Green Festival DC 2014 haul

laelene Posted in lifestyle glimpses, photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

This year, Green Festival DC came to the area in the summer rather than the fall, and as usual, Panda and I were there volunteering on Saturday. We’ve fallen into a pattern: I sign up for the 1:30-6 pm shift for the Green Festival Store and he signs up for the 12-4 shift at exhibitor registration. This time around was much different for me in the sense that I went well-prepared to do a bit of spending. I feel like the last two years (see 2013 and 2012), I was more focused on getting samples whereas this year I was ready to discover some great products to purchase for myself.

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The haul!

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SheaTerra always has nice samples of African Black Soap.

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The first purchase was a 24-pack of seaweed snacks, nommers. I even helped the guy sell another box to these ladies.

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I had *just* been talking about getting glass cleaning products, how perfect! So of course I went for this purchase when I saw it.

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I immediately fell in love with this brand and was even happier to discover the bath salts came with their own scoops!! Amazing.

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When a kid offered me this sample, I figured why not? I can certainly try protein powder and see what it’s like.

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At first I passed on this, though I wanted it. Then after getting the Orange Owl products, I rationed that at $10 a pop for those, why not spend the $25 for these? They’re so unique and exactly the sort of thing I want for my home. I opted for the flower set, with Marigold, Calendula, Lavender, and Flax.

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When I saw these free meditation kits being passed out, I was mildly interested. Then I saw the bracelet and I thought it’d be great to meditate with! Not sure about reading all the texts, but I’ll take a peek.

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I noticed people walking around with these sprouts and I sent Panda on a mission to find them when his shift was over. Luckily, they were still available! They’re not trees… 😛

And there you have it! Panda also managed to find a bunch of snacks and even some other random samples. I’m starting to get familiar with many of the vendors who show up year after year, but I also love the new ones that come and go. I love some of the things I found this year and we’d like to try going to Green Festival LA and other cities as well.

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