Haha, a lazy one.
Today was Blood Donor’s Day and in celebration, all regular blood donors who gave at least once in 2008 were invited to the Jurong Bird Park for free. Chatty, Typea’s mom, had an offer for two to go for free, which she kindly offered me when I mentioned the places I’ve been meaning to go to. Mizu had promised me he’d take me around to similar things like the zoo and Night Safari, so I asked if he’d come along for this. Luckily, he was free for the day and we were able to enjoy a leisurely brunch before going in. He brought a fancy camera to take some nice photos, which was great since I had neglected to charge my camera’s battery. Plus, it freed me up to take some video footage while the battery was still alive.
It was a nice overcast day for the most part, which kept things cool. Thankfully, the rain stayed away though and allowed us to enjoy a very nice time at the park. Apparently a lot of people are blood donors because the place was packed! From the bus that took us from Boon Lay to the park to the line to get in, we could tell it was going to be a crowded place. It was still great fun though, as we made our way from penguins to flamingos to macaws to hawks to ostriches, and so much more! There was even this beastly creature that was huge and rather ugly, with remnants of a dino-like crown protruding from his head. Along the way, we came across a pelican feeding, where we were told about the seven types of pelicans in existence, and then got to see an entertaining bird show with all kinds of fun tricks.
At the end of our trip, we took the tram for one more spin around the park and headed out to meet up with some of Mizu’s friends. We stopped by the gift shop hoping to find a cute penguin pen to bring back to Starfish, but they didn’t have any. 🙁 We also came across this free pearl offer (where they would extract it in front of you), but it was only for real ticketholders. 🙁 I was so sad because I really wanted one so I could bring something back to Chatty to thank her. Oh well. We then squeezed back onto the bus to take us to the MRT and took a nice long ride to Ang Mo Kio to wait for Mizu’s buddies. Typea’s been using my iPod touch to play Tap Tap Revenge (it’s like DDR but with your fingers on the touchscreen), which Mizu also enjoys, so we played a few rounds challenging each other as we sipped on some drinks.
Come dinnertime, I met Mizu’s classmate Gold, a Korean guy who studied in the states for a number of years, Gold’s roommate Jolly, a Korean guy who had just come to Singapore two months ago, and their mutual friend Youli, a Japanese girl who’s working over in Changi. We made our way over to a food center called Chomp Chomp, where Mizu played host and got us all kinds of dishes to try, along with the most montrously-sized mugs of sugar cane I’ve ever seen. We had a fun time fighting to make people eat more and even ended with a lovely competition between Mizu and Gold, who chugged the rest of their sugar cane drinks. Poor Gold got himself a bit of a headache from the intense sugar rush. I wish I had been able to film that footage! Unfortunately my camera had long since died by that point, so I have no pictures or videos to share. However, I’ll be getting all the fun shots that Mizu got on his camera in a few days!
After that, we ended the night chilling with drinks and some snacking, chatting about all kinds of random things (and, inevitably, showing them Tap Tap Revenge as well!). Ah, what good times! 🙂