Posts Tagged ‘mid-autumn festival’

365great Day 189: traditions

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , ,

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365great challenge day 189: traditionsTraditions are an important part of human history and a way for cultures to celebrate certain ways of doing things. Sometimes entire nations partake and sometimes it’s just you, but no matter what the size and scope, it’s a way to connect with the past. Today is the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, where there is a tradition of eating moon cakes. It’s a simple gesture, but one that ties all those with a similar cultural heritage together. The act of buying a moon cake and consuming it may not be as meaningful to Panda and I in this day and age, but it’s still a way for us to respect our ancestry and do something that our forefathers (and mothers, hehe) have been doing for centuries. Even on a smaller scale, traditions are a way to bind us together, like when you have rituals related to how you celebrate anniversaries and other personal events. I think it’s a great way to create deeper connections.

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