Posts Tagged ‘pictures’
Do you see what I see?
Lakers domination
No, I am not writing about the Lakers’ victory today. But in these weeks leading up to these games, Los Angeles has been speckled with Lakers flags. You can’t drive anywhere without seeing them! You know what I’m talking about. Those little flags that flutter in the wind as cars drive, barely hanging on for dear life as the wind whips them into ragged pieces of cloth. They’re super annoying for reasons I can’t seem to pinpoint, but admit it, you think so too. As an avid Lakers fan, I’m sure you wouldn’t admit though, would you?
Then I heard there were riots going on after Tuesday’s game? What insanity. Today everyone left for work early, leaving me all alone because they had to rush home to catch this momentous match-up. Oh, and of course they spent the day figuring out how to bet to win the most money! I am amazed at the level of obsession fans have. It’s really quite interesting to observe, so long as it doesn’t get dangerous. I made sure to stay home tonight lest there were trouble on the streets, from elated Lakers fans or bitter Celtics fans. At least summer has come and most students have moved out of the area for this week to be at home before summer school or internships start. We got some loud honking and rowdy behavior, but nothing too bad.
Seriously though, what is it about the Lakers that makes Angelenos go wild? Maybe it’s just because I don’t connect with the city the way that I do my school. I can imagine being that excited if UCLA basketball or football won a championship. But the Lakers? Though purple is my favorite color and they do have Jordan Farmar, it’s just not enough to get me to join in the wild celebrations. I wouldn’t mind so much if those annoying flags weren’t a part of the picture… By the way, click on the picture to see the source and read the article that comes with it – you’ll find another gem of a picture there.
Foamy creatures
Dolphin Lagoon
On Sentosa Island, there is a Dolphin Lagoon where I went to watch the pink dolphins perform. Afterwards, I took a picture with Squirt, who only liked girls! 😉
squirt the dolphin from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Blossoming garden
My mom is quite the gardener, and as spring came over the southland, our whole yard was abloom!
(Click photos for full size.)
- The peach was just about to blossom.
- Flowers for the apple tree had already blossomed!
- And the pear tree had flowered too.
- This yellow lily looks like the kind I like to eat when dried.
- The birds of paradise were drying out a bit.
- The rose bush was teeming with color.
- These little flowers are so fragrant! We have a couple of bushes of them and they fill our backyard with scent in the spring.
- This white rose was tinted with pink. My mom thinks the acidity of the soil affects it, since all our flowers come out pink.
- I wonder if this one will open to look like the one above?
- These flowers are a beautiful shade of blue/purple.
- A purple “sunburst” of a flower!
- Yeah, no idea what there are called. We need image search where I upload a picture and it gets matched!
College Night at the Getty
Every year, the Getty invites college students to come hang out and check out their exhibits. Panda and I went to enjoy the views, the art, and the free food! They had delicious garlic fries and sweet potato fries, along with a myriad of other tasty items.
Click through for the full picture!
- Looking up at the Getty from the tram station.
- On the Getty tram going up and you get a wonderful view of the 405.
- In the background, the city of LA sprawls behind the 405.
- Just a lonely palm tree standing there! And check out the pair of birds flying by.
- Oh yes, gotta love that layer of smog that envelopes downtown LA in the distance…
- And we have arrived, up on the hill where the Getty sits.
- It looks kind of like a racket or a beaver tail.
- And down there, the party! Lots of free food and mingling people.
- Overlooking the landscape of LA.
- You can see all the way to the ocean and beyond!
- There was a lovely garden at the Getty.
- The College Night sign projected onto a wall.
- As the night sky darkened, the city brightened with lights.
- They used a lot of “quieter” lighting.
- They had an artistic maze in the garden. I don’t think it’s functional.
- I’ve never been to that part of the Getty.
- Apparently the Getty has a library over there.
- It looks like an over-sized morning glory, doesn’t it? Maybe it is.
- I tried various ISOs and this produced brighter lights, but a much grainer quality.
- And now those same lights without the graininess and much darker.
- Returning back down to the tram station to go home.
Westwood Wizard

Screenshot of the UCLA homepage featuring a tribute to the late John Wooden. (Click for larger image, for original.)
I just learned that John Wooden died today, and what a sad moment that was. After yesterday’s false alarm, I was hoping he’d get through this trial and make it to 100 and get that letter from the President! How cool would that be? But unfortunately, whatever ailed him got the better of him today and now I will never fulfill my dream of meeting him in person. I suppose I still could, but not at the book signing I had imagined.
I wonder if part of it was because he’s lived a long, fulfilling life and he was ready to go. Perhaps he just didn’t have the willpower to fight whatever put him in the hospital because he would be perfectly content dying now. I think that was part of it. Without a compelling reason to live, it’s very easy to let go. Certainly he deserved to not have to struggle in an aging body. After all, it seems the only thing he didn’t accomplish was being a centenarian!
It’s amazing that I can feel so sad that this man is gone. I never met him and haven’t even read his books yet. But there’s a deep-seeded respect that runs through every True Bruin, for he was a respectable man who led like no other in the short history of our school. (Random thing I noted was that he’s 9 years older than UCLA. Puts into perspective just how young our school is!) The good thing is that I’m not sad in a bawling all over the place kind of way. I’m sad in a “I missed out and it’s unfortunate the world has lost a great influencer” type of way. A pensive, curious, questioning kind of way.
I wish I could have joined the hundreds of students who gathered at the Ronald Reagan Medical Center today, to pay tribute to this great legend. May his legacy live on to inspire generations to come. 🙂
“If it was my home”
One of my fraternity brothers shared this link today, which I thought was a compelling image. It takes you to a map displaying the approximate area of the spill, then allows you to overlay that to whatever area you want, just to see how much it would cover if it was in your city! Here’s a look at LA (click to see a larger image):

Counter creation
The Counter is a restaurant where you check boxes on a list and piece together your own meal, from the bread to the dressing to the meat to the toppings. It’s pretty fun and you never know if your combo will be that great, but that’s the fun of it. They have these amazing onion strings (kind of like shoestring fries) that are perfectly thin and lightly breaded and fried! Yum.
Fabulous food
I’ve had a major craving for Din Tai Fung that was finally satisfied this weekend. I’m amazed that there is only one shop in all of the country and it’s in a little unassuming plaza in Arcadia (although now it seems they have opened a second one not even a block away). They are renowned for their xiao long bao, which are these coin purse type pork dumplings. They have delicate skins and the insides have a juicy filling that makes it sort of like having a sip of a rich stock. I often went to have them when I was in Singapore and hadn’t had any since I returned 9 months ago! It was high time to see if the US store was as good as its Asian counterparts.
I was extremely satisfied with the little morsels, though they definitely could have been more filling (and given larger portions). Taste-wise, I can’t tell the difference between theirs and what I had in Singapore, so I was happy! I haven’t had better xiao long bao in the states. Though come to think of it, I don’t even see it on the menu in most places. My craving is still there, so I’m thinking I need to go back regularly. For me, it’s worth the 30-40 minute drive and 15 minute wait. Plus, I can take a detour on the way back to get cha for tea! The BEST boba shop I’ve ever been to. Now that is a satisfying meal and drink combo!