Rude awakening

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I mean it literally. Panda and I were awoken at 5 AM the second morning in Hawaii to this horrible sound. It was loud, blaring, and sounded vaguely like a dying animal when I first woke up. After awhile, we realized it was coming from outside – waaaay outside. Like who knows how many miles away kind of outside. I was reminded of when I was a kid in Topeka and we’d have tornado drills with an alarm much like this one, so we were able to figure out it was probably some sort of warning system. We then turned on the TV to the local news just in time to catch them talking about the siren and how it was malfunctioning. I was pretty baffled as to how it could be set off half a dozen times before it was fixed, but at least we didn’t have any natural disasters to worry about. I think it finally stopped about 40 minutes later and we were able to get back to sleep. Thank goodness!

tsunami false alarm from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

European hot pot

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Yesterday was Customer Appreciation Day at the Melting Pot! Panda and I went to enjoy a dinner there and try out the special items available that day.

cheese fondue made with fontina cheese and lump crab at the melting pot

First we started with a Customer Appreciation exclusive – lump crab fontina fondue!

blackberry sage lemonade with sage leaves at the melting pot

I got myself one of my favorite drinks: blackberry sage lemonade.

old-style mushroom salad with button mushrooms and sprouts at the melting pot

I got the special salad for Customer Appreciation Day, old-style mushroom salad. I would have liked some more dressing, but once I sprinkled on their garlic and wine seasoning, it was awesome.

platter of raw chicken, pork, shrimp, beef, and mushroom wontons at the melting pot

For the next course, we got a selection of delicious meats that consisted of chicken, shrimp, pork, beef, and then some mushroom wontons to boot.

bowl of raw vegetables at the melting pot

Also to get cooked as part of the entree were potatoes, broccoli, and mushrooms.

piece of shrimp and chicken cooking in canola oil (Bourguignonne cooking style)

First we test out the Bourguignonne cooking style (aka cooking with canola oil) with a shrimp and chicken.

broccoli and mushroom in batter cooking in canola oil (Bourguignonne cooking style)

Then I try a mushroom smothered in one of the batters, topped with some teriyaki sauce.

piece of broccoli covered in tons of batter fried up

Panda got ambitious with his battering and covered this broccoli a little too well.

canola oil with lots of little air bubbles after boiling for awhile

Afterwards, the oil was brown and continued to bubble for awhile.

pieces of meat and vegetables left over from meal at the melting pot

Ultimately, we couldn’t finish everything so we cooked it all to take home.

Panda Loves

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What does Panda love, you ask?  Well, hop on over to to find out!  I’ve been working on fine-tuning it and finally decided it was ready to launch today.  I still have a great lineup of products to add to the site, but for now I’m starting with 5 products that come in a huge variety.  The premise of the site is that we will offer cute gift items that you won’t normally find when you shop for jewelry, accessories, and trinkets.  Most will probably come from various regions in Asia where I’ve traveled and discovered cool things, but anything that Panda likes, goes!

As for Panda, her design is still in the works and she will be unveiled soon.  She’s the mascot and curator of the site, recommending cool things that she loves.  Since she hails from China, she enjoys sharing things from that part of the world.  She’s also into arts and crafts, spending her free time making jewelry, knitting scarves, and trying out new crafts.  It’s her desire to introduce the world to all the great products out there that you’d normally find sold from a stall.  She’d love it if you liked her Panda Loves Facebook page and followed the Panda Loves Twitter account and Panda Loves Pinterest account!

Little fish, big ocean

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If you look closely, you can see a bunch of teeny little fish swimming around! They look like minnows that belong in a creek.

tiny ocean fish from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Curated craze

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I subscribe to a random smattering of newsletters and daily deal sites, one of which is blissmo.  Earlier in the week, I got an email with a special offer that piqued my interest – sign up for a blissmobox membership and get a special edition box free!  I’ve been aware of these subscription-based programs that offer a box of curated goods each month, but I had never gotten into them.  However, after looking into blissmoboxes, I felt that for $19/box (or just $17.54 if you count the bonus one too) it was worth a shot.  After all, I’m a sucker for trying new products and what better way than to let the people of blissmo pick out some eco-friendly ones for me?

This experience got me thinking about this whole “curated” trend that’s been going around.  From daily deals that are curated by experts to monthly themed boxes curated by the team at a company, options are popping up everywhere.  You can go for environmentally-friendly products like I did, or choose from food only, beauty products, fashion, and countless other angles.  I won’t talk about daily deals today, since this whole monthly box thing is my newest interest.  I love the idea because you get introduced to a bunch of cool new products without having to scour the aisles yourself.  Plus, who doesn’t enjoy receiving a package?

While looking into what the latest blissmobox contained, I discovered a blogger who reviewed a bunch of these services.  I’m pretty baffled by how many she subscribes to, but if you cut out shopping in stores and buying snacks yourself, I can see how it wouldn’t cost too much more to exclusively use these subscriptions.  There’s definitely a strong appeal to getting on this trend, whether it’s purely because you like to receive packages or you’re actually looking to sample a variety of products to help you choose what to use in your daily life.  In fact, I almost convinced myself that it wouldn’t be so bad if I subscribed to just one more…

I remember when I got a mystery gift bag from Burt’s Bees; it was really exciting to open it up and discover what they had put in there for me.  Similarly, one of the perks of being involved with Opportunity Green is the chance to score some pretty awesome swag.  It’s just so satisfying to get a bag of stuff!  Emotionally, it can be very satisfying to sign up for one these curated boxes.  On the other hand, to a certain extent it can make sense practically as well, since you often see products that you aren’t sure about and wish you could try.  This way, you get a bunch that have been test driven by people at the company providing the boxes, so generally you can expect a pretty good product. You can then test them out yourself to figure out if it’s something you’d continue to use.  There’s also the fun factor of not knowing what you’ll get.  Most people enjoy a little bit of mystery and surprise to spice things up!

I personally can’t wait to get my first blissmobox and start experiencing this craze.  I’ll be sure to post up what I get in each box as they come!

To the left, to the left

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There was an intense storm last Friday, which downed a lot of trees and created power outages across the area. Little did we know that even signal lights were blown askew! When I first saw this is was so unexpected I laughed out loud.

left turn signal light tilted left after windy storm

This signal’s taking its own advice and making a left turn too.

two hanging signal lights blown crooked by a windy storm

Wait, wouldn’t gravity have pulled them straight again?


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In the midst of a heat wave, it’s hard to imagine that this very place was so cold just months ago:

blustery snow from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Nocturnal syndrome

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Sunrise is a beautiful time of day.  Especially when I haven’t slept all night.

Yup, that’s right – I find the start of a day most pleasing when it’s actually the end of one for me.  Why?  It’s hard to say.  Probably because my energy levels are even-keeled and at a comfortable level.  I’m not trying to drag myself up at a time when my body and mind are rebelling against me.  Instead, they’ve been relaxed all night as I work away online.  While I may be starting to wear down, they’re not overly stressed, so it’s actually a positive experience for me.

On the other hand, trying to get up at the crack of dawn is never an easy or pleasant thing (unless I’m in China, interestingly).  I’ve struggled with this all my life, as school and then work demanded that I be up at a certain time.  In fact, in college I quickly learned that 8 AM classes were too torturous for me, so I started to schedule nothing earlier than 9.  Even then it was a constant struggle to get up when I needed to.  Once I got into the work culture, it got a bit easier since I was getting some more sleep each night, but I definitely wasn’t happy to be waking up in the morning.

Now that I don’t necessarily have to get up or sleep at any particular time, I’ve discovered the joy of watching the beginning of a day.  I had gotten a sense of this in college when I pulled some all-nighters, but usually I was so delusional by the time the sun rose that I didn’t really get to appreciate it.  It’s really pretty cool!  I love the freshness that a sunrise brings with it, as the world comes back to life and the energy around me builds up.  I don’t know why I’m such a night owl, but it’s what feels good and natural to me.  I’ve tried to fix it and be more “normal” but it just doesn’t work very well, so why fight it?  I’m much happier and more productive this way.

Strange trio

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We were wandering around the Hilton Waikiki Village and came across this little habitat! I’ve never seen penguins, turtles, and fish all living together. Pretty cool!

penguins, a koi fish, and a turtle all in one habitat at hilton waikiki village in hawaii


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Animals just do what they do and don’t care if you’re watching or not. Meanwhile, people have the exact opposite problem and get too self-conscious.

ram urination from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

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