Posts Tagged ‘animals’

Great white shark… psych!

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At Underwater World on Sentosa Island, we were told there was a great white shark there. I suppose it was true, but what a joke…

great white image from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Creatures of the sea

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neon orange, pink, and purple sea anemone

Check out those neon colors!

octopus trying to hide

He tried to camouflage on the rocks, which worked pretty well.

underside of anemone stuck to glass

This one just took up home right on the glass wall!

Cats are my type of pet

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

Cats control.  Perhaps that’s why I like cats.  They like to be in control, just like I like to be in control.  Here’s an interesting video on how they use purring to get what they want.  They know how to get what they want and I generally do too.  And they love to nap!  I think more than that, it is their independent lifestyle though.  I don’t like dogs because they’re too needy.  I can leave a cat alone for days with no issue.  A dog would probably destroy the house and find a way to hurt himself.  Plus, cats don’t smell the way dogs do.  One of my greatest peeves is when a dog tries to lick my face – I don’t want to be anywhere near that, because their breath just reeks!

I think it’s fascinating that cats only purr for people.  At some point, they learned that doing so would make us happy, so now they know how to use it to get us to give them what they want.  I respect their smarts and love that they present a challenge.  They don’t always do what you want, but when they do, you can bet something went right.  I feel like you really have a relationship with them – some give and take and learning how to work with each other.  Dogs, on the other hand, just follow you around and give you all the attention and love you could ever need.  It’s suffocating.  I like pets that also can leave me alone.  And I like knowing that I’ve earned the good treatment I’m getting, rather than getting it because that’s all my pet does.  I suppose I prefer the depth of personality versus the unconditional love.

Cats are really misunderstood and it’s unfortunate.  They make for richer relationships.  Not to say that dogs don’t have personalities, but they’re not as complex as cats are.  And they certainly aren’t as clean.  It’s much easier to maintain a cat than a dog!  No walking, no barking to deal with, and so much less energy required.  It’s perfect for me; low-key and laid back, just the way I like it.  I can’t wait to get my next cat.  All my childhood ones have passed on.  🙁  I miss that sort of companionship and nothing is more soothing than hugging a purring cat.

Baby black sheep

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The most adorable little baby sheep at the LA County Fair last year. The umbilical cord is still hanging on him!

baby black sheep from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

That one mouse again

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

Yesterday I actually meant to post a video, but Vimeo was doing maintenance and I couldn’t upload the videos of this little mouse, mousing around. So here you go, an encore presentation:

field mouse scurrying from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

wobbly mouse from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

mouse scampers off from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Critter: cute or creepy?

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , ,

I love wildlife of all kinds, so it thought this field mouse-looking critter was quite cute, but I must admit that tail isn’t a very pretty sight… maybe it’s a deer mouse?

little field mouse running along sidewalk

He walks/runs with this awkward sort of gait, bouncing off the tips of his toes.

timid little mouse looking like a cat toy

This positioning looks very much like the toy mice I would buy my cats...

mouse sniffing the concrete

He was less than a foot from my feet and I was squatting, so I could have reached out to touch him!

Bunny rabbits!

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bunny rabbits on the UCI campus

Took a stroll around the UCI campus one night and look what we found! UCLA only gets squirrels. :-/

The coolest bird of all

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

Hummingbirds are the most fascinating birds… they’re like the helicopters of the plane world. I’d never seen so many at once, and in the middle of the UCLA campus nonetheless! Out of all that concrete and brick, they were able to find these feeders. Cool, huh?

flitting hummingbirds from Mary Qin on Vimeo.


laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

The Tiger Temple in Thailand is pretty amazing.  There’s a certain awe surrounding creatures so magnificent and powerful.  When you go, there’s an area where the adult tigers hang out during the day, with lots of keepers around who take you around to get pictures with the tigers.  Each person who goes to take pictures is paired with two keepers – one to lead them and one to take pictures.  I put my camera on video mode so I could get a little live footage before the photographer keeper figured it out and switched it to camera mode.  Here’s that footage:

petting a tiger from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

I then noticed one of the tigers pacing around as the keepers tried to calm him.  Nobody was allowed to take pictures with him while he was in a mood.

pacing tiger from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

And then in another area, two baby tigers were playing with the monks who take care of them.  They’re so cute!  But don’t be fooled, these suckers are strong!

playful baby tiger from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

baby tiger playing from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

A wannabe plant

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

leafy sea dragon from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

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