Posts Tagged ‘behavior’

On meanness

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Dear Universe:

Why must there be unkindness in the world? Why are there those people out there who are so selfish and self-absorbed they see nothing else beyond themselves? Why are there those people out there who seem to revel in the suffering of others? Why are there those people out there who put others beneath them?

I’ve had the misfortune of knowing some unsavory people. Kind of like those “mean girls” you hear about. They’re cliquey and make everyone outside of their group feel unwanted and undesirable. They’ll only be nice to you to get something from you (or trick you into thinking they’d changed, only to pull the rug out from under you). They take pleasure out of making fun of people, or at least that seems to be the only type of humor that actually makes them crack a smile.

Or, alternatively, why is there a bit of a mean streak in so many of us? There have been a couple of guys (and a gal or two) I’ve known throughout my life who have been viewed as a bit of an outcast. People would snicker behind their backs about their awkwardness or their strange choice of dress or whatever. They’d giggle to each other about some joke that he (or she) was the butt of. Few people were true friends to these unfortunate souls who didn’t quite fit in. I’d usually be nice enough to them, but I can’t say I embraced them as friends.

I generally try to be kind to people, but I’ve certainly fallen victim to this trap of ego (or whatever it is). There are people I’ve judged, probably unfairly, based on some trait of theirs that may not have defined them the way I let it. But to be consistently that way? To exclude people at every turn? I just don’t understand people like that. It makes me sad that anyone would find pleasure in feeling superior to so many around them. I try to just ignore it, but it’s hard to when I care so much.

I wish we could all be nicer creatures. Life already provides so many ups and downs; what purpose does making it harder for others serve? Oh right, to boost those people’s self-esteem. Selfish. There are those who would say to let it go, let karma take its course. But you know what? Karma doesn’t always get its timing right. Some people never get that kick in the butt they deserve in their lifetime. Life just isn’t fair.

But I sure wish it could be more so.

So hey, if you’re in a good mood, why don’t you make some more stars align and bring out more harmony? Our species could certainly use it.



Ridiculous things he does

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

Upon approaching a tight right turn: “Is this the turn?” *slows down slightly, but nowhere near enough to clear the turn*

“Oh, missed it.” *keeps going* (this happened multiple times, same turn)


Upon reaching the doors of a restaurant, tries to open the left door. It’s locked and I open the right side door. The next time, he does it again. The third time… I warn him, but upon exiting, he tries to use that door again!


Upon seeing an ambulance approaching behind his car, he drives on the right lane until it’s getting close and then gets into the left lane. The ambulance is like 75 feet behind us as I get him to quickly return to the right lane and slow down/pull over a bit.


red emergency lights outside fire stationUpon driving down a road where a blinking yellow light became solid, it doesn’t phase him. As it turns red, I comment on stopping. He stops just in time, as an ambulance and firetruck rush out of the fire station. He didn’t even know the emergency light was a legitimate signal.

Every time, these things make me roll my eyes and go “ai yah” to myself. Hehe.

365great Day 365: perseverance

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , ,

365great day 364: perseveranceI’m nothing if not stubborn. A year ago, I promised myself I would do this 365great project daily for the next 365 days. And so I’ve kept my eye on the goal, pushing through until now. It’s been quite an experience, constantly looking at the world around me and thinking of what I could highlight. There were days where I couldn’t find a good picture of what I wanted so I pushed it back or skipped it altogether, opting for something else that I could post a picture of. There were days where I had been so busy I barely had time at the end of the day, but I got a post together anyway. It was definitely challenging, but I’m happy to say I completed my project, not a day missing. Of course it wasn’t perfect and sometimes I was *technically* a little bit into the next day, but I always got one done for each day, no matter what was going on. Perseverance is a useful trait that can get you through all kinds of situations and you’ll come out proud of what you accomplished. It’s a great skill to practice, but boy am I glad it’s over.

Now I can soak in the glory of a year’s worth of greatness recognized. I still plan on putting out 365greats, but only periodically as things come up. After all, I think it’s a fabulous way to highlight what I find great. I still have a ton of things I’d like to mention anyway, so I’ll slowly get around to sharing them. Might as well spread the love!

365great Day 362: bargains

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , ,

365great day 362: bargainsIt feels great when you can get a product or service for a steal. My mom has always gotten a certain rush from buying items at steep discounts and I’ve learned a little along the way. While I don’t like to negotiate prices, I can certainly do it and generally get a good deal. At markets where bargaining is expected, you can get huge price differentials, but even in some stores where negotiating isn’t the norm, you can get a bargain. Sometimes it’s as simple as asking what promotions and deals they’re offering. Sometimes sales associates do have a little leeway in discounts they can offer, like when you’re vying for home appliances. At the least, most retailers offer price match guarantees, so you can find the best price and combine that with other offers (like 0% financing, bonus gift cards, etc.) to get a better deal. Oh, and don’t forget coupons for more common household items. Or maybe you just love to haggle for a good price at a market or bazaar, like my mom. Whatever the case, it feels great to get a bargain on something!

Switching sides

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: ,

Nearly five years ago, I was working in Singapore when one day I decided that I should use my left thumb to type on the space bar. After all, it wasn’t getting much use and there was a spot on the right half of my space bar that was getting worn out and shiny from all the use. Might as well even it out a bit, right? I started to train myself to use my left thumb for the next couple of weeks. At first, it really slowed me down – not only did I have to think about putting my left thumb down, I had to think about stopping my right one from coming down. All of this thinking took time, especially if I went at my normal pace typing, since my right thumb would come pounding down before my left even had a chance to react.

hands on keyboard typing with left thumb as primary on space barIt took about two weeks for it to become a pretty normal adjustment for my body. I was a lot faster and pretty much typed like I had before again. By one month in, it was complete second nature to me and I didn’t even think of it. Five years down the line, I sometimes remember that I started off typing with my right thumb, but it’s pretty much a distant memory to me. I’m trying it now and I find that it slows me down and I have to stop quite a bit more. I also create more typos the moment I try to speed up. Perhaps my next challenge should be to use both thumbs, either at the same time or alternating. I like to force my brain to rewire some habits every now and then, to keep it from automating the same habits. Recently I’ve been trying to brush my teeth with my opposite (in my case, right) hand and it’s been challenging. I just don’t hold the toothbrush as well with my non-dominant hand! Still, switching over could be nice to balance out my sides, so I’ll try it.

Have you ever attempted to switch sides on a habit? You should give it a shot!

Chinese stroller

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

Who needs a stroller when you’ve got a suitcase and a kid who can balance a bit? Haha, I love the random things you’ll see Chinese people doing. Creative or practical?

suitcase stroller from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

When the internet is down

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,
people in office sitting and standing around chatting

Some chat it up.

people in office sitting playing video games on wall projection

Some get their game on.

guy sitting in server room working on laptop

And some get to fixin’.

Cardboard catnip

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

When cats see a cardboard box, it may as well contain catnip for how much they enjoy it. What a silly cutie!

cat leaps and licks from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

cat in box playing with finger from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

cat playing in cardboard box from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Artic chill

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

It’s snowing outside again and the cars are getting yet another layer of powder. Good thing I didn’t wash my car, which I considered doing at one of those gas station drive-thrus since I thought the snow craziness might have ended. This morning it was colder here in Virginia than it was in my hometown of Shenyang and as far as I know, that never happens. I mean, my birthplace is so cold in the winter that it’s like Russia or North Korea. Have you seen what they wear in those countries? Talk about bundling up like crazy. Even the Potomac has frozen with quite a thick layer of ice, which I got a chance to see today when I went into DC to apply for a visa.

So while we freeze our butts off here, let me reminisce about a beautiful spring afternoon in which I went to get the mail and found the tree humming with sound. Turns out there were many bees working quite hard.

buzzing tree from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

busy bee with pollen leg from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

365great Day 275: goofing off

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , ,

365great challenge day 275: goofing offYou shouldn’t always take yourself seriously. In fact, I think every day we should be a little goofy, wacky, strange, even. Tonight as Panda and I were getting ready to head out to his company’s holiday party, we took a few moments to be utterly silly even as we got all dressed up. There’s no better fun than that! I had him carry me and then I gave him a piggy back ride. Later in the evening, we got home and took a selfie video of us doing a fake cheers from our silly plastic cocktail glasses. Comic relief can be a useful way to disperse tension and being goofy is a splendid way to have some fun! If you’re not already laughing or even giggling every day, maybe you should try goofing off a bit more. It’s a great way to make more memorable moments and keep a playful spirit alive.

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