On the road from VA to SC

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

Panda and I got a chance to go to Myrtle Beach and this is what we encountered along the way!

long stretch of highway in north carolina lined with trees

There were the parts with trees lined on both sides of the road.

large blue water tower in the town of wilson

There were the parts with water towers looming above.

lawn mower vehicle driving along side of freeway mowing grass

There was the part with a bunch of mowers driving around along the freeway.

huge stop sign hanging like street sign over intersection

There was the town with the giant stop sign.

There was the last leg with a quiet neighborly road leading up to the resort.

bridge being supported by metal legs forming triangle shape

There were the parts with bridges supported by triangular metal legs.

unique pointy building structure by quantico

There was the part with a really interesting building near or in Quantico.

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