It seems to be an ongoing trend that I sit on my boxes for days before I manage to get a review out. Last night I was going to post this, but then I realized I hadn’t taken a picture, so I waited until today to get the photo.
Escape Monthly is just under $40 per box (with code for 20% off your subscription – see end of post) and comes with a variety of food, home, skincare items themed around a city/region. Each box comes with a guide for that area. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral commission program.
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Whoa, that’s a lot of chocolate! The majority of the brands seemed to come from Vermont, which is totally a place I want to visit because I always heard about the Vermont Teddy Bear Co on the radio when I was living in New York. I imagine it to be like a mini Colorado for whatever reason.
Here’s what came in the box:
Frommer’s EasyGuide to Boston, Cape Cod and the islands – I’ve been to Boston a few times, mostly when I was a teenager, but I haven’t been to Cape Cod or the surrounding area. Panda and I definitely plan on making a trip to those areas at some point, so this will be a handy guide (though I might regret arming him with so much knowledge). I’m not much of a guide kind of person, but Panda loves reading through them to find the gems.
body brush – If you know me by now, you know I love things like this. I read about dry brushing a few years back and it totally intrigued me. Now I have my very own tool to try it out! I’m sure I can find some instructional videos to try out this method. If it can really help with energy as it purports, or even if it clears off dead skin and maybe helps my circulation, this will be well worth it.
Plum Island Soap Co. face moisturizer – Ooo, the lovely lemon scent of this is very nice. The texture has a bit of a bounce to it and I feel like this will be the perfect moisturizer for whenever snow does decide to some this season. Looks like it certainly won’t be this year, but I hear February’s going to be a doozy. And randomly, I noticed the final ingredient is borax – my dad used to work at US Borax!
Nature’s Mysteries lavender roll-on perfume – I’ve never thought of lavender as a perfume, but I do like it. I’m used to it being the scent for products and often combined with other scents. I’ll have to use this on days out and be careful not to use it at home for fun, because I just discovered today that Smokey (one of my cats) doesn’t like lavender at all! We have a pouch by our pillow and when she sniffed it, she was not happy. This seems to be a personal preference thing, because Missy did not react that way at all.
Delights of the Earth Cran-Lavender lip balm – These unique blends are really cool and I’ve never heard of combining cranberry with lavender before. I have way too many lip balms I’m trying to use right now, so I’ll save this but I look forward to using it eventually! Hopefully it won’t be too old by then…
True North Maple-Vanilla granola – This is a most excellent snack pack for a trip or day when I might not be able to grab a meal. Or, I might start buying yogurt again and topping it with some of this. This looks so familiar and I feel like I’ve seen this flavor somewhere before. I just can’t quite place it, but apparently I did get this brand in the Vermont box. Somehow the maple vanilla combo is something I feel like I’ve seen, yet I can’t remember where.
Lake Champlain Chocolates dark chocolate rum caramel – Aw man! I was excited about a large chocolate bar made of dark chocolate with caramel… and then I saw the rum part. I don’t drink alcohol, eat food with their flavors, and I even avoid anything cooked with it. I’m pretty sure I’d taste the rum in this case, so I’ll share this with my coworkers!
dan’s chocolates lot-a-choc, trail hound, white delight, peppy-r-mint, pb ecstasy, and caramel river bars – Now here are chocolates I will eat! I love the variety so I can try out a bunch of different flavors. So far I’ve had the lot-a-choc, which is totally adorable because it is basically a milk chocolate bar fused with a dark chocolate bar. Of course, I bit straight down the middle and indulged in deeeeelicious chocolate goodness. I also had the caramel one, which tastes great, though I wish the caramel was gooier so I could enjoy that texture of it. These little bars are delightful.
Next month is back to India and I am super curious what will come this time. Which products from this New England Escape Monthly box do you like most? If you want to sign up, be sure to sign up for their newsletter to get a code for 20% off the lifetime of your subscription.
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]