This was a rather successful week, with plenty of dishes I enjoyed!
Power Supply is around $9.50-$15.50 per meal (when you sign up for a recurring plan – single orders are 5% more) and offers a variety of ready-made meal types, all gluten- and dairy-free. Boxes are sent once or twice weekly (depending on your plan) and you have total control over customization of which meals you get. You can easily switch between plans or choose to skip some weeks. They offer a referral program that earns free meals for referrer and referree.
Coconut Lime Chicken Tenders w/ Thai Coleslaw (SPICY)
Pulled Chicken w/ a Kansas Style BBQ Sauce, Cabbage Slaw & Sweet Potato Fries
Roast Turkey w/ Garlic Cream Spinach, Sage Roasted Squash & Chocolate Almond Cookie
Could it be? I forgot to take a picture of this meal altogether, it seems. I found it to be rather dry and not exciting, so I likely won’t get it again.
Charmoula Hake w/ Kale, Harissa & Tomato Salsa (SPICY) (NEW)
Asian Marinated Pork Tenderloin w/ Brown Rice & Korean Cabbage

Oh yum, this is right up my alley. Tart cabbage, tender pork, and brown rice for a variety of textures and tastes.

March 10, 2015 6:53 am
why did i move again? 🙂 this looks so good. i would totally order it if i was still in DC! i am terrible about lunch.
brandy recently posted..March 2015 Allure Sample Society Beauty Box Review & Coupon
March 19, 2015 6:13 pm
Ah, but you get access to awesome ice cream… 🙂