Posts Tagged ‘storytelling’

Now that’s cultural immersion!

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

dsc04830Though I’ve been getting little tastes of Singaporean culture throughout my time here and occasionally something will remind me of China, it wasn’t until last night that I truly felt a strong cultural impression in everything around me.  We had gone to East Coast Park, where there’s an outdoor cafeteria of sorts with stall upon stall of laksa, satay, dong dongs (I can’t remember what they were called), stingray, and who knows what else.  I felt at once lost and amazed among all the dishes I’d never seen and had hardly heard of before.  Paths cut through the park to allow bike riders, rollerbladers, and other such athletic activities to ensue.  A little stage consisting of a piece of carpeting and a half watermelon backdrop provided the scene for an acrobatics show.  On one side, we could look out across a small patch of trees to the ocean beyond, which was filled with ships.

Dong dongs?  Use those sticks to pull'em out of their shells.

Dong dongs? Use those sticks to pull'em out of their shells.

Upon arrival, we wandered around looking for a table for the six of us.  I noticed one recently vacated and we went to stand there as we waited for one of the table clearers to come by with a bucket.  After it was cleared, a nearby one opened up and since that one fit six exactly, we quickly shifted over.  With the dishes removed and the table wiped down, we sat down and discussed what to eat (more like I sat there listening to them!).  A guy with a handful of disposable plates in his hand said something to us and I think we ordered our satay that way.  I went for a walk around the stalls with Starfish’s best friend Foodie, who ordered food with Zen and Mac (our company’s creative director).  Zen pointed out a stall that is very well-known for its good beef noodles and is also notorious for opening and closing as the owner pleased.  Even when a minister from Hong Kong came by hoping for a bite, he refused to open up to serve the man!  Haha, now that must be some amazing recipe.  Meanwhile, Starfish and Violet (Mac’s wife who comes by to the office regularly) sat and watched the table for us.

Oyster omelet!

Oyster omelet!

We ended up getting an oyster omelet, the satay, stingray, those “dong dongs,” some fried chicken wings, fried tofu, and some random noodles.  And thus I was introduced to “Singaporean junk food” at their oceanside park.  I tried a little bit of everything, even the scary-looking shells with the rubbery insides.  I hate rubbery foods and this was not much different, but at least now I’ve tried it!



The stingray was surprisingly good and not at all the rubbery texture that I thought it would be (come on, don’t they look like they’d be super chewy things?).  Instead, the meat was tender and much like some of the fish that I like to eat, so that was nice.  It was a pity that it was topped with some sort of spicy sauce though, so my mouth was burning the whole time and I mistakenly took all the food to be spicy when it was just that one thing!  Thankfully, when we were done eating, we got some nice cooling drinks – sugar cane!  I was surprised that the drink was a green shade, but I guess it makes sense since it’s from a plant.  The taste of that kind of sweet is very distinct from traditional sugar and it reminded me of a time in my childhood when I gnawed on the cane itself.  All in all it was a refreshing experience and I truly felt the vibe of a different culture.  Singapore in many ways is both Eastern and Western, so it was nice to see something that did not remind me of either China or the US.

iPod Touch – a new toy!

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,
Yaaay, a package!  Please excuse my haggardly look.

Yaaay, a package! Please excuse my haggardly look.

My wait has finally come to an end as my iPod Touch arrived in the mail today!  I’ve just started to play around with it and I’m ready to use it tomorrow morning on the way to work.  I bought it to have some music to listen to as I travel to and from work, which will be a nice way to put myself in whatever mood I’m looking for.  Sometimes I want to be energized, sometimes I want to be soothed, and sometimes I want to be uplifted.  Whatever the case, my vast collection of songs (4039 to be exact) is sure to be able to whip up the right set of songs for me.  I have a traditional iPod at home, but it’s bulky and I hardly ever use it, so I decided it was time for something new.  It was also a nice way to treat myself and brighten my mood as I work through stressful times.

In my fiddling around, there are some features I wish it had – bluetooth, a camera, and speakers – but it provides more functions that I’ll probably ever use.  I’ve enjoyed setting everything up though, for the rare cases where I actually would want to know the temperature or check on some stocks.  There are also certain moments where I wish I could just integrate the phone in there as well so I don’t have to carry around a phone, camera, and the iPod.  However, I certainly am not planning on using a media package phone plan in the near future, so getting an iPhone would have been rather pointless.  I much prefer my 32 GB worth of storage in this sleek little sucker.  I wouldn’t mind if they could have put in a camera, but truth be told, it wouldn’t suffice and I’d still end up bringing my camera with me.  After all, I need flash, different focus settings, and a myriad of the features a standard digital camera has.  The one thing I would use a camera on the iPod for would be quick shots of random things when I don’t have my camera handy and portraits of the people in my contact list to use in their info.

dsc04811I’m really excited to head out to an Apple reseller store tomorrow (Cathay Photo) to find a nice backing for it, as well as some sort of screen protector.  Then I won’t feel like it is so delicate and that I have to tote it around so gingerly!  At this point I don’t want to scratch it up more so I can get something to preserve its condition, which is slightly worn in the back (but hey, it’ll be covered soon enough and it was definitely worth the discount!).  There’s not much point to this post other than to share a fun, exciting piece of my life.  New gadgets are always fun to play around with!  Now I need to arm myself with some cool applications though – any suggestions?

In the name of FREE

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

I, like most people in this world, love free things.  Free in the sense that I don’t have to use money to purchase it.  However, I am more than happy to spend my time and efforts to earn it!  (Which, in the end, may or may not pay off.)  It’s funny how this idea of “free” works.  I mean, if you really think about it, the time I’m spending at this very moment on the Burt’s Bees site trying to win a free lip balm is appalling.  And the effort?  Just short of pathetic.  For the sake of this free item I am refreshing their page at least once a minute, sometimes five times in a row because they’re giving away 1000 free lip balms a day for 25 days, between the hours of 9 AM and 12 PM.  I rushed home from work when I realized that I’d be getting back right when it opened up, even turning on my computer as I walked so it’d be loaded and I’d just have to wait for the internet connection to register.

photo credit:

photo credit:

Now of course, at first thought I figured I’d just have to catch them at 9 sharp and try to be one of the first 1000, but here I am, an hour later and they’re still “gearing up.”  So I guess they’ll open it up at an arbitrary time before 12.  I am fully prepared to wait until then so I don’t have to try this again tomorrow.  And try I will until I get so hopeless I don’t go for it anymore or the giveaway ends.  Amazing, isn’t it?  Why is it that for the satisfaction of winning this free little item, I’m willing to spend enough time and energy to earn enough money to buy dozens of them?  It truly is just a mentality thing.  There’s something so fulfilling in feeling like a winner and having this “prize” delivered to you, even if all you did was waste enough time sitting there, clicking to get your share.  It’s a great marketing tactic and I’m sure it has drawn a huge crowd, since the first 15 minutes of loading yielded either a blank page or just plain text with no images.  Obviously, there were a lot of other eager beavers too (haha, BEEvers).  I can’t even focus on writing this post right now because I keep going back to refresh the page.

Recently I’ve entered some other contests as well, but those were far easier because all you had to do was post a tweet and a blog post for entries, then it was randomly drawn.  Not too much of a time commitment, though with the blog entry, some thought and research was required for a semi-decent attempt.  Luckily, Alice is still a new site that people don’t really know about, so there weren’t that many people to go against and I had a very high chance of winning the Aquanotes and Pure Organics Lip Balm.  This week I’ve entered the contest to win a cleaning set that is environmentally friendly and apparently very effective too!  I’m not counting on this one just because there’s only one, whereas the other two they were giving away 15 each.

photo credit:

photo credit:

Well, at 10:45 or so, a good hour and 45 minutes into waiting, I finally got the form!  I happily filled it out and now a coupon will be coming my way in the next couple of weeks.  I’ll have to ask my mom to get it for me, but hey, s’all good.  Too bad when I asked Panda to fill one out it was already too late.  But hey, it’s only day 2 of their giveaway, so we’ve got until June 22 to make it!  Next time he’s on around this time I’ll be tracking it to see if I can score one through him as well.  😛  Can you believe I did all this for something worth about $3 retail value?  Panda’s also a huge fan of free things, so he often checks sites and his “sources” to see what good deals there are out there.  Between the two of us, we can get a lot of free things (and probably feel like life is so great)!

I think that free really is just a way to make you feel better about yourself.  Anyone can go work for their money and buy things, but when it’s given to you out of a select few items, that’s just cool.  The same reasoning explains why getting the perfect gift is so much more exciting than buying it for yourself.  You feel like you’ve gained something (even if that something may have been bought with your own money, like in shared accounts or with children who use your money anyway).  Winning prizes or getting exclusive deals may not always be worth the time commitment, but ultimately it’s often worth the payoff in quality of life improvement!  It makes you feel like a luckier person, which makes you feel near invincible.  At least, that’s how I feel and I’ll pay in time and energy!  Just goes to show what some people are willing to do in the name of free stuff!  Are you a sucker like me?


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,
Everyone having fun, of course.

Everyone having fun, of course.

Today I attended my very first Tweetup and met a really nice group of people, thanks to @inrsoul!  It was a really nice experience, to meet up with a bunch of strangers, yet feel so comfortable hanging out.  I’m thrilled about this chance to get out and mingle with people I otherwise would not know.  After all, I’ve been a bum lately, doing nothing more than going to work, eating, and going home for the night.  I didn’t even step outside at all this weekend!  So, to counteract that, this was the perfect opportunity that I spotted by chance last night when I decided that a day away from Twitter should be somewhat made up for.  As I was going through tweets of the day, I came across the one that led me to the #SGTweetUp and how fortunate that was.

Seriously guys, whose balls were these?

Seriously guys, whose balls were these?

So at the actual event, it was really nice that inrsoul knew who I was the moment I stepped in and greeted me by name.  Then, he introduced me to some of the people there and found a place for me to settle amongst them.  He chose a great venue in Zsofi’s Tapas Bar, because the upstairs portion is no shoes and has low cushions, pillows strewn along the walls, and ambient lighting.  A great casual setting for us to mingle, drink, and eat comfortably.  I sat down and started to chat with the people next to me, which provided a lot of different conversations.  I went on to spend a good 4 hours interacting with a variety of people, though it seems most are in advertising/marketing or technology.  I think it’s so cool that they’re doing things like designing apps for the iPhone, selling iPhones (and all Apple products), doing Forex trading, going to exclusive events for bloggers, and working on social media plans.

Good food, good drinks, good company.

Good food, good drinks, good company.

I moved around a bit throughout the night, getting to know different people, with conversations ranging from loud and exuberant to solemn and thoughtful.  There were times I talked until my throat went sore and other times I just sat and listened.  We had lulls here and there, but before long, someone would come up with another topic and we’d keep going.  It wasn’t until I realized that it was nearly 11 already that I was reminded of going back.  I didn’t want to miss the last train and bus home, so I left soon after checking my watch to find that it was already so late!  On the ride home, I was quite pleased with the night and sent out a tweet via text to thank inrsoul for making it happen.  Once I got back, I found some messages and new followers waiting for me already!  I’ve spent the past two hours conversing with some of my new buddies, which is just so cool.  I rarely have real time interaction on Twitter.  🙂

I’m really looking forward to future events!  This is the start of something beautiful.  😛


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

Another year and another Eurovision has gone by.  It’s been two years since I was first introduced to this European contest and it still holds fond memories.  My flatmate Llama was obsessed with it (as well as Any Dream Will Do) andeurovision insisted that we have a little party in her room to watch.  And so, we gathered our blankets and pillows, brought tons of snacks, and sat down to watch the finalists perform their songs for their respective countries.  Some of the performances were very cheesy, some were cheery, and some were angsty.  All in all it was a great time though, just us friends enjoying it together, happily munching away all the while.  What more could you ask for?

This year, as with last, the contest has flown by me and I didn’t get a chance to watch it.  I feel like it’s one of those things you can only really enjoy with people who understand what it is.  Much like watching the Super Bowl with my British classmates is just not the same.  You don’t get into the right mindset, complete with random silly traditions.  And thus, I’ve never felt compelled to watch it again, though I do make a note of when it happens.  The year that I watched, Serbia won, though my favorite song was the angsty one I alluded to earlier, submitted by Finland.  Greece had a perky one that is quite fun to listen to and Britain had a super cheesy one that was also quite naughty.

Each year, whichever country wins traditionally hosts the next year’s event, so judging by this year’s Moscow location, Russia must have won in 2008.  It’s quite cool how this event unites so many countries, yet at the same time, it is laced with politics.  Another flatmate of mine, Activist, said he loves to watch Eurovision just to see how political relationships between countries are, since the voting largely reflects that (each country casts their vote, only restricted from voting for themselves, so you can imagine the types of alliances that can come of this).  There have been a lot of changes to how the voting mechanism works, from jury voting to public voting to some sort of hybrid in between.  I don’t know if they can ever settle on something that everyone agrees on, but every year the competition goes on.

In a sense, Eurovision was the original “Idol” type show, except it was more for country pride and international interaction than personal advancement.  However, there have been some notables to come from the contest over the years, including ABBA and Celine Dion.  And of course, contestants don’t vote amongst themselves, but are at the mercy of their country when it comes to these smaller scale (in the sense of individuals against each other rather than countries – the audience reach certainly isn’t small) shows.  Think of it as a European musical Olympics of sorts.

If I ever am back in England during this time of year, I’ll make sure I find some old friends and catch the upcoming Eurovision broadcast.  Until then, I’ll think back on those lovely days in my flat, having slumber parties and pigging out as we enjoyed each other’s company.  Ah, those were the days.

California controversy

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,
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I’m sure most of you have heard about the news earlier this week surrounding Miss California Carrie Prejean, whose title was in danger of being taken away.  Although it mostly seems to be about her answer to a question about same-sex marriage in the Miss USA pageant, it appears that she also shirked some of her responsibilities.  Now being that I just posted my thoughts on the New York bill, my opinion is clear and I support equality for same-sex couples.  Obviously, I don’t agree with what she said, but I think Trump made a solid decision in allowing her to keep her crown (assuming she now shows up to the engagements she’s supposed to be going to).

First of all, she answered the question respectfully and gracefully (or at least as best she could), starting off saying how she thinks it’s great that we live in a country that allows a choice.  This signals to me that though she may not agree with the idea, she is still ok with others feeling that way and choosing to live they way they want.  Her only reference to why she believes that is because that was how she was raised (any guess on what that means?  Religion, anyone?).  So I give her credit for not saying anything about how the Bible or God taught her it was wrong (of course I’m assuming here that her opinion was from a religious upbringing).

It was, admittedly, a tough and extremely charged question.  Nobody could have walked away from that without disapproving stares from someone.  So to a certain extent, she was set up for failure.  And from what I saw, she handled it well, not afraid to stand up for her opinion, but also very careful in how she talked about it.  Granted, some choice of words were odd, but that’s expected under pressure like that, plus beauty pageants tend to be known for the… interesting vocabulary and grammar that their contestants use.  So all in all, I don’t blame her for how she handled the situation.

I think it was important for her to keep her role to show people that you will not be persecuted for your beliefs and can be treated fairly for expressing your honest opinion.  Yes, maybe she won’t be a great role model for those looking to accept same-sex relationships, but she will be a role model for standing her ground without disrespecting the other side.  We are a country built on freedom of speech and expression, so that is important to maintain.  However, we are also a country supposedly built on freedom and equality – where is that?  But that’s beyond the scope of this situation and is a much larger beast to tackle.  Everyone who looks up to Miss California can rest assured that she was not thrown out for her opinions, or else they may feel that they need to hide their true selves to fit into this world.

But, I don’t agree with her position and I hope that she’ll open her mind to why she was so strongly spoken against due to this issue.  It’s not a small thing to be brushed aside and as a public figure, she will have her run-ins with it.  Change does not come easily, but I hope that she’ll discover how unfair this whole situation is.  Unfortunately, this is a very heated issue, so any mention of it can result in things getting blown out of proportion.  Not that I feel the issue is not important, but, in the end, everyone is still entitled to their opinion and the only thing you can try to do is change that.  So I think rather than publicly berating her, LGBT organizations should try to arrange some meetings with her to discuss the issues.  Keep it calm and civil and you just may get somewhere.

Spring Sing

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

spring-singUCLA has got some great traditions, and Spring Sing is one of my favorites.  Put on by the Student Alumni Association (SAA) every year in May, thousands gather to witness one of the most entertaining events you could ever imagine.  People sing, people dance, and back in my glory days, people juggled and jump roped too.  Entrants compete in a variety of categories, a special guest is given an award for lifetime musical achievement, and everyone is entertained by hilarious skits and parodies in between acts.  While I was a student there, it was held in the Los Angeles Tennis Center, which got transformed into a huge concert venue for the night.  This year, they had to move it over to Pauley Pavilion due to the high demand.  When I went last year, over 5000 people were there as well, which is why a bigger venue had to be sought out for this year’s 7000+ attendees.  Although the LATC can hold many more than just 5000 or even 7000 people, many of those seats become obsolete once the stage is set up.  It’s strange to think of the event I associated with that place now indoors, but that’s part of Spring Sing’s growth – throughout the years it has moved as the audience size grew.

spring sing 2009 flyerYouTube Spring Sing and you will find hundreds of great videos, from the performances themselves to the George and Ira Gershwin Award winner speech to the amazing videos and skits that Company produces.  We’ve had some great talent throughout the years, including Maroon 5 (known as Kara’s Flowers back then) and Sara Barielles, who won twice!  Additionally, some celebrities have been invited to judge, with the likes of former President Ronald Reagan and Tatyana Ali (Will Smith’s little girl cousin in Fresh Prince) amongst them.  And of course, let’s not forget the special guests who are invited to attend just so they can accept the George and Ira Gershwin Award for Lifetime Musical Achievement.  Last year it was Lionel Richie, who gave a funny and engaging acceptance speech, saying, “Forget about surviving 30 some odd years in the music business, I survived 27 years of Nicole Richie.”  This year, the award recipient is Julie Andrews!  I’m so jealous.  And finally, Company provides the best laughs for the night, with videos like the “March of the Trojans,” “Brokeback Fountain,” and “The Hill” to musicals about “fro-yo” when frozen yogurt joints had spread across LA like wildfire and skits about the new Sudoku craze.  There are SO many other great ones!  You’ve got to check them out.

I’m really sad that I am not there right now, as performances rage on and the audience has a blast.  However, I know that at least I can expect videos popping up online within hours and throughout the next week or so, so at least I can experience some of what they saw.  Unfortunately, some videos just don’t do justice the experience, like any you may find of the UCLA juggler and jump roper when they “battled” each other.  On video, it doesn’t look that exciting because you just can’t see the intricacies of what they’re doing.  Being there, however, was AWESOME and I’m so glad I had that privilege.  I hope I’m around next year to go see what it’s like at its new location and see what other talent UCLA holds.  It’s always endlessly entertaining with the parodies that Company does, as listed above.  They touch on a lot of current situations, from popular TV shows and movies to the latest craze hitting LA.  It’s some quality comedy!

A peculiarity

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

I didn’t know what to write for today.

I’ve been sitting here for two hours now, going through the typical internet activity that starts my day – checking e-mails, going through websites, doing some searches… all the while in the back of my mind has been a question: what should I write about in my blog today?  And as of yet, I have not been able to come up with a good answer.  So instead, I decided that I will address this peculiarity of mine.  It’s not that I don’t have topics that I want to talk about; in fact, I have a whole list of them.  I even have a couple of drafts started, waiting to be finished up and posted.  So why not use one of those brilliant ideas I currently have laying dormant?  Well, because I am very particular about how I do things.  For my blogging, that means that I must only write of things that I am “in the mood” to write about.  And currently (also unfortunately), there is nothing on that list that I am interested in exploring at the moment.


photo credit: wendy usually wanders

It’s not exactly writer’s block, though I guess you could consider it a breed of it, if you must.  I have also noticed, as I typed this, that my pinky finger on my right hand gets very little action.  In fact, I’m not sure I really use it for more than the occasional apostrophe, colon, semi-colon, quotation mark, question mark, or entering.  (Which means I’ve used it a total of fifteen times in this post so far.)  I use my fourth finger to backspace purely because it is longer and I have to move my hand less to reach it.  I also know that I tend to use my right thumb to press the spacebar.  When I tried to switch to my left thumb, my typing slowed significantly.  This could be a good exercise for my dexterity and force me to use the other side of my brain more.  I have always been slightly ambidexterous, using different hands for different things – my right hand writes and draws, my left hand colors; my right hand uses chopsticks and knives, my left hand uses spoons and forks; both hands throw balls about the same; I bat left-handed and kick right-footed; I brush my teeth and hair with my left hand; I text with my right hand.

photo credit: adirondack guitar

photo credit: adirondack guitar

I am a big fan of symmetry (except in artistic cases), so I’m always trying to use the other hand for these tasks, but I think that my toothbrushing is not as effective with my weaker right hand.  I’ve also had some trouble slinging my purse over my left shoulder, which somehow does not seem to know how to support it quite as well as my right shoulder.  As with all things though, I suppose it just comes down to practice and habit.  So I’m slowly working to make left-handed spacebar-ing and right-handed brushing more common in my life.  I also considered learning the guitar, but left-handed ones are hard to find and I think I’d be more comfortable with that kind, rather than a standard one.  The significance of a simple flip flop like that can be greater than people may expect, as I was surprised to find when I was reading the Emergenetics text and found this on page 10:

“Before you begin to read, you can boost your brain activity with two simple exercises.  These will help you stay alert, understand what you are reading, and remember it longer.

1. Cross-Crawls.  With your right hand, touch your left ankle.  Now with yourleft hand, touch your right ankle.  This is most effective done standing up, but it works sitting down, too.  This exercise is thought to integrate the right and left hemispheres of your brain.  And by clearing the potassium and sodium that builds up in your brain when you concentrate, it will help you read faster and comprehend more.

2. Crazy Eights.  Make big “eights” horizontally in the air with your right hand.  Without moving your head, follow your thumb with your eyes.  Make the eights as big as your peripheral vision will allow.  Now do the same thing with your left hand.  This may help integrate both sides of your body.”

So there you go.  My stream of consciousness.


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

lovesac logoNearly seven years ago, not too long after I had moved to California, I discovered a shop in the mall that I’ve never forgotten.  It was a cozy-looking place, with cushy Lovesacs strewn around the room and a couple of TVs positioned throughout.  Lovesac?  What’s a Lovesac, you ask?  Well, first picture what a beanbag looks like.  Then take that image and imagine something that feels so soft yet still firm and supportive.  Whereas traditional beanbags are filled with random little balls or, literally, beans, Lovesacs are stuffed full of foam – Durafoam, to be exact.  It’s designed to never go flat and a quick fluffing can plump out any Sac that has started to mold to your body from too much lounging!

So in my local mall, there was a Lovesac store, where people would go in just to chill and rest up.  It was a very relaxed atmosphere and Katana and I would find our way there whenever we were at the mall.  The Sacs are the most comfortable fluffs of foam to lay or sit on and they fit anything, from your pet to at least three adults.  They also come with a variety of accessories, including SodaSacs for having drinks handy as you sprawl on your Sac, or sactionaleven TubeSacs for those who want some pillowed neck support.  There’s a whole line of removeable covers as well, with textures like Twill, MicroSuede, Velvish, and Phur.  Colors and designs also allow people to customize to their heart’s desire, from the basic solid earthy shades to the custom order fabrics of different patterns.  Their newer products include an oversized PillowSac that can be used in a multitude of ways and an ottoman doubling as a seat or footrest.  And most recently, they’ve come out with Sactionals for any sort of sectional combination you can come up with.

I’ve had my eye on the SuperSac for awhile now, with its six-foot diameter that comfortably fits two people.  It’s so big that it can fit “3 adults or 14 kids” as the description touts and weighs about 70 lbs.  In high school, I dreamt of the day when I would have my own apartment and could buy myself one of these to be used as a couch, bed, and chair.  I would just need a lap table and it could be used as a desk too!  Alas, about two years ago I was just checking up on the LoveSac of my choice when I found shocking news – LoveSac was no more!  I was devastated and regretted not buying them before they disappeared from the face of this planet.  Then this summer, purely by lovesacserendipity, I ran into my friend walking in the hallway with one of his friends and that guy had on a LoveSac shirt!

It turns out that this friend’s friend works for one of the LoveSac shops that has since reopened.  They are much more dispersed now, with only two stores in California, but I’m so happy they’re up and running again!  I immediately went to the website to see what had changed (and hopefully find that what I wanted hadn’t changed).  There’s no longer a pre-starter page that assures visitors that this is not a pornographic or otherwise inappropriate site.  Some of their smaller sizes seem to have gotten a facelift, with names like GamerSac and MovieSac.  They expanded the type of alternative furniture they offer and changed the logo, but other than that it was (thankfully) still the same company I had been obsessed with so many years ago.  I was relieved to find they were back in business and excited to figure out when I could get one for myself.

As of yet I still don’t know when I’ll be able to settle down enough to get one, but I’m hoping within the next year.  🙂

Retreating to nature

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

I spent the day off exploring the Singapore Botanic Gardens, getting a chance to escape from the city for a few hours.  When I first entered, it looked like a public park of sorts, with fields dotted with trees and an asphalt path for people to walk, run, or rollerblade along.  Following the path deeper into the grounds took me to Swan Lake, where there were a couple of swans swimming around languidly.  A few were being fed various bread and cracker type substances, surrounded by hungry koi and curious turtles.  It was the cutest thing I’ve seen – three different species all swimming around each other peacefully.  I made my way around the entire pond before continuing along the path.  On the side with the grassy knoll and speckling of trees, dozens of families and friends were having picnics and otherwise enjoying the pleasant day.

Turtle in the top left area, fish in the bottom area, and the swan you can't miss.

Turtle in the top left area, fish in the bottom area, and the swan you can't miss.

That fish was not shy.

That fish was not shy.

I followed the signs to the Ginger Garden, where there was this cool waterfall with a little cave area behind that people could pass through.  I saw a family taking pictures of themselves behind the waterfall and wanted to do the same, but alas, I didn’t want to elicit outside help.  I also imaged taking a fun jumping shot in front of it, but that’s something I’d do if I was with a friend.  Not everyone can get the timing right and I don’t know how strangers would feel about trying to capture such a shot.  So, in my mind’s eye I took a note of how I would do things if only I had Panda with me and moseyed along.  I then reached the National Orchid Garden, where I got myself a ticket to enter.  I spent the next hour wandering up and down, in an out of their paths.  I don’t know how many species of orchids I saw, but some were curious-looking, some were gorgeous, some had strange patterns, some were plain, some were large, some were small, and all were cool to look at.

Some of the interesting things I saw…
pale pink orchids

If only I could find some Venus flytraps too!











And so many more! Look out for a photo album on Facebook.

I took countless photos and rediscovered some things that I want – Venus flytraps (though I couldn’t find any, there were plenty of pitcher plants that reminded me of my desire for a certain carnivorous plant!), tadpoles (I had one once, but dropped it and when I went to pick it up I squished it 🙁 – oops), and a water fountain (there was this cool one that looked like a cluster of plants).  On my way out, I wandered around the gift shop, contemplating things I might want to buy and ended up deciding to just get these small little rings.  I can’t figure out what material they are made from, but a lot of Chinese bracelets resemble this.  These, of course, are merely cheap imitations.  I have a bracelet that’s legit though and it’s quite cool – it’s made of some sort of stone and metal.

If only I could find some Venus flytraps too!

If only I could find some Venus flytraps too!

I was sooo tempted to try to bring some with me.  :(

I was sooo tempted to try to bring some with me. 🙁

Plant?  Nope, water fountain!

Plant? Nope, water fountain!

And finally, the rings.

And finally, the rings.

From there, is was then power walking for the next two hours, going through the patch of rainforest, Evolution Garden, Eco Garden, checking out Au Jardin (a French restaurant, as it turned out), and heading back to the waaay other end of gardens to exit again.  I got a bit disoriented a few times and made a few detours to some of the other attractions on my way back, including a gazebo, some desert plants, and lily ponds.  It was around 8 PM by then and I was ravenous, so all I could think about was getting to food.  I quickly made my escape and hopped on a bus to Orchard Road, but I tried to find this Din Tai Fung that I could see in my mind’s eye, but for the life of me couldn’t find in real life.  The front desk at Takashimaya shopping center was useless, so I wandered around, through a fashion show and a drummer circle.  Eventually I ended up at the bus stop that would take me back, so I got on and stopped along the way at Holland Village to have dinner at the Crystal Jade there.

What a day out!  I was drained from all the brisk walking, but it was so nice to see so much greenery, so many beautiful flowers, and so many creatures!  I really do love to retreat to nature whenever I can.  It clears my mind and calms me down.

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