Posts Tagged ‘behavior’

Cats don’t understand “uncomfortable”

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

I’ve gotten to spend more time with my cats lately, since I’m working from home.  One thing that has really proven itself time and time again is the fact that they don’t seem to think any position is uncomfortable.  In fact, they often seem to prefer the most uncomfortable-looking positions… scrunched up in a tiny space, in a twisted position, or on top of hard objects (usually with sharp edges).

collage of all the crazy positions that some cats sleep in

Check out some of the wacky positions I’ve found my cats sleeping in!

(click the picture to zoom in on some of those hilarious shots)

Take Missy for example – she climbs right on top of me and plops down, without a care in the world that my arm is pinned under her so her spine gets bent all weird.  Or, of all the soft, comfortable, cozy sleeping spots I set up for her, she goes for the one place I didn’t prepare – bare, firm, and cold.  She also loves to sprawl right on my laptop keyboard (meanwhile Molly prefers to sit right on it).  Maybe it’s the heat?  Oh, and don’t forget the times when it looks like they’re doing some sort of contortionist move.

It also doesn’t seem to matter if the position is tight and condensed, or more stretched out.  You’ll find Missy curled up in a ball just as much as she’s belly-up, with her arms and legs outstretched.  Temperature usually isn’t an issue either; one of her favorite spots is under the covers where she’s practically suffocating.  Whether I sleep on my side or with my legs up, knees bent, she’ll mosey her way in if I lift the blanket, then settle in to a warm, dark corner.

Right now, Missy is laying half on me, half on the bed (she slid off me partly).  Her feet are stretched out above her head and her paws are intertwined with her feet.  Sometimes she’ll tuck her nose into that mess of limbs, and sometimes she’ll twist her neck so her chin is facing the ceiling.

Squirrels love dessert too

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

Based on how eagerly this squirrel was devouring what was left on the spoon, I’d venture to say it enjoys frozen yogurt.

squirrel licking spoon from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

When you got an itch…

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , ,

Well, you just gotta scratch it!

itching goat from Mary Qin on Vimeo.


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Fashion and I have an awkward relationship.  I’ve never really felt like I was a fashionable person, or that I understood fashion, or even liked it.  I probably own some things that can be considered fashionable (or at least it was in its prime), but I certainly didn’t pick them out because I knew they were.  Most of my clothes fall into the categories of tacky, practical, free, and/or branded.  I’m a sucker for a free t-shirt or a UCLA-branded anything.  I also totally bought into the various groups I was part of – swim team, track team, JROTC, and other student groups – each of which had its own set of clothes that you could buy to show your association.

I tend to get the most “normal” clothes I can find at places like Charlotte Russe, Forever 21, and Kohl’s.  I don’t go for the stuff that makes me look indie or hip or preppy or whatever.  I don’t connect with those identities, so I don’t really buy clothes that would make me feel that way.  I’m also not into fashion brands of any sort and probably can’t identify most of them.  I saw a place called Bottega something by Rodeo Dr and I thought it was Bottega Louie, a restaurant I’m particularly fond of.  The only Coach or Louis Vuitton stores I’ve been to were in Vegas and they made me highly uncomfortable (who likes to shop with security guards staring?).

header image from tse parfait blog

Case in point: Tse Parfait blog. Full of creative partial shots and TONS of fashionable stuff that confuse me.

Yet, when I see people dressed so fashionably and taking cool pictures with their DSLRs or using Instagram, I kind of wish I had that sort of inspiration.  I am creative in many ways, but not with my clothes, accessories, and makeup.  In fact, I don’t even wear makeup and I rarely wear more than plain stud earrings.  I thought of this because I recently came across a bunch of blogs, all of which seem to have the same themes: fashion, photography, food (and a combination thereof).  These people take such creative pictures, or vivid ones, or just plain beautiful ones.  They’re the kind of people I’d expect to find at a lomography store, with thick frame glasses and really cool bangs and skinny jeans.

I don’t want to look like them, but I wish I had that kind of skill with a camera.  They have this ability to take pictures of parts of things and then piece them into a collage for a stunning masterpiece.  They turn Instagram into their personal playtoy and pump out all kinds of cool images.  Meanwhile, I’ve avoided using Instagram because it’s too overwhelming for me to decide how to take a picture and then filter it.  My pictures are practical – they show you exactly what I thought was interesting, but not really in an interesting way.  So I guess this isn’t so much about how disconnected I feel with fashion, but more about the creativity I associate with fashionable people and how they all seem to be pros with a fancy cam.  Photography is one thing I plan on learning more about, and while I plan on taking a class one day, I don’t know if I’ll ever be as innovative as the fashionistas out there.

Legoland fish

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

That fish was really intent on making out with/cleaning the Lego man, haha.

silly fish & sharks from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Feline dozing

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

This afternoon, Missy decided to make herself at home on the back of my thighs and on my butt while I lay on the ground. She slept in many positions for about two hours before getting up!

missy the cat sleeping on my butt and back of thighs

missy the cat curled up on the back of my legs

Position #1: all curled up.

missy the cat laying on back of my thighs with arms and legs dangling off the sides

Position #2: relaxing and letting the limbs dangle.

missy the cat snuggling in and tucking face into arms

Position #3: cozying up and tucking in her face.

Using those photos, I decided to make a collage on Diptic that I then posted on Instagram.
collage of missy the cat sleeping on my butt and back of thighs in many positions

Afterwards, I shot a couple more positions that she slept in…

missy the cat sleeping outstretched on back of my legs

Position #4: all stretched out.

missy the cat sleeping on back of my legs with head and arm dangling down the side

Position #5: the dangle.

view from the ground of missy the cat sleeping on back of my legs with head and arm dangling off the side

Position #5 from ground level.

Finally, she yawned, got up, stretched, and moved to a spot on the floor. I was free to move again!
missy the cat yawning after sleeping on back of my legs

missy the cat stretching out her arms and back after long nap

missy the cat curled up to sleep on the floor

Desserts first

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

holding a pineapple-flavored ice cream cone at the dole plantation in hawaiiBack in high school, my best friends and I fancied ourselves famous (at least to the Olive Garden waiters) for being the “desserts first” type of people.  Every time we got together for a meal at Olive Garden, we’d insist on our dessert item as the appetizer.  We usually got a very confused and momentarily dumbfounded waiter who’d check with us: “Are you sure you want to have the dessert come out first?”  We’d confidently confirm our choice and eagerly await the sweet treat.  To a certain extent we did it to be rebels, but it was also a way of doing what we wanted instead of what was expected.

Over the years, I haven’t gotten the chance to continue this tradition, much to my dismay.  I always start a meal saying I’ll get dessert only to get halfway through the entree and be too full to continue.  Luckily, at most places they have desserts that I can just eat at home for cheaper anyway so I don’t feel like I missed out on too much.  Instead, I happily stock up on loads of sugar-laden snacks at home to satisfy my unwavering sweet tooth.  In fact, I have so much junk food at home that it often becomes my meal.  I have a bad habit of forgetting lunch these days, or grabbing an ice cream bar in lieu of something more filling/less sugary.

Really what it comes down to is enjoying what I like.  Why do I need to go through a ritual of drinks, appetizers, and entree before I can get to my dessert?  There shouldn’t be obstacles in my way for such a simple goal.  In many ways, this little choice speaks volumes to my own life philosophy.  I believe in being able to enjoy what you want and not having to hold back because the world told you so.  As long as it’s not irresponsible, I don’t see the harm in having my cake first or buying that item I like or treating myself to a massage.  And so I do eat, buy, and experience what matters to me.  Don’t get me wrong though – I exhibit a lot of self-control when it comes to making these decisions!  I don’t jump at every opportunity to do what I want; I make sure to weigh the pros and cons extensively before diving in.

Cat crime

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

two cats both looking up at window high up

Yesterday I came downstairs to find both my cats staring intently up at the living room window that’s near the roof.

injured hummingbird resting on window ledge

It turns out that what I thought was a large moth was actually a hummingbird that one of them had caught. It found refuge on the window ledge.

missy the cat who brought in the hummingbird

There’s the guilty party who caught that hummingbird and brought it in.

bunch of hummingbird feathers strewn on the floor

This is the “crime scene,” where Missy probably wrestled with that hummingbird and it managed to fly away.

two hummingbird feathers in the palm of my hand to show scale

Here are two of the feathers so you can see how dainty they are. Unfortunately I had to leave for the day and by the time I came back, I found that the hummingbird must have tried to escape again only to get caught. 🙁

Horsing around

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

When Panda and I were in Hawaii, we took half a day to go out to Kualoa Ranch, where we went on a two-hour horseback riding tour. Along the way, we ran across some chickens, cattle, and rebellious horses.

Here we came across a hen and some chicks. I’m surprised they stayed so close to the horses!

horse & chicken from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

The cattle stared at us suspiciously, but decided they’d let us pass without charging.

horse & cattle from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

My horse Toby kept going his own pace, which meant getting a fair distance behind the rest, so every now and then he’d trot to catch up. Bumpy!

trotting horse from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Here are some of the horses that weren’t “on the job” that day. I can’t tell if these two were nuzzling, neck-wrestling, or fighting.

nuzzling fighting horses from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Shopping style

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

I’m a “ponder a lot before buying” kind of person.  Usually I don’t get something unless it falls into two categories:

  1. I’ve been meaning to get something like this
  2. I’ve been researching and wanting this

The first type is the spur-of-the-moment sort of purchase for me.  While I didn’t have that exact product in mind, or any specific product really, it’s something that has been in the back of my mind.  So I’ve been considering it and when I see something that is close enough and good enough, I might just pounce.  It gives me the satisfaction of an unexpected surprise but still with some forethought so I don’t feel too impulsive.

The second type is the really thought-out sort of purchase, where I noticed the product before, checked it out in store and online, and waited for a sale or good deal to come along.  Sometimes I do get a nice deal on it, sometimes I just reach a point where I feel like it’s worth it at full price, and sometimes I wait so long that I miss it.  When I do get an item though, it feels really rewarding – like I accomplished a goal that I’ve had for awhile.

Because I don’t usually buy things the first time I come across it, I tend to walk around a store getting tempted by this and that, putting them into my cart, then reconsidering before checking out.  Much of the time, I end up walking out with nothing because I reasoned that none of the items I got were really worth it at that time.  Sometimes all I needed was to hold it and have it for a brief time to feel satisfied.  I’m pretty good at convincing myself out of purchases most of the time.

Of course, there are just times where I splurge on something I never meant to, but I like to think that most of my purchases are reasonably vetted.  😛  I’ve yet to meet someone who goes around a store filling up a cart only to end up buying nothing, so speak up if you’re like that too!  I imagine most people either don’t put the item in the cart in the first place or buy it if they do.  Do you agree?

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