Posts Tagged ‘home’

Blissmobox: 4 PM Snacks

laelene Posted in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Still playing catch-up with my reviews… this is the Nov box and I chose the 4 PM Snacks one because I’d gotten plenty of beauty products through Yuzen and I wanted more snacks.

blissmobox is just under $25 per month with shipping (or as discounted as just under $120 for 6 months) and comes with eco-friendly products in themes like beauty, snacks, home, pets, and more. Each month you choose from two or three themes, or skip if none of them appeal to you. They do not offer a referral program.

the choices for november's blissmobox: body bliss, 4pm snacks, or pantry picks

The three choices for the November blissmobox.

I opened it at night so forgive me for any weird lighting.

opened blissmobox november 2012 with information card

collage of cinnamon crunch somersaultsSomersault Snack Co.Cinnamon Crunch Somersaults – I’ve tried a bunch of these ever since I was first introduced to them by my friend’s mom a few years back. I don’t know what it is, but I’m just not a fan. Maybe it’s because they are so dense and crunchy that I barely get two bites before I swallow. Maybe it’s just because I’m not that into nuts. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but part of it is definitely because the taste is not quite what I like. I’ve tried sweet ones and salty ones and they’re just not my thing.

collage of nature's bakery whole wheat raspberry fig barNature’s Bakery, Whole Wheat Raspberry Fig Bar – These would make a great snack in the afternoon. They are just packed with goodness and they taste quite good. A very healthy alternative to whatever snack you might have picked up instead. I don’t think you could eat the entire pack of two in one sitting – I found that just half was enough to tide me over for quite awhile. Since I don’t eat energy bars, I think this would be the perfect product to eat to get a similar effect.

collage of scharffen berger bittersweet fine artisan dark chocolate barScharffen Berger, 70% Cacao Bittersweet Fine Artisan Dark Chocolate bar – I love dark chocolate and this bar was no exception. It was very… sturdy? Haha basically it took a little extra to break it, but I think that’s exactly why it was so smooth and delicious. I have a feeling this is less likely to melt than a lot of other chocolate bars out there, but I have no idea why. Another great treat to have lying around.

collage of numi pu erh mini sampler teasNumi Organic Teapu erh mini sampler – Pu erh tea is something of an acquired taste and while I didn’t find these too strong, they were a bit too fermented for me. This sampler set includes Chocolate, Emperor’s, Jasmine, Basil Mint, Cardamom and Ginger Pu·erhs. I haven’t tried all the flavors (I’m a bit hesitant about chocolate and tea in one drink) but the ones I did try are decent. I wouldn’t go running out to buy them, but I will definitely drink them. Who knows, maybe I’ll develop a taste for pu erh!

collage of honey republic raw wildflower organic honey jarHoney Republic, Organic Raw Wildflower Honey – Wow! What a large jar of honey. The consistency of this brand is less gooey than others I’ve tried, which can be nice when you don’t want to wait ages for the honey to crawl out of the top. The taste is subtly flowery or herby or… something. I can’t quite place it, but it definitely has a little extra beyond regular honey and it’s quite nice. I had no idea Honey Republic made so many other flavors too and I’d love to try the Green Tea with Honey and Lemon flavor! For now I’m working on using up this jar, which will last me a very long time.

collage of pamela's products chocolate brownie mix bag pouchPamela’s Products, Chocolate Brownie Mix – These are gluten-free and non-dairy! I must admit I actually haven’t tried them yet, but I swear I will. I wonder if the flavor would be less rich because there is no dairy. I’ve never tried making microwave brownies before so this would be a great thing to try since I’ve been curious about those “brownie in a mug” things.

If you’d like more info on these brands, you can click below to enlarge the photo and read more.

blissmobox 4pm snacks info sheet


Sunday Social: past & future

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Sunday Social 
I really like the prompts for yesterday’s Sunday Social so I thought I’d join in! I saw them when catching up on Ramblings of a Suburban Mom and hey, better late than never, right?

1 year ago I was doing…
A bit of relaxing and enjoying life. I had just quit my job, was trying to find my way in the world of self-employment, but took a break to go back to China and attend my cousin’s wedding. Not long after, I had a grand vacation with Panda (our first time flying together!) in Hawaii before figuring out what to do with my entrepreneurial endeavors. I started by launching and later created On the blogging front things were still tootin’ along as they have been since 2009, when I decided to do more “for the public” blogging. Prior to that, my blog was really more of an online journal/diary.

5 years ago I was doing…
Training for UCLA Orientation. I had not yet met Panda (wow, can’t believe I’ve only known him for less than 5 years when it feels like ages). I still had a month left before the quarter ended and I walked for graduation. It would be 6 more months before I finished up my classes since I took an extra quarter. Over the summer, I met Panda and we began our little romance, which has been tough but rewarding! I also went back to China at the end of this summer, getting a chance to check out the Paralymics in Beijing and visit relatives.

10 years ago I was doing…
A whole lot of adjusting and trying to grapple with living in California. I had just moved from New York the year before, was finishing up my junior year at my new high school, and still kind of hated LA. The weather was too dry (my skin hurt), I was still bitter that I had been torn away from my old high school and friends with little notice (we moved within 2 weeks of me finding out), I missed NJROTC (had to transfer to an AFJROTC unit since there was no Navy one nearby), and I didn’t like having to choose between track or swimming (they’re the same season in CA but not NY). Yeah, I was probably a bit of an angsty teenager. Oh, and I had just started to hear of this college called UCLA, which hadn’t been on my radar before.

1 year from now I’ll be doing…
Some sort of steady work. I’ve decided to get back into the “normal” workforce so I certainly hope I’d have a job by then! I’d love to continue my blogging and eBay sales on the side and hopefully will get my blog above the 1 mil Alexa rank threshold. I started off around 7.4 mil just over 2 weeks ago, when I decided I wanted to bring up my rank. As of now, I’m at 4.1 mil and I’m sure it will only get harder to move up but I’m confident that I can make it into the 6-digits range. Panda and I will be engaged, but I do not expect to be doing any wedding planning yet. We’ll both be living and working together (finally!) and building a nice little home life together before the craziness of kids.

5 years from now I’ll be doing…
The motherhood thing. I’ll probably have had my first child, if not a second as well (assuming there are no fertility issues). I’m sure Panda and I will both have our hands full. By this point we should have been married for a few years (whew, thank goodness! I will be glad when the wedding is over). I have no clue on the work front what I might be doing – maybe I love my career and keep it up, or maybe I decide I’d rather stay home. My ability to make money from home could help decide, or maybe Panda will decide he wants to be a stay at home dad. If we’re both working, our parents might come help watch the kids at times. I expect to have my cat Missy as part of our household too. Molly’s old so I don’t know if she’ll still be around, plus she loves my mom so maybe she’ll stay at my parents’ place.

10 years from now I’ll be doing…
Yikes, this one is the toughest one. I really can’t imagine what life will be like in 10 years. Ideally, Panda and I will both be working in careers that challenge and excite us. We’ll have a beautiful home with all kinds of personal touches we added over the years. We’ll probably have two little kids who are just starting the education journey and dreaming of their lives as adults. We’ll have a comfortable life filled with family activities and vacations and probably a terabyte of pictures stored away. I’d love to be getting a variety of subscription boxes so I can have a ton of mini projects to do, ranging from crafts with the kids to cooking with Panda. I’m sure I’ll still have way too many skincare items but a hopeless addiction to trying new ones nonetheless. I might still be trying to use up any single bottle of nail polish. I think I’ll still be blogging and trying to win stuff and selling on eBay on the side. We’ll see!


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

Some relatives are coming to town, so my mom and I will be picking them up soon. We spent the last couple of days rearranging things in the house so we’ll be able to accommodate them. My mom, cousin, and I will be in the master bedroom as they take over the other three beds we have. I’ll be taking then around town the next two days before they head out again. Should be an active weekend!

One nice thing about having guests is that you really take the time to tidy up around the house in ways you might not have for awhile. It’s pretty cool that our rooms look so clean and organized now and hopefully it sticks for some time after they’re gone. I hadn’t realized the dust and water marks that had built up. Now everything is sparking and wonderful. Feels good to have such bright, gleaming surroundings.

When you have guests over do you do some spring cleaning too?

One day, someday

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

I’ve come to a realization. This whole time I thought being an entrepreneur working on my own schedule was the most important thing to me. While I do cherish the ability to work from home as I please and enjoy the atmosphere and weather here, it’s not enough. Or, more accurately, it’s not the most important thing for me right now.

For the past couple of years, I’ve had to say “we’ll do this someday” or “in the future let’s get that” or “we can go there one day” when referring to anything I wanted to do with Panda. Most things have to be put off – we’re just not at that stage in life yet. Then, recently I came across all these bloggers who are married and have this great home life. The kind of life that I want. And you know, it’s hard to sit here and wait for that future day to come, when Panda and I can finally live together. I’m ready for that stage.

ironing board being used as desk

Case in point: an ironing board shouldn’t have to double as a desk. I want a more permanent solution.

So really, while my work freedom is something I would love to hold on to, I see now that emotionally what I need is not that. First and foremost my heart desires to live with Panda, so we can start to do all those things “for the future.” I want to have a home I can make my own, whether it’s how things are organized within it or how it is decorated and furnished. In addition to that, I need more socialization. Working on my own is lonely and I always knew I’d want a business partner, but that didn’t work out. After a year of plowing ahead, I’ve learned that I was right: I’d work so much better with a team.

I’m so glad that my parents have been unconditionally supportive of my efforts. They gave me the time and space to figure this out for myself. In my stubbornness, I probably would have jumped off the deep end if they pushed me to stick with a “9 to 5” job. Ran off to some remote place to start some obscure small business or something. Instead, they let me sit around at home, evaluating what I was doing, altering my direction as I learned, and that is what has led me to this point. Entrepreneurship may be for me, in a future setting, but right now it’s not what I need.

What I need is a happy (pseudo-married) home life. I’m in no rush to get married, but I do want to build a home life with Panda. So far I’ve only stayed with him sporadically and never felt like I could make the place “ours.” I guess you could say I’m in the mood to be nesting? At least in terms of getting furnishings and developing lifestyle patterns together. And on the work front, I need coworkers and a team more than I need the freedom to work from home or work odd hours. I’m ready to re-enter the workforce.

It’s time for “one day” and “someday” to become a reality. I don’t want to put it off anymore, so I’m dusting off my resume, revamping it, and going on the job hunt.

Blissmobox: Harvest Snacks

laelene Posted in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Another belated review, but Blissmo sometimes offers old boxes up so hopefully this will come in useful!

blissmobox is just under $25 per month with shipping (or as discounted as just under $120 for 6 months) and comes with eco-friendly products in themes like beauty, snacks, home, pets, and more. Each month you choose from two or three themes, or skip if none of them appeal to you. They do not offer a referral program.

the choices for october's blissmobox: harvest snacks or skin appeal

The two choices for the October blissmobox.

I had gotten a good amount of skincare type products from previous months, so I was in the mood for some food again! This is the October box and I went with Harvest Snacks to fill my belly.

collage of october harvest snacks blissmobox contents including alive & radiant kale chips, kur delights coconut cream, brothers-all-natural crisps in asian pear and fuji apple, two clif kit's organic fruit & nut bars, and lush nuts in three flavors

collage of alive & radiant foods kale krunch in quite cheezyAlive & Radiant Foods Kale Krunch, Quite Cheezy – These are really nice! I love the light texture and the crispiness. It crumbles easily so you don’t have to worry about having to bite hard and the “cheese” is actually made from veggies! It still tastes good and rather cheesy though, so that’s awesome. I really enjoyed these and actually went out to get some more. This turned out to be my favorite flavor after trying some others. Kale is really good for you and some people don’t like it when wet, so this dried version can be a perfect alternative.

collage of kur delights coconut creamKur Delights, Coconut Cream – For a coconut fanatic, these would probably be great. One little square is quite filling, but I don’t like when my snacks are so “heavy” and these are really dense. Their packaging is so cute and I love that the product is raw – you probably get more nutrition that way. Of course, if you’re allergic to nuts you’d want to avoid this since it contains cashews & coconuts.

collage of brothers all-natural asian pear crispsBrothers-All-Natural Crisps, Asian Pear – The freeze-dried texture is pretty unique – rather fluffy in its crispness, if that makes sense. They’re quite good and have a nice light pear flavor. I mean how can you go wrong with taking real pears, slicing them up, and making a snack from that? You get all the benefits of the fruit without the messiness, plus these keep for much longer. If you like Asian Pears, these are a perfect way to enjoy them on the go.

collage of brothers all-natural fuji apple crispsBrothers-All-Natural Crisps, Fuji Apple – Same deal with these fuji apple slices. These were a bit sweeter and had a stronger flavor to them. The apple wants to make sure you know its there! I love that a single bag contains 2 servings of fruit. What a quick and easy way to get in more of your fruit servings each day. The natural taste of the apple shines through and it makes for a yummy crunchy snack.

collage of lush nuts in salt & pepper, original, and dark cocoa chiliLush NutsSalt & Pepper, Original, & Dark Cocoa Chili – I’m not much into nuts, but these were decent. The Chili ones had quite a kick to them! I’m pretty sensitive to spicy things so I couldn’t quite eat them all. I liked the original the best and the seal & pepper next. The salt & pepper ones were a bit more salty than I would have liked, but the sweetness helped even it out a bit. Couldn’t tell there was any pepper.

collage of clif kit's organic fruit & nut bar in peanut butterCLIF KIT’s Organic Fruit & Nut bar, Peanut Butter – I don’t really like peanut butter, so I don’t know if I’m a fair judge for this bar. Personally, I found it a bit too dense, much like the coconut delights from above. It wasn’t too peanut buttery and more just peanuty – I didn’t get that creamy sort of taste. I think this would be a great bar for sustained energy if you’re working out or can’t grab a proper lunch (and assuming you like peanut/peanut butter flavored stuff).

If you’d like more info on these brands, you can click below to enlarge the photo and read more.

blissmobox harvest snacks info sheet


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

I’ve been in and out of a funk lately. For a time, I was focusing on a new project, but ever since I got back to the West Coast I haven’t really been able to concentrate on it. Instead, I found myself getting into my blogging again, with a big bout of inspiration. Also, I picked up a hobby obsession with entering (and winning!) sweepstakes/giveaways. Oh, and I’ve started to carve out a little piece of the reviewing world for myself, getting some products for free in exchange for feedback for those brands/companies.

sitting on front porch with legs extended working on laptop

Why wouldn’t I want to work on my front porch?

While all this is good and well, it’s not exactly a career unless I get a mad following or something. I’ve been working on promoting my blog more and I’ve seen improvement, but still, it’s tough to make a good living as a blogger and few people can rely on it solely. I’m enjoying myself and doing what I like, but I can’t help but feel that others are judging me for my lack of career at this point. It makes me wonder if I should be more eager to get back into the work force and earn a more steady income.

I’m a stubborn one, so the more people try to push me towards “normalcy” the more I want to buck against it. But I do see the benefits – I mean, I don’t want to have financial difficulties in my life. I’ve been fortunate to never have been in debt or had anything I couldn’t pay back and I never plan on experiencing that. Perhaps it’s unfair to assume the “housewife” role and stay at home doing what I can online as Panda goes out to work each day.

sitting under cabana working photo edited rainbow filter

Enjoying the weather while working? Certainly!

Still, I can’t help but wonder why I need to join all those Americans who work too hard, stress themselves out, and don’t even have fun along the way. What’s the point of earning a ton of money if you’re risking your health and happiness? Why is it that career success is often seen as more important than personal success (like within the home)? Perhaps that’s what’s wrong with this society. There’s so much glamour in earning a big paycheck, driving a fancy car, owning a large home, and otherwise living the “high life.”

Meanwhile, the quality of life and your personal well-being is completely ignored. Is a crazy high income worth never being home? Is a super busy schedule worth the shortcuts you take for your health? Maybe I’ve been taking it easy for too long (a year), but I sure do enjoy this ability to sleep in or stay up as I feel and manage my time freely. Are you only “good enough” if you’re sleep-deprived, too busy for socializing or relaxing, and soaring in your career? It sure seems that way, what with people bragging about how crazy their lives are.

lounging by pool in cabana with view of harbor

Should I feel guilty I get to work like this?

It’s sad really, that I almost feel ashamed that I’m not overworked. In fact, it’s just guilt that maybe I’m not being ambitious enough with my earning potential that is causing me this stress right now. I’m perfectly happy otherwise – I get time with family, I get work done, I get rest, and I am pretty well-balanced with the areas of my life. But I bet there are those who would look down on me and my situation and think that they’re better off because they have a nice paycheck. It’s not that I don’t want to earn money – I’ve just seen how big the trade-off is and I’m no longer sure that all that insanity is worth it.

I’ll probably still end up getting into the grind, working at that rat race that never seems to end. Yes, even entrepreneurs who don’t enter the traditional rat race find themselves in one of their own. Anybody with a job in the US isn’t truly immune to the intense competition, no matter what your industry or role. All because our society has developed in such a way that we aren’t deemed “successful” otherwise. And gosh darn it, I’m not about to disappoint my family. If they see failure in no high-power career, then I guess I’ll try to build that nice little career. But I’ll probably still languish around from time to time since I can’t quite say that it’s what I truly want. However, I don’t want to be dead weight and/or a burden either. So I guess it’s time to suck it up and get back in touch with my work-related ambitions.

Scenting the room

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

lit red flower candle in italian blood orange scentIn the latest Yuzen box, I got a lovely red flower candle that I love. It’s been over a decade since I last used a candle so I was pretty excited to give this one a try. I’ve burned it for about 8 hours now, which is just over halfway through its life cycle of 15 hours. For such a tiny candle (only 1.5 oz), it sure does burn for a long time! I’ve loved the enhanced mood you get just from being in a room with a candle gently flickering, day or night. I feel cooler and the space immediately feels homier. Pretty great for such a tiny change. 🙂

This has really gotten me back into candles, though this time around I’m looking for soy (or other plant-based wax) candles, which I hadn’t heard of back in the day. Since my childhood, I’ve learned a lot about more eco-friendly products and when it comes to candles, plant-based ones are the way to go. red flower is a wonderful eco-friendly brand and I’d like to get their larger 6 oz candles that are topped with flower petals! Also, one of the brands that I really want to try is Diamond Candles, partly because of the novelty, and partly because of their scents. They’ve got really strong branding and very active social media channels and right now I’m dead set on winning a candle since they hold giveaways so often.

However, I also want to try fragrance oils since I seem to be sensitive to the burning of the candles. My throat gets a little scratchy and I even get a bit of a headache. I’m extremely sensitive to particles in the air! Ever since I went tunneling at UCLA (exploring the underground tunnels there), I’ve suddenly become what I deemed a “smog-o-meter” – whenever the quality of the air outside drops, I’m sure to know it. It was very dusty down there and that seemed to exacerbate something in me. In fact, in the three months directly after my tunneling experience, I had a nasty cough that would rear its head whenever I went outside. Things have calmed down since, but I’ve always been sensitive to smoke, particularly whenever someone is smoking in the same room. I think that the smaller flame from the tea light should be fine since I’ve never had an issue with that. I’m looking forward to testing fragrance oils soon!

On furniture innovation

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

I can’t seem to find a “perfect” spot for my desk.  Today’s the third time I’ve moved it in the past few months and I’m still not fully satisfied.  I think what I really need is a swinging desk that can rotate 90 degrees from an L shape to an I shape. I’d like to sit at the desk and have the wall/window on one side, the bed on another, and the desk filling in the other two.  So far I’ve tried it parallel to my bed, perpendicular to it, and at two random angles.  Triangles don’t seem to work since I can’t get out and keeping everything at 90 angles to each other leaves one side gaping.  I suppose I could use the back of my chair as the fourth side, but I like having my back somewhat against the wall.

I’ve always liked cozy corners and being tucked in tight, but I still need to be able to get out of my chair without having to climb around furniture like a monkey.  It’s definitely a challenge with conventional furniture that assumes people like having their space.  It also seems to be assumed that furniture shouldn’t be easy to move.  Why is that?  I am constantly rearranging my furniture, wishing that they were designed to be more mobile.  After all, a single change in your furniture  arrangement can greatly change the look and feel of a room, so it’s like moving without ever leaving!  I think it’s good to exercise change periodically.  It’s amazing the new perspectives you achieve!

I’ve actually conceived of a variety of alternative furniture ideas that I’d really like to see become a reality someday, if only for myself.  We as people are mobile and flexible, so why shouldn’t our furniture be more so?  Sure, we’ve got lazy boys that protract and retract, but what else?  Surely someone can design a desk that can change just as easily.  Alas, until then, I will probably have to continue exploring creative ways to try to achieve that effect with the stubborn bulky furniture that currently exists.


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Woo hoo, it’s 12/12/12!  It’ll be another century before it happens again.  Today Facebook offered a “Year in Review” of my timeline, highlighting things that were most popular on my FB account in 2012.  Apparently I added just 20 friends (not bad, but nothing compared to my college years) and “liked” a whopping 95 pages (whoa, when did I like so many brands?!).  Meanwhile, Yahoo Mail completely changed its look on me and I’m still getting used to that.  I spent the day quietly, enjoying time with my cousin while getting lots of chores done!  Who knew this simple day would turn out so well.  I’m sure plenty of others were out socializing and otherwise enjoying 12/12/12-themed events, but I’m glad I got a chance to feel productive with my cousin.  Good times!

Blissmobox: Anniversary special

laelene Posted in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Ah, the anniversary box.  This is what got me into this whole subscription box thing – a fateful email that I received telling me that if I subscribed for a year, I’d get free shipping on the boxes AND a bonus 13th special edition box.

blissmobox is just under $25 per month with shipping (or as discounted as just under $120 for 6 months – as you can see, they used to offer an annual subscription but that is gone) and comes with eco-friendly products in themes like beauty, snacks, home, pets, and more. Each month you choose from two or three themes, or skip if none of them appeal to you. They do not offer a referral program.

email from blissmo announcing blissmobox anniversary offer

I just couldn’t resist so I decided to sign up for a subscription.  Here’s what ultimately came in that anniversary box:

contents of blissmobox anniversary edition including eco logical sunscreen, peeled snacks apple-2-the-core, bates water filtration bottle with blissmo logo, all terrain insect repellent, and neutrogena naturals night cream

Not pictured: ecover dishwasher tablets

collage of peeled snacks apple-2-the-core dried fruit snackPeeled Snacks gently dried fruit, Apple-2-the-core – I’m not usually a huge fan of apples, but I ate these up pretty fast!  I love that they’re just apples, plain and simple.  They’re slightly sweet and so light that they’re really the perfect snack when you want a little something but don’t want too much sugar.

collage of all terrain herbal armor insect repellentAll Terrain insect repellent, Herbal Armor spray – As you can see, it comes out a rich milky white, but rubs on clear.  There’s a strong herbal, almost medicinal scent that’s sure to keep bugs away.  Maybe I just haven’t used it enough to loosen up the nozzle, but it always comes out more liquidy than misty for me.

collage of bates water filtration bottle with blissmo brandingBayes water filtration bottle, blissmo branded – This is a fun water bottle with filter built into the cap.  The nice thing is when you’re on the go, you just put tap water in and by the time it reaches your lips, the water has been filtered for you.  That way you can bring an empty bottle wherever you go and just get water from any restroom sink.  Or if you’re particularly impatient, you don’t have to wait and watch as the water trickles through your normal filter – just start gulping!

eco logical skin care sunscreen, for body – I didn’t realize it at first, but this product was actually on my “to try someday” list after I learned about it through Daily Grommet.  I’m looking forward to using it on my day out or vacation since I don’t really get much sun otherwise.  I haven’t opened it yet since I want to preserve it until I’m ready to use it, but I’d imagine its consistency to be something like toothpaste.

collage of neutrogena naturals multi-vitamin night creamNeutrogena Naturals skincare, multi-vitamin nourishing night cream – I’ve been using this every night after I shower.  It’s definitely a thick, creamy face cream that hydrates my skin.  I also love the light, slightly sweet smell it has, which is soothing and relaxing.  I had no idea that Neutrogena had a new line of natural products, so it was cool to be introduced to that and hopefully they’ll expand the line to take over the original products eventually.

collage of ecover dishwasher tablets sampleecover natural cleaning products, automatic dishwasher tablets – I don’t actually use the dishwasher to wash dishes, so I’m still trying to figure out what to do with these samples.  I guess I could use the dishwasher just to try them out, but I’m not sure I even know how to operate the thing.  Maybe I’ll just try dissolving them into the water I use to wash the dishes.


Overall this was a random box with no real theme, but it provided a nice introduction to more eco-friendly products in many categories.


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