Posts Tagged ‘observation’

The entrepreneurial bug

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

I’ve been speaking to a lot of entrepreneurs lately and it’s really exciting to hear all the fun, interesting, and innovative ideas they have! Most are still in early development, so I can’t share what they are, but I would like to say that there’s a certain theme running through it all – a need to make things better. Everyone’s focus is in their own area of expertise and passion, which makes for a lot of promising businesses to come! I think the great thing about startups is the drive that people have. You can’t survive without a deep level of commitment to the purpose of the company/organization, unlike in large and established corporations, where you can get away with a lack of interest in what the mission actually is.

For me, it’s motivating to see all the hard workers out there making their dreams come true.  I’ve got a lot that I’d like to make a reality within the next decade and I’m going to start on at least one of them by the time I’m 30.  That’s a promise to myself, and something to make myself accountable for.  One piece of advice I got was to set real, concrete deadlines and that’s exactly what I’m working on.  Too often I like to leave a way out by saying, “sometime around” or “in the next 5-10 years,” giving myself enough leeway to perhaps not quite make it happen.  So I’m going to change my mentality and decide that I am and I will.  No more of that I hope and I want business.  It’s going to be how I choose to make it to be.

At times I was doubtful that I had an entrepreneurial enough spirit to be an entrepreneur, but now that I see those out there, I’ve got no doubt in my mind that I have the passion, drive, creativity, and intelligence to do so.  The important thing is setting my mind to it and then going full force.  That’s not a problem for me – I decided I wanted to start my own business when I was in middle school and that desire has yet to change.  I’ve definitely gotten bitten by the entrepreneurial, if there is such a thing, and I’m excited to develop my plans over the years as I ready myself professionally and personally to handle the tasks I’ll need to for my aspirations to become real.

It’s been consuming my thoughts!

Buzzy visitor

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , ,

Why am I taking a picture?

Why am I taking a picture?

To capture this bug flying around!

To capture this bug flying around!

In case you were wondering what it looked like, here you go.

In case you were wondering what it looked like, here you go.

Innovation overkill?

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

web 2.0These days I’ve just been bombarded with new sites for every imaginable aspect of web 2.0.  Many are overlapping in services, which makes it hard for me to figure out what I should actually try.  As I found a few days ago, I’m actually quite an early adopter, though I never considered myself that before.  I never realized that all the sites I’ve started to use are so new and foreign to most of my friends.  I have discovered that I’ve been using sites that many of them have never heard of and that most of them don’t have accounts on.  When I share them with friends, the ones I like best I often convey in such a way that they want to join too.  This ranges from Baseloop to Google Wave to Swagbucks.  There are so many choices out there that I don’t know what to use anymore.

facebook logoflickr logopicasa logoLet’s take sharing pictures, for example.  There’s Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, and many more that focus more on printing photos.  Facebook is useful because you can tag your friends and use the existing social network to share your photos.  Flickr is good to share your stuff with the world and make your pictures show up on image searches.  Picasa has a fun face recognition algorithm that allows you to have people pre-tagged whenever you upload new pictures.  Those people are also linked to your Google contacts, so if you already use one of the other Google services (Gmail, Voice, Wave), you can use existing contacts to tag, much like Facebook.  So when you want to share pictures, where do you go?!

google wave logoNow let’s say you want to plan an event.  Facebook comes in as a contender once again, as does Google with its new Wave.  Then there’s the up-and-coming Baseloop fully intended to cater to this need.  For Facebook, the edge in this area is once again the existing network you have on there.  Most of my friends are on there and I can easily invite them (or one of my groups) to an event I create.  Wave’s biggest setback at the moment is the lack of people using it.  I’ve finally got more than 5 people on there, but it’s still a long ways to be able to invite all of my friends to something through Wave.  I do like how you can embed a map of the location, include the weather for that day, and other nifty features that would be useful.  baseloopFinally, Baseloop caters to both events for your friends and more public events.  What I like best about them is they allow you to suggest things to do and they show you a public calendar of events going on in your area.  That way, if you’ve wanted to do something but could never seem to find the people to do it with, you can put it out there for all your friends (and even random people) to see.  Much easier than e-mailing or messaging all my friends just to see if they’re interested in a particular activity.  You can also quickly see what things there might be to do on a Saturday night when you’re bored and want to go have some fun.  But of course, few people are on it now, so when I invite friends, they’d need to set up an account.  So which of these is best for event-planning?

Similar issues arise for just choosing a social network.  There’s Facebook, Baseloop, Plaxo, Brazen Careerist, Ning, MySpace, Hi5…  Then for blogging or micro-blogging there’s WordPress, Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger, Livejournal, Xanga, Plurk…  Even video posting and interaction has a wide selection with YouTube, Vimeo, Tokbox, Stroome, Nurphy…  Plus search engines, like Google, Yahoo, Bing (ok technically a “decision engine,” but you get the idea), Ask, Swagbucks, Goodsearch…  Let’s not even get into the online shopping sites, mapping and direction sites, online game sites, dating sites, etc.!

Aaaah!  It’s overwhelming and there are still more sites like this popping up ALL THE TIME.  I suppose that’s what happens when it’s relatively easy for people to start online businesses.  You have little startup cost beyond the website itself and whatever you need to do to create and maintain it.  The only physical stuff you really need is computers and computing power.  Beyond that, it’s all your programming skills, creativity, and customer service put to the test.

Escalation and ear candling

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,
The elusive sign that directed me to the escalators!

The elusive sign that directed me to the escalators!

When I was in Hong Kong, one of the attractions that I went to visit was the Mid-Levels Escalators.  It is a series of escalators running up the hillside of Hong Kong Island, and the longest escalator ride you can ever take at 800 meters!  Now granted, there is some walking in between for certain areas where some turns had to be made, but for the most part you can enjoy standing on the belts and going down in the morning or up at night.  For those trying to go in the opposite direction of the escalators, there are stairs running alongside them the entire way so you can walk as needed.  What really threw me off in Hong Kong was that they stand to the right of the escalators, which is the opposite of what I had been doing in Singapore!  So the first few times, I’d stand on the left side only to find myself in the way.  How confusing!

DSC06392When I first arrived at the Mid-Levels Escalators, it was around 9 PM and things were pretty quiet.  I began my journey upwards and started to count how many stretches of escalator I got on.  Along the way, I passed by restaurants, bars, pubs, massage parlors, beauty salons, random shops, and lots of homes.  After about 13-15 escalators, things really quieted down and became very residential.  Stubbornly, I continued on, even though it was dark and there were hardly any people around.  I wanted to make it to the end of strip!  After much dedication, I eventually made it (and lost count along the way).  I believe I totaled 18 or 19 escalators of varying lengths.

I finally got to the top!  Yeesh.

I finally got to the top! Yeesh.

At the top, I was happy, tired, and really hungry.  I began my descent down, this time with a mission of finding some place that was still open for dinner.  I also started to count the number of stairs I took.  Down, down, down I went, counting to myself the whole time and rushing to get back to the livelier parts.  Eventually, I came across a Pizza Express that was still open and happily settled in for a meal.  As soon as I was happily full, I continued on my trek down the mountain, still counting the stairs I took in the process.  I can’t find where I wrote down the exact number I took, but it was something like 843.

Some were this kind and a few weren't working, so I had to climb that bit.

Some were this kind and a few weren’t working, so I had to climb that bit.

Since there were so many things lining that area, I decided to return to it another night, when I wanted to get a manicure/pedicure and ear candling.  It took me awhile to find a place that actually did ear candling, but when I found it, I had a really interesting time and even got to keep my ear wax.  Ok, not the nicest thing, but hey, it was fascinating to see!  The lady also did something that I think she said was pressing on my lymph nodes to help drain them.  She told me to drink grape juice later at night and then have some orange juice right when I woke up, to help with my poor digestion or something like that.  I took her advice and really went out and bought juices!  After that, I managed to find a nail salon that was open past 9 and happily sat there to get my nails done.

ear candlescandled ear waxEar candling is this crazy thing where they take a special cloth tube thing and stick one end in your ear canal while lighting the other end on fire.  It burns gently and because of the air being sucked away at the top of the tube, your earwax is drawn up into the tube.  I heard a gentle crackling noise the entire time it was burning away and though I felt more refreshed and noises seemed crisper after that, I don’t know if that was just a psychological effect.  The result is this honeycomb-looking thing that is the earwax that was drawn from your ear canal!  I found it to be a surprisingly soothing experience and you could tell from what was taken out which ear was more clogged up.  Nifty!

Community bond

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

I just came back from watching a screening of No Impact Man tonight, which left me with a thought: it is important to have a sense of community.  One of the last things talked about was what Mr. NIM would recommend for people if they were to do just one thing to change their lives to be more environmentally-friendly.  His advice?  Volunteer for an environmental group because with that comes the community connection.

Typical Chinese meal: lots of dishes shared between everyone.

Typical Chinese meal: lots of dishes shared between everyone.

I find that to be a really good point – we’re not on this planet alone and we shouldn’t live and act like it (though oftentimes we do, especially in the American culture).  Much of the poor behavior that we’ve learned is because of this mentality.  Everyone wants a house to themselves, a car or two for their family, and their own share of everything.  The concept of sharing even extends to how our meals are eaten, with individual portions given out rather than some of everything that is shared amongst a group.  When we’re all too busy thinking about me, me, me, we do a lot of things that benefit us, but harm those around us, humans, animals/plants, and environment.  Plus, having that sense of community bond keeps us grounded and centered so we don’t lose sight of ourselves and fall into the throes of negative behavior (assuming your “community” is not a gang or drug cartel).

This point seemed particularly relevant for a poster I saw on the walk back.  It was advertising a young man who was struck by leukemia and was in the Intensive Care Unit at our local hospital.  He desperately needs a bone marrow match and as the poster said, he needs your help.  I thought of how when we as a population share our resources (which sometimes means donating blood or cells or the like), we are so much better off as a whole.  There are so many lives that could be saved if the healthy people in the world were willing to share some of that health with those less fortunate.

Typical American meal: individual portions of each dish.

Typical American meal: individual portions of each dish.

I actually just made a friend with a young lady in a similar situation (she just doesn’t need to be in an ICU).  In her last video update, she said something that I feel is something more people should think about: if the person who got leukemia was your mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, etc., then how would you react?  Would you still be so reluctant to donate cells that your body easily reproduces to save a life?  We’re not even talking about organs that can’t be replaced or something that drastic.  Sometime it’s blood, bone marrow, or plasma, but it’s all things that you can make more of in the coming days, weeks, and months.

I really think that this wouldn’t be so much an issue if we were more connected to our communities and had a better sense of those around us.  Honestly, how could you continue to not offer what you can if you cared for the people around you?  Once people start realizing that they won’t need to undergo the scary spinal tap procedure they thought was what you need to donate bone marrow, I think they have no excuses.  It’s either just like giving blood or you’ll be under anesthesia anyway.  In this case, sharing is caring!

Similarly for the environment, if we just cared more about others, we’d be able to move away from the individual cars per household mentality to the public transportation mentality.  One reason people tout buying local so much is because it supports others’ businesses and prevents you from getting outrageous out-of-season foods that are harder to find during certain times of year.  (Local produce may not actually be better for the environment though, but that’s an issue for another day.)  Other ways to be environmental and help your “neighbors” (including those in other cities, countries, and continents) is to reuse things rather than creating more trash that will end up in somebody’s backyard.  Too many people are living in dumps and all because of our irresponsible consumerism.

So moral of the story?  Care more about your neighbors, local and global.  It’ll make things so much better for everyone.

Brown is the happiest color of all

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

white frame sunglassesLately I’ve been wearing a pair of white-frame sunglasses that I got at the LA County Fair.  They’re modeled to resemble Ray Bans (I think that’s what they’re called) and because of their shape, they fit my face easily.  I often run into trouble finding sunglasses that fit my head because I tend to have a wider distance between temples.  Most sunglasses hug my eyes and leave red marks on my cheeks after wearing them for awhile.  I usually end up with a headache too.

It’s a fortunate thing that I bought this pair, because I’ve been using it consistently ever since.  It seems the more you wear shades, the more you need them.  Is it just my imagination or have my eyes really gotten more sensitive to sunlight?  Whatever the case, psychologically at least, I need sunglasses on a bright day.  I actually just got these on a whim at the fair because I thought that the white frames were outrageous enough to be silly, yet mainstream enough to not get stares.  I’m always on the lookout for a snug pair that will fit my face and I suppose now I understand why the real Ray Bans are so expensive.

Well, using and abusing the white pair so much, I found one day that I didn’t know which bag I had it buried in.  My purses become black holes, so it was hopeless to find the things without dumping out the entire contents of my bags.  Unfortunately, I was on a time crunch, so I grabbed the first pair I could find – a brown pair I’d bought a long time ago.  I think I got them at my favorite (and now non-existent) shop in Westwood, Good Choice Gifts.  I do remember I had gotten the matching black pair because I couldn’t decide (as usually is the case).  I’ve since misplaced the black version.

Look at how happy I am!

Look at how happy I am!

I ran off, sunglasses in tow and put them on just before driving the car out of the garage.  And suddenly, bam.  The world looked beautiful, happy, better.  After so long wearing my black shades, I had forgotten the miracle a little brown shading can do for your eyes.  Forget rose-colored glasses!  Brown is most cheerful color of all.

If you’ve never owned a pair of brown sunglasses, I highly recommend them!  I’d say lighter shades of brown are better, giving just enough tint to the world without darkening it too much.  Filtering everything through this new lens on life makes greens greener, blues bluer, and everything richer!  I swear the sky has never looked so appealing than when I saw it through these sunglasses.

And hey, if the world looks happier to you, you’ll probably end up being happier too!  🙂

Roadside notables

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , ,

Hey, he's not supposed to be there...

Hey, he's not supposed to be there...

New age street lamp.  So bright!!!

New age street lamp. So bright!!!

As if they weren't looming enough already.

As if they weren't looming enough already.

Now that's a prominent entrance that I never noticed before!

Now that's a prominent entrance that I never noticed before!

Unique cars

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Seems like this type of black paint job is the new fad now.

Seems like this type of black paint job is the new fad now.

Gosh, this thing was TINY!  How do people fit?!

Gosh, this thing was TINY! How do people fit?!

Pity they had to ruin it for the sake of filming.

Pity they had to ruin it for the sake of filming.

When a sentence changes your thoughts

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,
So many chemicals.  photo credit: stirwise on flickr

So many chemicals. photo credit: stirwise on flickr

Awhile back there was a great offer going on, with a company giving coupons to get one of their products for free.  Being the deal-lovers we are, Panda and I scrambled to sign up for our very own shares.  This company makes a brand of shampoos and conditioners that I quite like to use, so I was thrilled to save the money on a product I buy consistently.  I then happened to share the news with my manager when I was working at Opportunity Green one day and she said something that stuck with me: “Do you know how many chemicals are in their products?”

In fact, no, I didn’t, and I’d never thought about it before.  I have looked at many natural beauty products, ranging from lip balm to make-up to skin care (and even nail polish), but I had not yet considered hair products.  It amazed me that something so seemingly obvious had evaded my attention.  I love the brand I use most often and it’ll take time for me to find a better alternative, but that comment got me thinking and re-evaluating.  I guess there are just too many things to consider when it comes to all the products we are bombarded with every day.  I’ve thought of an energy-efficient light bulb or computer, but not a camera or TV.  Why?  Just like with personal care products, some get noticed more than others, but really they should all be considered.

So now for a search for healthier shampoo…

Captivating hummingbirds

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

One sitting, one feeding, and one hovering.

One sitting, one feeding, and one hovering.

Going in for a quick dip.

Going in for a quick dip.

Check out that hovering action!

Check out that hovering action!

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