Posts Tagged ‘animals’

Smothered but loving it

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missy the cat sleeping in between human legs and under a pillowMy cat Missy is hilarious.  For some reason, she really seems to like hot, cramped spaces.  One of her favorite things to do is climb in under the blankets where it’s dark and warm.  She’ll get right in and cuddle up, even though it’s got to be tough to breathe in there.  Somehow, she manages to purr away, really enjoying herself in that little sauna.  It’s great for me because she keeps my legs and feet warm, but occasionally I move and squish her a bit.

Back in the height of the winter days, when it got quite chilly in my house and we didn’t feel like turning on the heater, I’d sit in a sleeping bag with my body pillow for warmth.  As I sat working on my computer, Missy would come along and eagerly crawl in under my legs.  She’d spend some time positioning herself until she was satisfied, then would lay back and sleep all day.  On the right is a picture of her back in one of those days.  The blue things to either side are my legs and the fuzzy light blue thing up top is the body pillow.  Apparently half-crushing her isn’t a problem either.

Everyday I marvel at all the seemingly uncomfortable positions she gets in, then falls asleep in.  I don’t know how she got this way, but you can put her in just about any position and she’ll be fine with it.  Maybe she just likes being smothered with love and affection, which I give plenty of.  In turn, I get so much back I now get lonely whenever she doesn’t come around after an hour or two.  Thankfully, it’s not often she won’t drop by within that time, so I get to sit with her nearby whenever I’m home.  Companionship can’t get much sweeter.


Craggly crab

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What a large, craggly crab! It looks like a neon toy.

Feisty spider

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It’s probably not a real albino spider, but it sure could be. It was threatening me with its body lifted high, so I blew on it and was surprised by how quickly it balled up.

Swim styles

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I find it interesting how differently each creature swims. You’ve got the glider, the floater, and the jerky kicker!

Busy at home

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

I’ve been so distracted at home that I don’t even get online at night! I mean with cuties like my cats, why would I need to? Also, my bruising is really coming out. The soreness is fading a bit…

bruising on knee and thigh area turned purple

An update on my bruising. Much more purple now... Looks like South America and Australia to me!

missy the cat stretches out while lounging on the bed

Missy was really enjoying herself on my bed.

molly the cat sleeping curled up in a tight ball on the chair

Molly got as perfectly circular as she possibly could. I've got to say, she did a pretty good job!

missy the cat enjoys lovesac pillowsac in doorway

I took a break before stuffing my LoveSac PillowSac through my doorway, so Missy decided she'd enjoy it first.

Ostrich mama

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

I am amazed that she can bend her neck all the way down for a scratch and that her knees bend the other way. Sitting like that doesn’t look comfortable. Is she even keeping the eggs warm?

Sea monkey munchkins

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Check out my recently-hatched baby sea monkeys! They have since tripled in size and increased in entertainment value. 🙂

Silly superstitions

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

It didn’t even occur to me it was Friday the 13th until a guy at work said it today.  The number thirteen has actually been my favorite number since fifth grade, when we had numbered cubbyholes and I was #13.  My second favorite number is 19 because that was the box that the guy I liked had!  Haha, funny how some things really last in your life.

Well, since it was a day of superstition for much of this country, I thought I’d share a video of one of my cats.  When I was choosing them this summer, I specifically went for the dark ones because they don’t seem to get adopted as much.  I now have a gray and a black cat, both with some white accents.  I don’t know why cats get a bad rap, especially black ones, but at least they are lucky and respected in some cultures.  In this video, Missy (the gray one) was really enjoying the tag on my new Victoria’s Secret shirt.  She’s a curious and playful one!

Best pet EVER

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This little fish is SO awesome! I wish I could just bring it home.

Cat and mouse

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Missy is a playful cat who just wanted to chase around the mouse. Of course the mouse wasn’t aware of this, so it was frozen until it saw an opportunity to run. I was able to help get it outside, but Missy still wanted to have some fun.

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