I’m not a “girly girl” and am generally pretty low-maintenance. You’ll usually find me lounging around in soft, loose clothing. I don’t do my hair, makeup, or whatever else most women seem to do ritualistically every morning. I much prefer to get extra sleep than to spend hours primping myself. So, I guess it is because of this that my friends find it particularly shocking when I go out in a dress. I don’t think this is a big deal, but apparently dresses look more dressed up. The real reason I wear dresses is actually due to convenience/laziness.
You see, getting dressed couldn’t possibly be easier than throwing on a dress. Once again, I opt for comfortable ones that are usually soft (sometimes silky too) and loose. I mean, I don’t go around in moo-moos, but I get ones that offer free range of motion. Whenever I need to throw something on and I can’t figure out if I should wear this shirt or those jeans, it’s easy to turn to a dress! After all, it’s only one item to worry about as compared to two and there certainly is no concern about whether it “matches” or whatever. Plus, there is no waistline to constrict you if you eat a little too much. 😉
I’m surprised that dresses are considered fancier than shirts and pants, if only because they offer casual wearing options without the fuss of mixing and matching. I guess part of it is because they are classified as feminine garments and part of it is because they tend to have fancier designs. Still, with a simple black cotton dress that has absolutely no frills, I still get comments and questions about how dressed up I am. When my friends see me in a dress, they can’t help but wonder if there is some sort of special event I am attending.
Well, I’m here to set the record straight. While I do wear dresses to special occasions, usually I just do it because it requires less thinking to throw on a one-piece and walk out the door than to try to figure out which shade of jeans goes with which color/design of shirt. That’s all it is!

June 7, 2012 11:44 pm
I’m similar to you, in the sense that I’ll always just put on something comfortable and not think so much about dressing up. I do put on light make up, though. Because I have horrible, horrible dark rings and I don’t want people to mistake me as a panda! /:
I do have the association that dresses are worn for certain occasions, that’s why I don’t usually wear them. I think I avoid wearing them partly also because I’ve got to put in extra effort to be mindful about the way I walk and sit when I’m in a dress.
But I do agree with you that it’s actually the simplest way to dress because you don’t have to think about what to go with your jeans and stuff!
I like reading your blog! (:
June 8, 2012 12:15 am
Hahaha, who doesn’t love a panda though??? Yes, the one down side to dresses is the potential for accidental overexposure. I had that issue today, so I put on some leggings underneath and was then called a hipster. Still trying to figure out what exactly that means.
Thanks for checking out my blog! I’ll have to sneak over to yours for some entertainment. How did you come across this site?
June 8, 2012 1:59 am
Haha! I don’t know what does hipster means too! I thought it refers to those guys who wears their skinnies really low and reveal their checkered boxes beneath? I mean.. That’s HIPster, isn’t it? Haha!
Gees, I can’t remember how I stumbled upon your site! Must be through some other websites that had your link… But nonetheless, I’m glad I found your blog! Because I do enjoy reading your post! Really like the way you write! 😀
June 9, 2012 10:30 pm
That’s clever! Maybe I am HIPster then, since I don’t like high waistlines.
Well, however you got here, it’s nice to meet you and I’m glad you left me a note. I always wonder who is reading. I’m jealous of how creative and artsy you are. Your pics are really cool. I love it when people capture random things in life – the stuff you never stop to think about usually.