I just wanted to make a quick note that I’ve added a new page on my site, called For Sale or Trade, where I’m listing the various things I have up for trade or sale. I’ve seen a ton of these “trade list” sort of things on the Makeuptalk forum and I will be posting there, but I wanted to host one on my own site as well. If you want to acquire some stuff and help me cross some things off my wishlist, do take a look! A lot of it is skincare-related but there are all kinds of random items like iPhone cases, water bottles, gift cards, socks, etc. I’m still working on getting photos up so keep checking back. If you’re interested in anything, just contact me and I’ll send you the appropriate pictures!
Posts Tagged ‘sales’
Origami Etsy
A couple of weeks ago, I decided I was going to try selling some things on Etsy. I’d wanted to do this ever since I discovered the site, but didn’t know what I could make. Well, I’ve decided to put my origami skills to use and make some jewelry! After much planning and material-searching, I was finally able to make my first products. 🙂 Soon I’ll be setting up shop and hopefully getting some sales. Better pictures to come!
DeckMyPhone goes international
I’ve been working on multiple avenues to get my site out there and today I decided to try Pinterest. I had recently seen this infographic on how great Pinterest is for driving online sales. It’s been proven to be a very effective way for e commerce sites to boost sales and I was having no luck with my eBay and Craigslist postings. Within minutes of pinning an image from my site, I had gotten my first online sale! I was pretty shocked to find it was some random guy in Denmark, but hey, that just goes to show the power of Pinterest.
Check out the international reach I got from one little pin on the site! It’s pretty exciting to see that people outside of the US were checking out my site. Over the next couple of days, I’ll be pinning up all the different colors offered to further expand my reach. I’ll also be standing in line at the post office to ship off this iPhone cover! I was pretty shocked at the long line I encountered there this afternoon, when I was in a rush to get somewhere. Tomorrow morning I’ll have all the time in the world to take care of this order though, and I’m pretty excited. 🙂 Keep’em coming!