365great Day 85: glow sticks

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365great challenge day 85: glow sticksI’m at a crazy Gogobot event tonight, which is Tron-themed, so of course I broke out the glow sticks! I found this amazing set that you make into a ball cap! How cute! I mean, who doesn’t have fun with glow-in-the-dark stuff? And when you can make cool designs out of them it’s even better. Events like this or even showing up at a club with some glow sticks is a great way to have some fun. Try it next time! It’s really great!

365great Day 84: exfoliators

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365great challenge day 84: exfoliatorsI love a good scrub with some exfoliators. It’s so refreshing and leaves my skin softer afterwards. I’ve seen products that exfoliate without the beads/particles, but they just don’t feel as satisfying, you know? Having small particles I can feel gently rubbing on my skin just seems to work more than foaming bubbles would. Maybe I’m wrong, but I imagine my skin and pores being resistant to cleaning, so a more “rough” method is just the ticket! I love the texture of exfoliating scrubs, which can range from very smooth, tiny beads to larger, rather pointy grits. For my body, I use the ones that will provide more grind and for my face I generally get smooth beads so I don’t micro scratch my skin or something. What better way to revive your skin than to slough off the dead stuff? Are you a fan of that feeling too? I think it’s great.

365great Day 83: blogs

laelene Posted in 365great

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365great challenge day 83: blogsOops! Got a little carried away with reading blogs and I nearly forgot about today’s 365great! So, I might as well make it about blogs, right? I remember first starting off like most – writing about my life for select friends to read. I preferred using LiveJournal over Xanga and I went through a couple iterations of my blog. At some point (Jan 1, 2009 to be exact), I switched over to WordPress and have been using that ever since. I worked out well since I had been used to keeping a daily journal for most of my life (13 years) and I had only recently stopped (I blame meeting Panda and having too much fun with him). So, this new blog was a way for me to sort of continue documenting my life, albeit in a very different manner.

Personally, I love that blogging exists. I also love when I find a blogger I really like, as is the case with very few. That’s the great thing though – you can keep exploring until you find ones that really speak to you and you can interact with them! I mean, it’s no fun to follow some big namer who would never give you the light of day. I’d only do so if somehow that person offered unbelievably great stories, advice, tips, and whatnot. Plus, with bloggers, you get a sense of what other people’s lives are really like. Of course, they will filter out certain things, but there is a certain rawness to a lot of bloggers that I enjoy. I always want to know about who they are, what experiences they’ve had, and what they’re learning. The world of blogging has really opened up so much opportunity!

As a blogger myself, I appreciate that I am able to put out my own thoughts and opinions however I want. People may choose to agree or not, judge or not, read or not, but ultimately I get to decide what content is created in the first place. It’ll be a rich way to remember who I was, how I changed, and what molded me. It’s also a fabulous way for me to document experiences that I will likely forget over time. That’s why I used to obsessively journal; I just had to know what I did throughout the years! Now blogging has replaced journaling and while I miss writing on paper at times, I still think blogging is super duper great.

365great Day 82: optical illusions

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365great challenge day 82: optical illusionsIt’s so fascinating how our eyes can trick us (or is it our minds tricking us with our eyes??). I think optical illusions are so crazy because even after you know the truth, it’s so sooo hard to see it (literally). I mean, you can know that those two lines are the same exact length, but it just doesn’t look that way unless they’re on top of each other! Same goes with this picture – it looks like the tiles get smaller and smaller (and fewer and fewer too, at first glance) – right?? Well, in fact each level actually has the same number of tiles AND each tile size is identical. They then have colored lights changing the look of the ceiling to confuse you even further. I mean, I never would have guessed it! And only when all the tiles are their normal white, staring very very hard, can I start to see how they are all the same. It’s mind-goggling and I love it! Totally great.

365great Day 81: loading zone parking

laelene Posted in 365great

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365great challenge day 81: loading zone parkingOnce upon a time I used to look at cars parked in loading zone spots and think to myself, “Who do they think they are?” It didn’t help that pretty much all the cars were luxury brands, which gave me the impression that a sense of entitlement is what drove these people to park there. Perhaps they felt they were above the law (or that a “measly” fine wasn’t a big deal). Little did I know that they were perfectly within reason! A few years back, I was told that yellow loading zones are ok to park in at night and on Sundays*. Whaaat?! Seriously? I didn’t believe it at first, but lo and behold, some research brought me to the LADOT page where it’s all laid out for you.

“In the City of Los Angeles, yellow curb zones are effective 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Parking is permitted during non-restricted times.”

Amazing! Ever since, these yellow loading zones have been a sort of golden ticket for me. I feel like I’ve won the lottery each time I’m able to snag one and that I share a “dirty” little secret with few others in the city. I even took a picture to commemorate the first I parked in one (pictured). I smile to myself when I pull away from my spot and find that the car behind me wanted the spot but then left when they saw it was a loading spot. I used to be that naive. It’s like being in some inner circle and now you’re invited too. Just don’t steal my spot next time I need to park in LA. Thanks. 😉 Isn’t that knowledge just great?

*I’m strictly referring to territories within LADOT’s control. Please check with your local Department of Transportation to see what the rules are in your city..


365great Day 80: crab legs

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365great challenge day 80: crab legsOh crab legs, how delicious they are! And eating them is just not as rewarding if you don’t crack them yourself. I love getting a bucket or platter of steaming legs and cracking my way through them, occasionally dipping in butter. They’re lip-smackingly awesome! I’ll even wear a bib if I have have to. 😉 These tasty fellows are perfect with just a little bit of seasoning. To me, it’s not just about eating them, but it’s about the entire experience that makes you feel like you earned that meat. It can be hard work on your hands and mouth, but then it’s such a treat for your taste buds. I also like how it makes you slow down when eating – you can’t exactly gobble up a ton of crab meat at a time when you’ve got to pick and pull and prod and push your way around those hard shells. The flavor, the labor – it’s great!.

365great Day 79: mangosteens

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365great challenge day 79: mangosteenA lot of you have probably never gotten the pleasure of trying mangosteen before. Let me tell you, you need to get yourself to Southeast Asia to track some down! They are a fascinating fruit, with a crazy red shell that dyes your fingers like pomegranate but then a white interior with slices like a citrus fruit. Their skin is very thick and protective and you’d never guess the inside would be such a contrast to the outside. The consistency of the flesh inside looks kind of like a banana, but when you bite in it’s like… well, nothing I can think of. Their seeds are almost the size of almonds and the taste is a lovely sweet juicy thing. Until you eat it yourself, you just can’t understand. I am not only intrigued by the uniqueness of this fruit, but I love the taste as well. If only they were more available around the world! If I could eat them whenever I want, that would be so great.

365great Day 78: purses/clutches

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365great challenge day 78: purses/clutchesSmall purses or clutches are a great way to bring along some basic things on the go without going overboard. They’re also super cute and great for mini storage needs, like a First Aid kit or using as a handy place to stuff things in your car. They make perfect makeup or toiletry bags at home or something to keep your keys, money, phone, etc. in one place when going out. Oh, and of course you could always coordinate it with your outfit to become a part of the ensemble, whether it gives things an extra pop or just blends in with your clothing. I find them to be super handy and I enjoying having a couple to switch between based on my mood. They’re sleek yet cute, making them great for many occasions.

365great Day 77: dolphins

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365great challenge day 77: dolphinsDolphins are amazing creatures! They are so smart, so cute, so friendly, and just wonderful. They’ve got personality too! I remember when I met Squirt in Singapore and he would pose beautifully for the women, but then not cooperate when it came to men! He was cool with his trainers, but not a fan of strange men. Totally hilarious. Then there were the bottlenose dolphins in the waters of Hawaii, that came up to our boat and swam with us, always matching our speed, whether we were racing with the wind or just floating. They made it clear they were here to say “hi” and play around and it was so cool. They must have hung around for a good half hour before going on their way. It was perfect, though I’d really love to swim with dolphins sometime. That would be so great!!

365great Day 76: solid lotion

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365great challenge day 76 solid lotionMuch like solid shampoo, solid lotion is this fabulous thing that I hadn’t heard of until a few years ago. Was it around longer than that or have I just been clueless? I love how you don’t have to worry about it getting everywhere or creating problems when you’re trying to get through airport security. Plus, there’s something so rewarding about letting it melt against the heat of your skin – it feels rather luxurious. Part of it is probably due to the slowing down you need to do to really get the most out of it. After all, it takes time to let it melt and rub it in. And who wouldn’t love a cool-shaped bar like this one? For the longest time I didn’t dare use it except from the bottom because I didn’t want to mess up the flower. I’ve had similar experiences with all my other ones, which have been shaped like a strawberry and hearts and leaves. Too cute! You should really try them sometime; they’re great!

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