In Los Angeles, you know they’re filming something nearby when you see signs like this. The distinctive yellow with black lettering, and a word or phrase that doesn’t mean much. I was once told that the Mission Impossible 3 signs said “Heyday” so people wouldn’t really know what was going on. We had them for Wristcutters!
Posts Tagged ‘pictures’
Creatures of the sea
Planting seed paper
I wrote about seed paper awhile back and decided to try planting some of my own… major fail! 🙁
Commemorating John Wooden
Gosh, it’s been over a month since John Wooden passed away. I wish I had gotten a chance to shake his hand…
Critter: cute or creepy?
I love wildlife of all kinds, so it thought this field mouse-looking critter was quite cute, but I must admit that tail isn’t a very pretty sight… maybe it’s a deer mouse?
Panda’s building had a lot of fire alarms this year, seemingly due to a broken panel board? Well, the last time it was fortunate that I had just gotten a crepe at Crepes Bonaparte, which was parked in Westwood. I happily munched away as I waited for the firefighters to take a look inside. Thank goodness for that!

Bunny rabbits!
Jumping sequence
Well gee, you can’t put a sign up like that without inviting me to exploit it just a little. All in good fun! I’ve taken so many action shots I’ve gotten the timing just right, but Panda still needs to perfect the skill…
Yumberry: the newest superfruit
Over the past couple of years, the term “superfruit” has taken hold and generally refers to more exotic fruits that have high antioxidant levels and an abundance of nutrients. There’s nothing wrong with the standard fruits at the store, like strawberries, oranges, or blackberries, but this new breed of superfruits has been elevated onto a pedestal and given some sort of glamorous image. It started off with blueberries and pomegranates, which are relatively accessible. Then came açaí berries that became all the rage, yet no one really knew what they were. Certainly understandable since most of us will never encounter a fresh one in our lives. From what I know, they are highly perishable items and are generally found in the Amazon region. By the time they could get shipped to the US, they would have gone bad, so they are only found as juices or flavorings.
Along the way, other exotic fruits have gained popularity, like goji berries, maqui berries, chermoyas, etc. They haven’t been quite as well-known as blueberries, pomegranates, and açaí berries though. Based on the products I see being sold, that trio has been unbeatable. Now it seems that a new fruit is on the verge of breaking into their market share. The yumberry, aptly named, is a red fuzzy fruit that I have also never seen fresh. As a child I knew them as yang mei (??) and often ate preserved ones, which are delicious! Forget about plums or apricots or whatever else dried fruit you may have had – these things are the bomb. (Well, to someone like me who loves tart things anyway.) And now Honest Tea and Jamba Juice have added them to their products as they slowly gain popularity and recognition. Though the drinks don’t really remind me of the dried fruits I used to eat, I’m glad to see they’re getting their day in the spotlight.
So if you haven’t tried them yet, go explore and try to get a real one. But if you can’t, you might luck out at a local Asian supermarket with the preserved ones. I’m going to try to hunt them down too!