Posts Tagged ‘technology’

Do the Wave

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Google is a company that knows how to create.  Create lots of online applications for people to use, then create huge hype over them when they (slowly) release them.  Remember the days when Gmail was invite-only?  Well, now it’s happening with their newest project: Google Wave.  Apparently it’s also going on for their service Google Voice, which will be opening up to the public eventually.

google waveToday I got an e-mail from a friend, asking around to see if anyone has invites for Google Wave.  That prompted me to go on a wild goose chase, first trying to figure out what exactly it is, then of course trying to find people with invites.  My search didn’t get far – after all, Google’s got a central location to explain what Wave is.  At first I read about it and understood the general concept – a collaborative tool online, with live interactions.  It’s like being in a meeting room, throwing around ideas and sharing documents, but in electronic form.  That wasn’t enough to really interest me, but I am a persistent person and I like to help others to make myself feel good and useful.  So, I watched the one-hour, twenty-minute, and twelve-second video outlining all the fun little doodads that come in Wave.

The screenshot provided by Google.

The screenshot provided by Google.

Now that is what truly sparked my interest.  The usability looks fabulous, there are a lot of functions for all the things you ever might want to do, and plenty of fun widgets!  It is open sourced, so there will certainly be a LOT of cool features to come as programmers get their turn at it.  It can integrate with websites and sync the information on your blog and in your Wave so that comments from one show up in the other.  Same thing goes for Twitter – you can link your account and post tweets from within Wave.  It is truly live to the point of being able to watch the other person typing out what they want to say (you can turn that feature off if you make a lot of mistakes or don’t want to have to take back something you didn’t mean to type).  It’s easy to drag and drop things into the Wave you’re working on, or take part of the current Wave and create a new one.

Some of the extensions they have are really what caught my eye.  Right now it’s smart enough to spell and grammar check in a contextual way, so even if you misspell something and end up typing another word instead, it can catch it and change that for you.  Sometimes it will change automatically and sometimes you will get that telltale red underline and then be given options.  It recognizes links without needing the http:// to indicate so and you can paste links in from a Google search without having to copy-paste the URL.  You can embed Google Maps, pictures, videos, and the like very easily and it recognizes YouTube links as videos and offers the option of embedding that with a quick click.  There’s also a real-time translating function that can translate between any two of 40 languages!

photo credit: marketingfacts on flickr

photo credit: marketingfacts on flickr

Once I went through that video, I got curious.  Suddenly, I was interested in trying it out for myself.  First I thought of the people I know at Google.  Oh wait, there aren’t any.  I have an acquaintance who works for them in Australia last I checked, but I haven’t heard from him in ages.  I checked LinkedIn and found that one of the people that Panda knows works for them, but he doesn’t know the guy well enough to ask for favors.  So there I was, wondering if I knew anyone who would have access to this kind of thing.  I decided to go to Twitter to post a funny observation I had made while watching the video.  While I was there, I searched for Google Wave and noticed that it was the top trending topic.  I guess this is all newer than I thought it was, since the hype was intense.  There were people selling invites!  That’s just insane.

I then read a few tweets about people giving them away (most were fakes, claiming they had 1000 invites) and couldn’t really find any leads.  I came across a lady who looked legit and messaged her just to try my luck.  I then noticed a lot of people offering Google Voice invites for Wave ones.  Well, the moment I saw that, I remembered a good friend of mine who has set his Google Voice number as his status for quite some time now.  Whenever he signs on, I see a message: “(XXX) XXX-XXXX new google voice phonenumber.”  I couldn’t resist telling him how I was reminded of him (and ask what exactly a Google Voice number is for).  As we chatted, I learned that not only did he have Google Voice, he has Google Wave as well.  After clearing up what Google Voice is for, he mentioned that he had one more invite to Google Wave and asked if I was interested.  Well, of course I was!  So I took his offer and I should be receiving my invite sometime tomorrow.

Then, let the Waving begin!

The language of nature

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

“We all use math everyday – to forecast weather, to tell time, to handle money.  We also use math to analyze crime, reveal patterns, predict behavior.  Using numbers, we can solve the biggest mysteries we know.”


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I saw a commerical for Numb3rs and decided to start watching that now that show I’ve completed all seasons of NCIS.  As I went through the first episode, I noted how often referrals to natural occurrences were made.  The entire philosophy is that through the language of mathematics, we can find the equations (or “sentences”) that explain natural phenomenon.  Add all that up and you have the backbone of mother nature’s workings.  It makes me wonder if math is the language that she speaks in and expresses herself in.

Let me draw some parallels.  To start with, numbers, letters, and symbols comprise the alphabet of complex mathematical equations, just like letters and accents comprise the alphabet of human words and sentences.  Each one has a unique meaning and depending on how you combine them, meanings change drastically.  From there, words combine to become sentences and sentences combine to express ideas, just like variables combine to create equations and equations aggregate to matrices (or something like that).  I’m not exactly a mathematician, so forgive me if this metaphor is slightly inaccurate.  I think you get the point though.

A romanesco broccoli.  Fascinating example of a fractal occuring in nature.  photo credit:

A romanesco broccoli. Fascinating example of a fractal occuring in nature. photo credit:

And it’s true, math is found all throughout our lives.  Probability, percentages, the Fibonacci sequence, fractals… the list goes on.  Everywhere we turn, we are unknowingly interacting with numbers or in ways that mathematics can explain or predict.  Take the very computer you are using to read this now.  Though it’s all nice and neatly presented to us in visually appealing ways, computer programs use binary code.  Imagine trying decode 01110100011010000110100101110011 in binary.  What does that turn out to be?  Well, try it out yourself.  So then binary would be a subset of mathematics, or a “dialect” of the language of nature, if you will.  Of course, we use it ourselves on a daily basis when we make financial decisions (is 3% interest better or 2% interest with handling fees better?) or compare differences in our lives (is he more likely to agree to a lower price with free gifts or a higher price with no hidden charges?).

It’s no secret that the physics we encounter everyday abides by certain principles, guided by equations.  So I guess it’s not shocking to posit that math explains nature.  I guess it’s just strange to think that all those equations you began to learn in school are the building blocks for finding the patterns that we see in our lives.  However, math is all about predictability and people generally want to find a definitive answer from the calculations they make.  In life, there are just too many variables to consider and I don’t know if humans have the capacity to fully comprehend the immensity of the language we would need to master.  No doubt as with non-native speakers of any language, we are bound to make grammatical errors that may give the gist of what we’re trying to express, but don’t do so so beautifully and elegantly as the one native speaker of that language: physics, the master of nature.  I do believe that the physical world follows the guidelines of physics and that rulebook, though we have cracked much of, is still much a mystery to us.

[edit]  A few episodes later, they actually said that mathematics is the language of nature in the show!  Yup.

Forever “beta”

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Is it just me or does beta scream cop-out to you too?

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photo credit:

At first it was a great idea.  Have a beta version and allow exclusive access to dedicated users/customers so they can use it and help you figure out all the glitches.  It’s like getting free manpower to test out the functionality of your product!  Then you could open it up to the public with minimal complaints.  Plus, your customers feel good about themselves because they got a sneak peek at your new product.  You get valuable feedback and they get to feel special.  Pretty good solution all around, huh?

Unfortunately, all good ideas can be misused and morph into something it wasn’t intially meant for.  At times, unforseen uses and changes can be good, but often it is not.  Nowadays, it seems companies use beta just as an excuse for any glitches that their product may have.  How many sites do you see that still have beta listed on a corner of the logo, even after weeks or months of being up?  At that point, beta is just a crutch for the companies so they can’t be blamed for malfunctions.  That’s how I see it anyway.  Would you ever buy a computer or car that was still considered beta?  It signals a certain higher risk rate and I know I wouldn’t go for something like that.

For the same reason, my mom doesn’t want me to buy new technology as soon as it becomes available.  I mentioned the new solar panel on the Prius 3rd generation and she warned me against using that sort of technology too soon (not that I wanted to buy such an ugly car, but the technology sure is awesome).  I mentioned this when with friends and Doc agreed – his family had bought a van with automatic sliding doors as soon as they became commerically available and ran into a lot of problems with that vehicle.  For the majority of people, it’s better to let others try something new first, then get it after it had reliably performed well for a period.  I guess that explains why there are so few early adopters out there!

Trouble with electronics

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,
Last time it needed fixing.

Last time it needed fixing.

I seem to mistreat my electronics quite often, cycling through cameras and cell phones every 1-2 years.  My first laptop lasted me three and a half years and this one is already in pretty bad shape after a year and a half.  I must admit, my klutziness plays a huge factor, causing me to drop the smaller items regularly and occasionally mishandle the laptops too.  Right now I’m dealing with a problem that apparently Katana’s having too (an unhinged hinge), which pushes up against my speaker panel and bends it.  The screw seemed to have made its way out again (the first time this happened I also needed to replace my keyboard because of spillage, so the problem was solved when Doc fixed the more visible issue).  I have the screw, but absolutely no recollection of how to remove the appropriate parts to get it back in place.  I don’t want to call up a friend just to ask for help with it, so I’ve been dealing with it for quite awhile now.  It gets annoying when the screen gets beyond a certain threshold and just falls over backwards because of the lack of support coming from that hinge.

I recently got a new phone that has been faring pretty well, but then again it has only been three weeks.  The last one I had to use only on speakerphone because I couldn’t hear the other party if it was the normal speakers.  Don’t know how I had to drop it to do that, but I guess it’s not an uncommon problem.  Unfortunately, it was out of warranty and not worth it to pay for the repairs, so I just had to deal with it.  Thankfully I don’t really have personal calls that need more privacy.  I don’t remember if my phone before that was having functionality issues, but you could obviously see the wear and tear from the chipped paint and scratches it had accumulated.  Similar issues arise with my cameras.  Plenty of nicks to show they’ve been places and they usually go out of commission when they won’t turn on anymore.  At that point, I get a new one and the old one is sent to China to be fixed up for others to use.  I believe each and every one has gotten splashed and encountered its fair share of sand (though they always survived that part of the abuse).  What can I say?  My devices are well-loved and very well-used.

New gadget

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: ,

After much deliberation and visits to AT&T, Best Buy, Walmart, and Costco, as well as some websites, I settled on the LG Xenon as my new phone.  So far it’s been alright, though I think the original calibration wasn’t so great so I redid it.  Now I don’t seem to hit as many wrong buttons, but we’ll see.  Maybe the Vu would have been better, but that one doesn’t have a keyboard, so I’d be completely screwed if the calibration was messed up.  Whether or not this is the best phone out there for me, it’s got all the basics that I wanted, so I was eager to buy it as soon as I decided.

lg xenonThis time around, I felt a bit outdated, since apparently in the past few years, bluetooth and cameras have become a default in phones.  Well, that’s good because I wanted both, as well as a slot for a MicroSD card and a simple, clean interface.  Unfortunately, though the outside looks simple, once you turn on the phone, there is a mess of buttons and symbols that I need to get used to.  Not as easy I as thought it’d be.  The irony of convenience in electronics is that you often need to learn the system first.  Until then, it’s all confusing – exactly the stage I’m at!

I ended up choosing Costco’s deal because they gave a free car charger and case and waived the fees.  Upon opening the package, I found I got an earpiece too!  Not a bad deal.  Now I just need to learn how to navigate the thing and update everyone who needs to know on my new number.  I hope this one is up for a bit of dropping and crushing.  I seem to be rather careless with my devices.  :-/


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

I am insistently stubborn.  I don’t know if that’s even a way you can describe stubbornness, but I didn’t know how else to express it.  Some time after I got my iPod touch, I wanted to jailbreak it so I could get some games for free, but Mac, the resident Apple expert, told me I couldn’t because my model is too new.

But it’s only 2G! I exclaimed when he told me it was a 3G.  I then went online to find out how to go about it and downloaded some program with a pineapple logo.  I tried and tried, but alas, I failed and failed.  Perhaps he was right.  I got a scare after restoring it to “factory conditions” and thought I’d lost all the games I had, but it turns out my computer (thank goodness) kept track for me and had saved the last state it was in.  When prompted to sync with a previous version, I gladly agreed and most everything was restored for me.

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Over the past week I’ve been playing this wonderful game on Typea’s iPhone called iZoo, which is basically Bejeweled but with animals.  Some may know it as Zoo Keeper.  Unfortunately, that game is only available to jailbroken iPhones and ipod touches.  Sad.  After spending a week begging and pleading every time I wanted to play, I wanted to get it for myself.  So once again I went on the prowl, first trying to see if there was some other version I could get on my iPod.  I came across an online one, but it just wasn’t as fun (who doesn’t love a touch screen?).

Eventually I found another program meant for version 2.2.1, which I swear is what I have, but try upon try made me doubt the viability of my goal.  I always got stuck when I tried to put my iPod in DFU (I think that’s what it’s called) mode, where you hold power and home forten seconds, then release power and continue holding home for thirty more seconds.  My tries only resulted in no response from my device as I frantically held down the power button, the home button, and both in an attempt to revive it.

In the end I gave up and now my iPod’s sitting here, syncing back all the music and games and other apps that I had before.  It looks like this is going to take a few hours.  Yippee.  I’m still not satisfied though.  I want that game!!!

Unprofessional appearances

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

As I was researching for work this week, I came across some websites that looked worse than what I used to create in middle school.  It shocked me that businesses like that could exist and somehow make money when their homepage ran for miles with plain text in glaring colors detailing a lot of superfluous information.  It really resembled an infomercial: “Are you desperate for help?  Do you know what kind you want?  Do you know where to get it?  Are you looking for a great solution?  Well guess what?  Helpline is here!  For only nine installments of $19.99, you too can join the thousands who have found the help they need! …”  Catch my drift?


So plain, so bare!

I really don’t understand how people can take a company seriously when they don’t even bother to get a website designed to reflect their brand.  It is their front, their face, and they chose to represent it as such?  I wouldn’t trust my business with these people!  Who does?!  I see this kind of like a company that gets an empty warehouse to work from and all they get are desks and chairs.  They don’t carpet the place, add curtains, put decorations on the walls, or anything to personalize.  The whole place is dusty and smells strangely too and an unshaven man with food particles all over his beard throws open the door and rushes off when you knock.  You walk in to find minimalistic decorations and no sitting area for guests.  You’re then handed plain sheets of printed outlines of what services they offer. Would you want to engage this organization?  I wouldn’t!

Now there’s definitely a difference between looks to enhance an image and looks to just appear professional.  I’m not saying that these people should suddenly decorate like crazy, but there are certain protocols.  In the work force, people often have uniforms depending on their organization and if you wear something else, it can really change the impression that you give.  Much like dress codes, there are guidelines to follow to be taken seriously for business.  I think there’s a huge difference between just being casual (which plenty of companies have chosen to adopt) and being sloppy (which no company should ever adopt).

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Women are most often judged for their appearances, so let me draw an analogy of a woman going to work.  If she shows up with tangles in her hair, some eyeliner gone wrong, and hiding herself in baggy sweats, I don’t think anyone would want to do business with her, especially when they get a whiff of her… odor.  Now if she were to show up to work with neatly combed hair, a fresh clean face, and a simple non-offensive t-shirt and jeans, she can be casual without looking like someone who can take care of her business.  Now of course, the way we’ve been conditioned, she is probably more likely to be taken seriously if she wears even dressier clothes, like a business suit.  But that’s a whole other story.

To me, a website like the one shown is basically not performing “proper hygiene” for itself.  When I come across something like that, I’ve got no better choice but to hold my breath and rush on by.  And so I did, quickly moving on to sites that had more thought and effort put into them.  Am I being too harsh here?  Do websites need the kind of grooming I’d like to see from them all or are they fine like this as long as they have all the information?  I can’t help but feel like this is unreliable and unprofessional.  And who wants to business with an unreliable and unprofessional organization, right?

iPod Touch – a new toy!

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,
Yaaay, a package!  Please excuse my haggardly look.

Yaaay, a package! Please excuse my haggardly look.

My wait has finally come to an end as my iPod Touch arrived in the mail today!  I’ve just started to play around with it and I’m ready to use it tomorrow morning on the way to work.  I bought it to have some music to listen to as I travel to and from work, which will be a nice way to put myself in whatever mood I’m looking for.  Sometimes I want to be energized, sometimes I want to be soothed, and sometimes I want to be uplifted.  Whatever the case, my vast collection of songs (4039 to be exact) is sure to be able to whip up the right set of songs for me.  I have a traditional iPod at home, but it’s bulky and I hardly ever use it, so I decided it was time for something new.  It was also a nice way to treat myself and brighten my mood as I work through stressful times.

In my fiddling around, there are some features I wish it had – bluetooth, a camera, and speakers – but it provides more functions that I’ll probably ever use.  I’ve enjoyed setting everything up though, for the rare cases where I actually would want to know the temperature or check on some stocks.  There are also certain moments where I wish I could just integrate the phone in there as well so I don’t have to carry around a phone, camera, and the iPod.  However, I certainly am not planning on using a media package phone plan in the near future, so getting an iPhone would have been rather pointless.  I much prefer my 32 GB worth of storage in this sleek little sucker.  I wouldn’t mind if they could have put in a camera, but truth be told, it wouldn’t suffice and I’d still end up bringing my camera with me.  After all, I need flash, different focus settings, and a myriad of the features a standard digital camera has.  The one thing I would use a camera on the iPod for would be quick shots of random things when I don’t have my camera handy and portraits of the people in my contact list to use in their info.

dsc04811I’m really excited to head out to an Apple reseller store tomorrow (Cathay Photo) to find a nice backing for it, as well as some sort of screen protector.  Then I won’t feel like it is so delicate and that I have to tote it around so gingerly!  At this point I don’t want to scratch it up more so I can get something to preserve its condition, which is slightly worn in the back (but hey, it’ll be covered soon enough and it was definitely worth the discount!).  There’s not much point to this post other than to share a fun, exciting piece of my life.  New gadgets are always fun to play around with!  Now I need to arm myself with some cool applications though – any suggestions?

Fire in the soul

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Perhaps it is time for some soul searching of sorts (in terms of career potential).

Demoing health food forever?

Demoing health food forever?

A few weeks ago, Starfish requested a list of my passions to help me figure out what I want to do and where I can go.  It was surprisingly harder than I thought – after all, who doesn’t know what they love, right?  Yet, it seems that my trouble is what I truly love not always being a viable source of work to pursue.  First let me share what I came up with:

~ emerging forms of media (especially social media at the moment)

~ people’s stories (whether hearing them or sharing them)

~ observing people (their behavior, interactions, and body language)

~ novel things, places, and experiences (travel, broad interactions)

~ health issues (diet and exercise/fitness, organic/all-natural foods)

~ environmentalism (conservation, recycling, and sustainability)

My darling Simon.

My darling Simon. How can you not find him adorable?

~ volunteering with animals (mostly cats)

~ background/support work (researching, planning)

~ the military (particularly the Marine Corps!)

Ok, so where does that put me?

1. I’ve hardly used social media enough to claim expertise as so many do.  However, I am very dedicated to my blog and have made it a point to post on a daily basis.  Still, at best, this would be a supplementary service for some sort of package integrated marketing consultation service.

2. Though I like to hear people’s stories, I’m certainly not interested in journalism nor do I feel like the right vessel to help share those stories.  I’m also not that great a storyteller.  I have had dreams about talking to homeless people to find out how they got into their situation and then helping to groom them to reintegrate to society.

3. Noticing the little nuances in how people go about their days doesn’t exactly translate into a career and is more of an enhancement to how I learn to deal with people.  Maybe I’ll start a little side blog with snippets of the things I observe.

One of my favorite views - out a plane window.

One of my favorite views - out a plane window.

4. Being introduced to new people, new places, and new things would be a cool temporary thing to do or a nice addition to my job, but isn’t exactly a career in itself if I want to settle down.  This is where my dream of competing in The Amazing Race comes into play.

5. I’m not enough of a fitness or health food nut to delve into this so deeply.  At best I could be an advocate for eating less meat to save the environment, eating organic and local to save your community, and exercising regularly and eating well to save yourself.

6. I’ve been doing a lot of research and reading in the green field, since it is what I want to build a company from sometime in my life.  Starfish made a very wise suggestion in mentioning I can start to attend conferences of the sort, get involved in the field.  I’ll certainly be looking into that (hopefully there are free ones).  I’ve been meaning to go to the UCLA Institute of the Environment to see if there’s anything I can get involved in.

My precious Jerriey.

My precious Jerriey. Great for stress relief.

7. I actually started looking at cat sitting services and boarding houses to see the rates they charge at.  I’m not sure how I would handle spending time with all these adorable felines and not getting to keep them.  I think I’m more of a cat owner at heart, though I do like to go play with and take care of them at shelters.

8. Researching and other support work is yet another one of those things that I prefer to use to enhance my work rather than to define my work.

Yeah, I wanted to be one of them.  The first Marines I ever encountered.

Yeah, I wanted to be one of them. The first Marines I ever encountered.

9. Once upon a time I had fantasies about being a Marine.  Then lots of things got in the way and I decided that I was not meant for that path.  However, my love/obsession/fascination for the military will always be strong, so I’d love to find a way to work with them.  At one point I considered trying to do their marketing.  That’s still an option…

What really invigorates me?  Sitting at my computer reading articles about green technology, environmentally-friendly

One of the half dozen military boot camps I want to.  That's me holding the red guide-on!

One of the half dozen military boot camps I went to. They're strangely invigorating for body and mind. That's me holding the red guide-on!

products, and fresh wholesome natural food.  Spending time with and observing animals.  Traveling around the world and getting a peek at the lives of others so different from mine.  Hearing about the interesting backstories of people’s lives.  Spending time alone pondering and introspecting; also, watching people pass me by.  Contemplating (and trying to go out and do) fun ways to be fit and well.  Hearing about anything related to the military.

What I’m really looking for is freedom.  Freedom to sleep in and stay up ridiculously late.  Freedom to get work done in different places on different days.  Freedom to meet new people and learn new things all the time.  Freedom to step away from society.  Freedom to be on my own.  Freedom to think.

At the same time, I want financial security.  Enough to live comfortably, to support a family, and to send the kids off to college without loans looming over them.  Basically, what I had the privilege of growing up with.  There are few gifts like responsible and successful parents who allow you to start your working life loan-free.  I’d like to be able to provide that as well.  In terms of long-term career goals, my main focus is sustainability in all aspects – mentally, emotionally, financially, physically.

So… any ideas?


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,
Everyone having fun, of course.

Everyone having fun, of course.

Today I attended my very first Tweetup and met a really nice group of people, thanks to @inrsoul!  It was a really nice experience, to meet up with a bunch of strangers, yet feel so comfortable hanging out.  I’m thrilled about this chance to get out and mingle with people I otherwise would not know.  After all, I’ve been a bum lately, doing nothing more than going to work, eating, and going home for the night.  I didn’t even step outside at all this weekend!  So, to counteract that, this was the perfect opportunity that I spotted by chance last night when I decided that a day away from Twitter should be somewhat made up for.  As I was going through tweets of the day, I came across the one that led me to the #SGTweetUp and how fortunate that was.

Seriously guys, whose balls were these?

Seriously guys, whose balls were these?

So at the actual event, it was really nice that inrsoul knew who I was the moment I stepped in and greeted me by name.  Then, he introduced me to some of the people there and found a place for me to settle amongst them.  He chose a great venue in Zsofi’s Tapas Bar, because the upstairs portion is no shoes and has low cushions, pillows strewn along the walls, and ambient lighting.  A great casual setting for us to mingle, drink, and eat comfortably.  I sat down and started to chat with the people next to me, which provided a lot of different conversations.  I went on to spend a good 4 hours interacting with a variety of people, though it seems most are in advertising/marketing or technology.  I think it’s so cool that they’re doing things like designing apps for the iPhone, selling iPhones (and all Apple products), doing Forex trading, going to exclusive events for bloggers, and working on social media plans.

Good food, good drinks, good company.

Good food, good drinks, good company.

I moved around a bit throughout the night, getting to know different people, with conversations ranging from loud and exuberant to solemn and thoughtful.  There were times I talked until my throat went sore and other times I just sat and listened.  We had lulls here and there, but before long, someone would come up with another topic and we’d keep going.  It wasn’t until I realized that it was nearly 11 already that I was reminded of going back.  I didn’t want to miss the last train and bus home, so I left soon after checking my watch to find that it was already so late!  On the ride home, I was quite pleased with the night and sent out a tweet via text to thank inrsoul for making it happen.  Once I got back, I found some messages and new followers waiting for me already!  I’ve spent the past two hours conversing with some of my new buddies, which is just so cool.  I rarely have real time interaction on Twitter.  🙂

I’m really looking forward to future events!  This is the start of something beautiful.  😛

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