Posts Tagged ‘animals’


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The life of jellyfish… slow, meandering, and glowing?

Tortoise and hare

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The Wildlife Learning Center in Sylmar had a special day for Bruin alum because the founder was a UCLA grad himself. We got to see lots of cool creatures!

holding a tiny baby tortoise in my hand

They start so small and light, but then get HUGE!

white rabbit stands on hind legs to sniff purse

What a curious fellow. Too bad I couldn't put him in my purse to take home.

Bird invasion

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You can’t see them all but boy can you hear them! The birds had taken over that roof.

Habitat for Humanity company volunteering

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We spent all day Friday out working on a Habitat for Humanity house as a company event, which was quite nice. Since it was overcast and a bit drizzly, we were limited to painting and cleaning. Originally we were supposed to help rip off the roof! Oh well, the guys still got to go to another house down the block that needed some demolition work.

lemon tree in backyard of habitat for humanity house

One of the first things we enjoyed upon arriving was a wonderful backyard with a lemon tree and avocado tree.

backyard of habitat for humanity house

This backyard was strangely reminiscent of China for me.

picnic table in backyard of habitat for humanity house

This picnic table in the yard served as a lunch table as well a commemorative item for the family that will eventually move in here. We all left our mark!

garage with supplies at habitat for humanity house

The garage was used as storage for all the supplies to fix up the house.

pouring paint into small cups at habitat for humanity house

One Habitat employee and one of my company's engineers work together to get paint into cups.

painting side of habitat for humanity house

A bunch of my coworkers begin to paint the side of the house.

kittens next to the habitat for humanity house

These adorable little kittens were grooming themselves outside of a house just down the street from the one we were working on. I wish I could have them!

Lazy cat days

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

I am amazed by how much my cat sleeps. When I wake up in the morning, she is there napping away. If I don’t have anywhere to be, I like to stay with her and sleep a little more or work on the computer. Through it all, she keeps on sleeping, with a few positions adjustments here and there.

This weekend I spent the majority of my time laying with her since I don’t often get time with her like this. She’s just so cute and fuzzy and cuddly! Now how could I disturb her sleep? Plus, her presence is comforting to me. I feel more relaxed and happy to have her snoozing away on top of me. Unfortunately it encourages me to be lazy though! I wouldn’t have left the bed to eat or otherwise take care of myself if I didn’t have plans during the day. Still, it’s nice sometimes to take life at the pace of a cat and slow things down to enjoy them.

Bright fascination

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two cats both sniffing bright fuschia pillow

For some reason they both liked to sniff this pillow and would walk in circles sniffing!

Messy eater

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Is it eating or spitting out food?

Lounging around

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cougar at wildlife learning center laying on back in summer heat

Haha, this cougar sleeps just like my cat Missy! Belly up, legs splayed, and head dangling.

Compulsive habit

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I’m pretty sure these kinds of birds can’t flap their wings without making a noise.

Leap day

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I couldn’t resist. It’s Leap Day and these are Lego dolphins leaping. Is that too cheesy? Too bad! 😛

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