Posts Tagged ‘sleep’

Looong day

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

I’ve had a pretty long day traveling & getting some work done and boy am I pooped!  While it’s only been about 20 hours and certainly is not one of the more stressful times I’ve been through, it has tired me out nonetheless.  From an early morning to catch a flight cross-country to pit stops for food & groceries to settling in to work, I haven’t really taken the time to recover.  I guess it was partly because I had so much stuff to do – packages to open and enjoy, new items to list for sale, and bonding time with family.  Now that the excitement has died down, I suddenly feel the achiness and droopy eyes.  I’m sure I’ll sleep well tonight!

Tomorrow’s another busy day (time for Pamper Me Fabulous again!) and I’ll need to rest up.

Sleeping ritual

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

Missy loves to massage me, the pillow, or Rupert right before she settles down for a nap. It’s become a ritual for us, kind of like when a dog spins in circles to get into position for rest. She always purrs gently, kneads at something cushy, and sticks her nose into whatever she’s massaging, hehe. She’ll massage anything that’s soft and squishy!

cat arm massage from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

cat massaging teddy bear from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Feline dozing

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

This afternoon, Missy decided to make herself at home on the back of my thighs and on my butt while I lay on the ground. She slept in many positions for about two hours before getting up!

missy the cat sleeping on my butt and back of thighs

missy the cat curled up on the back of my legs

Position #1: all curled up.

missy the cat laying on back of my thighs with arms and legs dangling off the sides

Position #2: relaxing and letting the limbs dangle.

missy the cat snuggling in and tucking face into arms

Position #3: cozying up and tucking in her face.

Using those photos, I decided to make a collage on Diptic that I then posted on Instagram.
collage of missy the cat sleeping on my butt and back of thighs in many positions

Afterwards, I shot a couple more positions that she slept in…

missy the cat sleeping outstretched on back of my legs

Position #4: all stretched out.

missy the cat sleeping on back of my legs with head and arm dangling down the side

Position #5: the dangle.

view from the ground of missy the cat sleeping on back of my legs with head and arm dangling off the side

Position #5 from ground level.

Finally, she yawned, got up, stretched, and moved to a spot on the floor. I was free to move again!
missy the cat yawning after sleeping on back of my legs

missy the cat stretching out her arms and back after long nap

missy the cat curled up to sleep on the floor

Nocturnal syndrome

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

Sunrise is a beautiful time of day.  Especially when I haven’t slept all night.

Yup, that’s right – I find the start of a day most pleasing when it’s actually the end of one for me.  Why?  It’s hard to say.  Probably because my energy levels are even-keeled and at a comfortable level.  I’m not trying to drag myself up at a time when my body and mind are rebelling against me.  Instead, they’ve been relaxed all night as I work away online.  While I may be starting to wear down, they’re not overly stressed, so it’s actually a positive experience for me.

On the other hand, trying to get up at the crack of dawn is never an easy or pleasant thing (unless I’m in China, interestingly).  I’ve struggled with this all my life, as school and then work demanded that I be up at a certain time.  In fact, in college I quickly learned that 8 AM classes were too torturous for me, so I started to schedule nothing earlier than 9.  Even then it was a constant struggle to get up when I needed to.  Once I got into the work culture, it got a bit easier since I was getting some more sleep each night, but I definitely wasn’t happy to be waking up in the morning.

Now that I don’t necessarily have to get up or sleep at any particular time, I’ve discovered the joy of watching the beginning of a day.  I had gotten a sense of this in college when I pulled some all-nighters, but usually I was so delusional by the time the sun rose that I didn’t really get to appreciate it.  It’s really pretty cool!  I love the freshness that a sunrise brings with it, as the world comes back to life and the energy around me builds up.  I don’t know why I’m such a night owl, but it’s what feels good and natural to me.  I’ve tried to fix it and be more “normal” but it just doesn’t work very well, so why fight it?  I’m much happier and more productive this way.

Impatient inspiration

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

My tag line for this blog is “when inspiration won’t wait” and really, when does it ever wait?  I’ve found that I tend to do my best work and get the most ideas around 2 in the morning.  This is most unfortunate for my attempts at sleeping a “normal” schedule – instead I find myself furiously working away until 4 or 5, at which point I realize it is horribly late/early and I really should rest.  In fact, this blog post is being written at 2 am because I can’t sleep and there are just too many ideas bouncing around in my head.  Too bad I can’t hold off on my inspirational ideas and make them fit my desired schedule!

Initially I was hopeful for an earlier night when I got tired at 12:30.  Immediately, I put my things away and laid down in bed.  Unfortunately it seems that by that time the fleeting yawning had passed and I was alert again.  So, here I am typing out a blog post as most of the country snoozes away, unaware of my woes.  I remember in my childhood, I always thought falling asleep was a difficult thing because I’d lay in bed for an hour each night trying to doze.  As I got into high school, it became apparent that I just wasn’t tired enough before; sleep was actually easy to achieve when I laid down at night, probably because I rarely got enough.  I’ve learned that I need to tire myself out before I can fall asleep, so I don’t usually bother trying to sleep until I’m ready.  If I do, I end up tossing and turning (and thinking) for at least an hour before my mind can settle.

I guess when it’s dark and there’s nothing to look at or listen to, thoughts come easier.  This is why I like to keep a notepad by my bedside – you never know when a great idea will hit just as you’re drifting off to la la land.  I like to be able to capture it on paper before it slips away and becomes one of those “what was that great idea I had?” moments.  Hopefully now that this is all out, I can clear my mind enough to get to sleep now.

Lazy cat days

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

I am amazed by how much my cat sleeps. When I wake up in the morning, she is there napping away. If I don’t have anywhere to be, I like to stay with her and sleep a little more or work on the computer. Through it all, she keeps on sleeping, with a few positions adjustments here and there.

This weekend I spent the majority of my time laying with her since I don’t often get time with her like this. She’s just so cute and fuzzy and cuddly! Now how could I disturb her sleep? Plus, her presence is comforting to me. I feel more relaxed and happy to have her snoozing away on top of me. Unfortunately it encourages me to be lazy though! I wouldn’t have left the bed to eat or otherwise take care of myself if I didn’t have plans during the day. Still, it’s nice sometimes to take life at the pace of a cat and slow things down to enjoy them.

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