Intense Gogobotting

laelene Post in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

Whenever I find a new site that offers something I like, I tend to throw myself into it and get obsessive about building up my profile.  This happened with Yelp, then Foodspotting, then Schemer, and now Gogobot.  With Yelp I reviewed and checked-in like my life depended on it (then happily achieved Yelp Elite status).  I’m still obsessively checking in but reviews come sporadically.  With Foodspotting, I went through ALL my pictures from the last couple of years, picked out the food ones, figured out where they were, and started adding them.  After awhile, I got overwhelmed so I’ve taken a break from that but I have an arsenal of pictures yet to post.  With Schemer, I meticulously thought of all the things I wanted to do, see, and experience and added those schemes.  I also browsed popular schemes and continually update this master bucket list as I come across interesting things.

With Gogobot, which I just discovered yesterday through a friend and started adding to my profile today, I’ve been going through old photos to remind me of all the places I’ve been.  I started with the cities I’ve been to and now I’m working through restaurants, sites of interest, hotels, and other notable (and reviewable) establishments.  I’ll be reviewing and adding pictures as I go.  My goal with this is to reach Pro status the next time they choose them!  Plus, Panda and I are actually planning a trip for later in the year, so this will be a great way to keep track of all the places we might want to visit and discover places we haven’t thought of.

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