Check out my UK Day 1 recap and UK Day 2 recap, then read on for Day 3! We spent about half the day prepping for and traveling to Cardiff, then got a chance to explore the city in the afternoon and evening. It was a nice quiet, yet active time together in this beautiful place. 🙂

From our hotel, we could see Victoria Station, so it was very easy to get to the train!

The interior of Victoria Station is nice and airy, with plenty of natural sunlight.

There were a ton of bikes parked there.

Before boarding the train, I browsed the selection at Delice de France for my lunch.

I ended up getting the chicken chorizo baguette to eat on the train and it was delicious!!

Along the way, we saw the circus in a town.

Hello Cardiff! I’m finally in Wales!

What an ambitious dog, carrying around a giant tree branch.

The flowers make the street all pretty.

Yay, celebration!

It’s sunny but it’s gloomy ’round these parts.

Got a view of the Cardiff Castle from the hotel lounge.

A fun little garden area across the street.

The executive lounge provided a variety of snacks!

Haha, can’t say this is what I imagine when I hear “gumdrop” but it’s a nice way to discourage gum where you don’t want it.

We walked through an industrial zone that was intimidating, but at least there were pretty flowers!

We tried walking to this Cardiff Bay we heard about, but couldn’t quite figure out what there was to see. It was pretty along the way at least!

So many swans around here! I love it.
As we were walking along the river, we heard a splash and saw some movement out of the corner of our eyes. We thought it was a bird diving into the water to get a fish, so we watched and waited for it to come up. A few minutes later, what did we see? A GINORMOUS FLYING FISH! I mean, it was like a foot and a half long and propelled itself out of water better than salmon swimming upstream. I tried to get a video of it but we never saw it again. Sad times.

After giving up on going so far, we headed back and I wondered what those colorfully-topped silver canisters are for.

We stopped for dinner at an Indian place, with pretty yellow flower centerpieces.

This was not what I expected when I ordered lemonade, but it was amazing. I want more!

Yuuum, enjoying our appetizers.

We both enjoyed our dishes and the garlic naan. Wonderful meal together. 🙂

I enjoy the little alleyways and cobblestone streets, and of course the architecture and beautiful blue skies.

Back at the hotel, we enjoy a little break in the lounge.

The clouds are moving in!

Oooo yes, I love these little glass soda bottles!

In the evenings, the executive lounge offers free wine here. I’m sure that made some folks happy.