It looks like the Reston Town Center does a fun joke each year for April Fool’s! Last year the balls were all rainbow colored and this time around they went with a new theme. Pretty fun!
Posts Tagged ‘reston’
Reston Town Center April Fool’s
laelene Posted in lifestyle glimpses,Tags: april fools, experiences, fun, pictures, play, reston, work
Gosh, I meant to share this a month ago right after Chalkfest occurred in Reston, but somehow the time just flew by! There are always a ton of activities happening in the town center and this was one that my company, Canvas, decided to participate in. They got a space for our graphic designer to to add her contribution to the event. Check out what she drew starting the day before the event and a bunch of other chalk art from that day:
Here are some of the entries from people of all ages and artistic abilities… what’s your fav?

We wandered into the Apple Store for a break and discovered the game of Threes. I’d say we did pretty well.