weight is just enough to be challenging without being overwhelming and I’m glad I settled on that (you can get one anywhere from 1 to 6 lbs in weight).
The great thing about this is that you can read a book, watch TV, listen to music, or many other things with your hands and eyes while you do this. Talk about getting a workout while multitasking! Plus, it doesn’t work quite the same as a standard hula hoop you’d have for fun. While those are hard to get going and keep up, this one has enough momentum that makes it easier to manage. Just about everyone I’ve read reviews from said they can’t hula hoop for their life, but they can Acu hoop like a pro! It really is very different when it’s weighted. Just try weighting a normal hula hoop and you’ll see how much easier it is.
Quirky earbud wrap
I mentioned awhile back a site called Quirky, where people invent fun and cool items that they wish existed. Well, I ordered a few items and here’s one of them: