Day 6 of our UK trip was a wonderful day of revisiting memories and sharing them with Panda. We wandered all through York and checked out a bunch of stores, buying some items but mostly browsing. I got a chance to feed some ducks and geese by a river, which I loved. We even had time to enjoy afternoon tea at Betty’s before returning to the hotel to rest and wait for the train to Edinburgh. A few hours later, we were stepping off onto Scottish soil and making our way to the hotel (getting a bit lost along the way). Once we finally found it, we happily settled in and enjoyed the welcome gifts and nice warm quarters.
[Need more recaps? Here are Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, and Day 5 recaps.]

Good morning, York!

I had a lot of fun choosing what to get from the Yorkshire Soap Co.

Yippee, now I’ve got awesome bath products from lovely Yorkshire.

Cat scarves?! I was really tempted, but next time…

Did you know Guy Fawkes was born in York?

Panda got a shot of me getting a shot of York Minster.

Our wanderings eventually took us outside the city walls.

Fancy a ghoulish tour? Then meet these guys for the Ghost Walk!

Hehe, check out this windblown street performer.

Evil Eye lounge! All I remember is weird beds upstairs and Asian fusion downstairs (with a bar too, of course).

Panda had to try some fish and chips. Tasty!

Caught me wandering.

The Sainsbury that I once walked all the way back from with my groceries!

I wish we could get on that bridge.

I had to stop and feed the birds. It’s a compulsion.

Can you see how gleeful I was? I love animals.

A ton of them joined in when they noticed food and I had fun walking along the bank sharing the wealth.

Even this pigeon wanted in on the action. Check out the cool black duck too!

At one point, I leaned over the bridge to feed them.

After running out of food, I happily walked off into the wind.

If they can make their marketing suite this big, I wonder what the places they’re selling are like!

Back in the center of town, we discovered some old cars on display.

Random browsing brought me to these adorable contact lense cases!

It was cold out, so Betty’s was especially inviting to us.

I loved warming up to a pot of tea and some snacks. Afternoon tea rocks!

Back by the hotel, I hardly recognized this as the old Toff’s where I went clubbing once. (I much preferred the Gallery.)

Does this look like a proper hotel entrance? Cuz it totally was.

After a few hours on the train, we arrived in Edinburgh and got to see the castle from afar!

All settled in at the hotel, with these nice treats waiting for us.
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