My latest obsession is Yelp (see my profile). A few weeks ago, I decided that I want to become Yelp Elite. To do so, I began to draft a bunch of reviews and started to take note of every place I went. Soon enough, it became more fun to check in, upload pictures, and add new businesses than it was to write out dozens of reviews, so I got sidetracked. My reviews are still slowly coming along and after I’ve done this for awhile and racked up some cred, I will apply and hopefully be part of the Elite ’11 crowd.
More recently I discovered the joy of reviewing the places I’ve been to while abroad! The first thing I did was review the Eiffel Tower. 🙂 Interestingly, I’ve been to every country that Yelp is in currently: the US, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Austria, Ireland, and the Netherlands. Sooo it is now my goal to figure out the names of the places I went to and review at least one place in each of those countries! I’ve managed to do 5 of the 8 thus far and with some more detective work, I’m sure I’ll figure out at least one establishment in the remaining three countries.
I’ve been checking in to every place I go to now, and eagerly adding ones that are not already on the site. My first addiction within the Yelping experience was being the first to review. There’s something about getting that stamp of recognition that makes me happy! However, after awhile, I discovered the fun in contributing to Yelp’s database of businesses. Nowadays I am always on the lookout for a place that is not yet listed, such as the Sony Store that just opened up in the Century City mall. Unfortunately, you don’t get recognition for adding a business, but if they did, I’d probably get a badge! As a consolation, I made myself a list to keep track of them.
I still love to be first to review and I regret not being the first to review the Sony Store after I added it. Granted, it had not yet open, but I was going to put up a placeholder about how excited I was to check out the new store. You can always update your review, but once that coveted first spot is taken, there’s no getting it back. Pity! That’s ok though, between adding the business, putting up photos, and checking in there frequently, I get enough satisfaction. After all, I’m officially the Duchess of the Sony Store (because I have the most check-ins). I can be easily ousted since I’ve only gone three times, but hopefully I’ll swing by enough to keep my crown. 😛
I guess I enjoy Yelp because it’s a sort of game, with many ways to “win,” whether it be getting a badge, being crowned Duchess, or ultimately becoming Elite! Real life is so much more fun when it feels like you’re in a game.

April 6, 2011 10:51 pm
i’m glad i reminded you that you had a yelp account!!!!!
the best part about being elite is the elite parties!
April 7, 2011 12:24 am
Haha, yes, thank you! Not long after I posted this last night I remembered that it all started when you told me one of my reviews was in the Yelp newsletter that week. Got me thinking about Yelp again and motivated to give it a real try this time. 🙂