It was pouring rain when I got home and found this box on the stoop. It got pretty wet, but everything inside was ok!
Yogi Surprise is just under $36 per box (with code for 20% off your subscription – use my referral links from this post) and comes with yoga gear, skincare, food, and other lifestyle products. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you free boxes.
Natural Fitness hemp yoga strap – This is a nice strap that feels soft and thick. It’s strong and long, with very sturdy metal buckles. Between this and the other yoga strap we got, I’m all set for classes! I will also use them to help with stretches at home.
Mind Over Lather yoga mat spray – What a refreshingly clean scent! Perfect for cleaning off my mat. It’s a really large bottle too, so it’ll last me a good, long time. I might transfer some to a smaller bottle so it’s not quite so heavy to carry around.
Yoga Gangsters Truthful Mist – I don’t quite get this energy mist thing, but I sprayed and inhaled it as recommended. I think it’s nice for being a face mist of sorts. This particular scent isn’t my ideal, but it’s different so I think it’ll offer a nice change of scenery from the usual lavenders and citruses I have.
Gaiam Super Grippy yoga gloves – Fascinating product here, which certainly helps make it easier to keep your hands in place. I would like a pair of similar socks to use and then I can practice yoga on any smooth floor!
Bearded Brothers bar – I’ll be saving this for before or after a workout when I feel like I need a boost. Today I ate a bar before running and thank goodness! I probably would have passed out otherwise.
Jade Tree of Life bracelet – Aww this is cute. I like the delicate pendant hanging off the bracelet. I wear a solid jade bracelet, so I might try pairing them together. I can also use it for meditation like meditation beads. 🙂
Another box I’ll make good use of for the most part. Some items are more of a novelty sort of thing, but others are really practical. What do you think?
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]