Cops slowing down traffic. I know it’s for our own good, but boy does it suck. Glad I wasn’t on the other side of the second video.
police lights from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
police slowing traffic from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Cops slowing down traffic. I know it’s for our own good, but boy does it suck. Glad I wasn’t on the other side of the second video.
police lights from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
police slowing traffic from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Blossoming, or blooming, tea is quite the art form! Check out this video of how they work. 🙂
Well, Panda and I have been going through some tough times so I wanted to take some time to celebrate what makes our relationship beautiful. We’re not your average couple… He is not afraid of domestic work and I am not afraid of manual labor (or bugs :-P). I do not expect him to be the bread winner and he does not expect me to raise the kids mostly on my own. We are not afraid to show emotions to each other and cry. We are also completely comfortable with each other’s bodily functions, though we may tease each other about them at times. I don’t see a reason to conform to society’s standards and censor myself with him.
Then again, I guess a lot of that is sort of the traditional sexist type of relationship. Many modern relationships are not restricted quite like that, but still I find myself grateful for what we have when I hear about others’ views. When the guys at work talk about their girlfriends/wives spending $400 on a purse, I gawk like they’re all insane (which they are). I can’t fathom ever spending that kind of money on a purse, or shoes, or clothes. Then there’s the engagement ring of $10k+. What?! At first the ones I liked were a few hundred. Then I started to look at nicer ones in the $2000-5000 range and that’s where I’m at. Why spend more? It’s a waste. Panda will never have to worry about saving up crazy amounts of money so I can spend it all away.
Another thing that struck me was when the guys were talking about going to events without their significant other and being able to enjoy themselves more that way. I can’t think of a single event I don’t want Panda to come with me to. In fact, many a time I’ve opted out because he didn’t want to come or was unable to. The first thing I think about is how much fun I’d have if he could come. Not how much fun I could have if he didn’t come. That concept was foreign to me and the events I do go to alone, I am missing Panda the entire time. Of course, I still do what I can to enjoy myself, but it would be infinitely better with him there to share the experience.
We are also perfectly honest with each other. Cheating, abusing, breaking up – these are all things we’ve discussed before. We will do everything in our powers to prevent these atrocities, but we recognize we’re human, we’re not perfect, and it’s possible it could happen. Our open line of communication might sometimes be too open and feelings get hurt, people get offended. Nevertheless, we accept what is the truth and work with it. Things aren’t always peachy, but we aren’t giving up.
Perhaps the problem is actually that our type of relationship is NOT the standard. I sure think it would help lower the divorce rate since you either wouldn’t get married in the first place, or work through your problems and stay together for it. People can do with a lot more trying and a lot less giving up.
I don’t know how to rotate a video… do you?
sitting octopus from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
sleeping octopus from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Yesterday I hosted my very first Dinner for 12 Strangers! I attended three while I was an undergrad (one each year except for the one that I was studying abroad) and I’ve wanted to host one since I graduated. I finally got my own place this year and signed up as soon as I knew I’d have somewhere to host it.
As expected, scheduling conflicts led to quite a few cancellations from the students and faculty member slated to attend my dinner. Between myself, my two co-hosts, and the 5 students who did manage to come out, we had a nice cozy party of 8. My co-hosts and I prepared waaay too much food, but it’s all good since the students went home happy and well-fed. I even had a bunch of disposable containers that they used to take some of the leftovers home. 🙂
We spent most of the night playing an icebreaker game with M&Ms where each color represented some area of your life you’d share, such as family, career, aspirations, and hobbies. You grabbed a small handful and for each color you had, you’d say something about that topic. We decided to go one color at a time and then afterwards we’d reflect on what people said that stuck to us the most. This got a lot of conversation going and kept us rolling into the night! Next thing we knew, it was already 9 and the students started to head out.
I only wish I’d taken a group picture of everyone! Otherwise the night was just great and I’m glad we were able to put this together. I look forward to doing it again next year, if I have a place nearby. 🙂
Blink and you’ll miss it! A very quick shot of the mountain range in the Pasadena area. All the mountains were capped with snow! It’s been raining a lot in Los Angeles this year and the air was so beautifully crisp, the mountains so beautifully white.
snowy mountains of la from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Wow, I had my laptop on my lap in bed last night and just fell asleep. Next thing I knew it was 4 AM and I hadn’t turned off the light or my computer. I put the laptop aside and turned off the light before drifting off into unconsciousness again. I can’t quite remember what I was doing – Yelp maybe. All I know is that I’ve been really tired lately. I can’t get up in the morning when I should and it’s a struggle to get in to work. I’ve been dreaming. For me, that means restless nights. Whenever I dream, I don’t get the deep sleep I need to be fully rested.
The past two nights my right arm has started to feel numb. Today during the day I felt it still. A cold sensation from my chicken wing down to the fatty part of my palm, where the thumb is. I spent a lot of time rubbing my thumb warm and that helped. Still, I don’t know what nerve I must have pinched that is still hurting. I’ve been meaning to see a doctor for a checkup anyway, so I guess I should definitely do that next week. Maybe a massage will help! I think I’ll get one this weekend.
It’s been tough this week getting used to a new pattern that Panda and I will have to figure out. Unfortunately, his days are super early, which means later at night I’m alone with no one to talk to. It’s too bad he didn’t go to Hawaii – that time difference would be perfect! We could go to bed around the same time and have plenty of time to talk online after work. Alas, here we are trying to understand the best way to see each other and talk to each other in real time.
I haven’t felt overtly stressed, but it has turned out to be a rather tough (and busy) week! Monday night Panda left. Tuesday afternoon my mom came back. Wednesday I had a professional event, which was great. Today I had yoga and a fight with Panda as we try to find a good compromise with our new situation. Tomorrow I have a ceremony and then I need to bake a cheesecake. Saturday I’m hosting a Dinner for 12 Strangers and will need to cook, entertain, and clean up. Sunday I’ll be going home to visit my mom and hopefully get that massage in. And then Monday it’s back to work!