You know, I don’t quite get what Americans think of cats. For the most part, you hear of dog-lovers vs. cat-lovers, but it doesn’t seem to be that simple. A lot of people will tell you they aren’t really fond of cats. They find them aloof, scary even. But then they turn around and spend so much of their time enjoying cat videos and cat cartoons and cat pictures. You don’t really see the same amount of attention given to dogs.
There seems to be a bit of a love/hate relationship going on here. People love to see funny/weird media regarding cats, but they don’t actually like the creatures that much? Or maybe there are just tons of cat-lovers out there who are in denial of their status. It’s all confusing to me since I’m a cat-lover! Make up your minds people!! Either way, it seems we’re a nation obsessed with our felines, good or bad.