At first glance, this random pile of shells look kind of cool. Then when they move, it’s even cooler. 😛 Ever want a pet hermit crab? Why not try 20!
hermit crabs from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
At first glance, this random pile of shells look kind of cool. Then when they move, it’s even cooler. 😛 Ever want a pet hermit crab? Why not try 20!
hermit crabs from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Ok, not even, but I get one sound byte in this episode of MTV’s Hired. I got a sneak peek of the episode at Energy Muse’s 10 Year Celebration in a bar in Manhattan Beach. Hence the MTV logo on the cake. It was a yummy cake too! I love the ones with a fresh strawberry layer in the middle.
I enjoy working. The month started off slowly for me, with my workload dwindling, and after a week and a half, I had just about taken care of all my emails from the past month, followed up on as many things as I could, and caught up on some random tasks. I had my reports done, emails answered, and time left over to get distracted. It felt weird. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I’ve never considered myself a workaholic, but when I’m working, I like having plenty to do, always more than can be finished that day. I don’t like finishing everything and twiddling my thumbs. So by the end of two weeks, I mentioned to a coworker that I had some free time on my hands and could help if he had something for me to do.
I can really get into the zone when I’m hard at work, zoning out people passing by and other distractions. At times, it’s hard to tear myself away for lunch, but once I do manage to (if I do…), I can let go and enjoy my meal. And when things are slowing towards the end of the day, I can tie off loose ends and save some of the work for the next morning. I don’t generally need to stay late and have rarely stayed beyond half an hour more than usual. I can leave work at work, but gosh, when I’m there, I do like to actually work. Maybe because being productive makes my time feel worthwhile. Maybe because it makes the time fly by. Or maybe just because I really do enjoy the work I do! It’s a great feeling and I’m really glad I came across a job that is such a steal. I don’t mind getting buried work during the day.
It’s wonderful to have a job like this, that I can work hard at and feel good about, with no complaints. I really can’t think of anything I dislike about the job. I remember anticipating full-time work and the horrors of getting up every day at the same time, not getting a summer break or the various other vacation times, and a whole slew of other things that people hate about the daily grind. But I’ve got a great deal – I don’t need to get up earlier than 8:30, I don’t have to shove down lunch in half an hour (unless I want to), and I have fun coworkers and supervisors. It’s no wonder I like to go in to work (though I admit I still have trouble waking up in the morning) and be a good, productive employee.
So yay for the new opportunities that are filling up my schedule once again. A slow day or even a slow week may be nice once in awhile, but I’d rather be busy getting things done. I don’t think I’m a workaholic in the strictest sense, but in many ways – healthy ways – I can be.
In Los Angeles, you know they’re filming something nearby when you see signs like this. The distinctive yellow with black lettering, and a word or phrase that doesn’t mean much. I was once told that the Mission Impossible 3 signs said “Heyday” so people wouldn’t really know what was going on. We had them for Wristcutters!
I spend much of my time alone with my thoughts, and to fill the air with something other than those thoughts floating around, I like to watch videos online (either ones or some TV show that isn’t airing) or play games. But sometimes, the quiet of the night catches up with me and I begin to anticipate the day when Panda has to go to the east coast for work and I really will be alone. Then I will no longer have someone to look forward to seeing at night or on the weekends. It’ll just be me and whatever apartment I eventually end up living in. Maybe I’ll start Facebooking again, or maybe I’ll spend more time on this blog. Maybe I’ll even get around to reading more books.
By the time I get home from work, it’ll almost be time for him to hit the sack, so most of my nights will be void of his presence. I suppose I could try sleeping earlier and working out to kill some of the time, but the rest of it… well, I wonder what I’ll do with myself. The good thing, at least, is that I know that the anticipation of it is far worse than actually doing it. After all, we’ve been through this before – and back then, we were still so fresh in our relationship. Now we’ve solidified some things and really made room in our lives for each other. And at least this time around the place he’s going isn’t as inaccessible as Singapore was. There is no $1000+ plane ticket standing between us. Just one for a couple hundred bucks, maybe even only in the double digits if we get a good deal.
It just sucks sometimes, having that sort of a void at night, when he’s busy doing something and I’m sitting there, bored of all the games I’ve been able to find and tired of watching video after video. Then what do I do? There is no Panda to share my day with and talk about random things with. I hope I find a place with a gym, so I can fill my time with getting in shape. I guess I’ll also start to figure out where the local library is. Then again, I do have some books at home that I’ve been meaning to tackle for awhile now. I hate when I get to thinking of what I’ll do when the time comes though. That’s the hardest part.
At Underwater World on Sentosa Island, we were told there was a great white shark there. I suppose it was true, but what a joke…
great white image from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Cats control. Perhaps that’s why I like cats. They like to be in control, just like I like to be in control. Here’s an interesting video on how they use purring to get what they want. They know how to get what they want and I generally do too. And they love to nap! I think more than that, it is their independent lifestyle though. I don’t like dogs because they’re too needy. I can leave a cat alone for days with no issue. A dog would probably destroy the house and find a way to hurt himself. Plus, cats don’t smell the way dogs do. One of my greatest peeves is when a dog tries to lick my face – I don’t want to be anywhere near that, because their breath just reeks!
I think it’s fascinating that cats only purr for people. At some point, they learned that doing so would make us happy, so now they know how to use it to get us to give them what they want. I respect their smarts and love that they present a challenge. They don’t always do what you want, but when they do, you can bet something went right. I feel like you really have a relationship with them – some give and take and learning how to work with each other. Dogs, on the other hand, just follow you around and give you all the attention and love you could ever need. It’s suffocating. I like pets that also can leave me alone. And I like knowing that I’ve earned the good treatment I’m getting, rather than getting it because that’s all my pet does. I suppose I prefer the depth of personality versus the unconditional love.
Cats are really misunderstood and it’s unfortunate. They make for richer relationships. Not to say that dogs don’t have personalities, but they’re not as complex as cats are. And they certainly aren’t as clean. It’s much easier to maintain a cat than a dog! No walking, no barking to deal with, and so much less energy required. It’s perfect for me; low-key and laid back, just the way I like it. I can’t wait to get my next cat. All my childhood ones have passed on. 🙁 I miss that sort of companionship and nothing is more soothing than hugging a purring cat.
The most adorable little baby sheep at the LA County Fair last year. The umbilical cord is still hanging on him!
baby black sheep from Mary Qin on Vimeo.