Posts Tagged ‘ucla’

My first startup

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I’m working on a project now that is something I’ve thought of before, but never considered doing seriously until now.  After speaking to some tried and true entrepreneurs, the one piece of advice that stood out was: just do it.   Yup, Nike was right – you just gotta go out and get started!   So that’s exactly what I’m doing on now, first producing some content to put up on the site that I’ll be launching within the first week of January.   I spent the majority of today working on the more technical issues of getting the site up and with the help of a friend, I’ve got a decent framework to work with.   It’ll start off simple, but I do hope the content is valuable to my target audience.

I’m excited for this fun distraction that I’m going to build into a great resource and fun reference.  I don’t want to give too much away while I’m still working on it, so just keep your eyes open in the new year, especially if you’re a Bruin!  In the mean time, if you or anyone you know is willing to help with writing content, doing some graphic design, or helping with the website, please do let me know!  I’ll need all the help I can get.  This will be my first “startup” (not in the sense of a company, but in the sense that I’m the one running the show based off of one of my ideas), so I’m sure there will be a lot to learn.  I’ll try to document what I can as I grow from the experience.  🙂

Interactive building

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From chaos...

From chaos... what we dubbed "Sparta." what we dubbed "Sparta."

Fun times at ESLP (Education for Sustainable Living Program) during the lecture series.

Breaking news, live!

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Sudden commotion on campus!

Sudden commotion on campus!

Another news van outside Ronald Reagan.

Another news van outside Ronald Reagan.

Reporting on the Young Hall student stabbing.

Reporting on the Young Hall student stabbing.

It seems that reporters are always rushing.  Rushing on scene (or as close as they can get).  Rushing to grab interviews.  Rushing to report on the latest news!

Engagements left and right

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So many of our peers have gotten engaged recently!  There have been three couples since the summer, all of whom met working as Orientation Counselors.  That’s how Panda and I, as well as Opti and Doc met!  Funny how so many pairs have come from the Orientation Program staff.  I’m sure there will be many more to come.  There’s something about the whole Orientation thing that seems to really bring together staff.

Just wanted to share.  🙂

Windows 7 was my idea

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

windows 7 proMicrosoft has been working really hard to promote their newest operating system with their “Windows 7 was my idea” campaign.  Though I think they’re trying too hard to some extent, I think their efforts are catchy enough to be interesting.  In fact, that phrase really does hit on how many people must feel about the product.  No doubt plenty of people look at the new features and think, “I totally thought of that!”  And indeed, the combined wisdom of Windows users is something not to be overlooked.  Certainly their suggestions were instrumental in the changes made for Windows 7.

I just got Windows 7 installed on my computer last night, thanks to Doc, who trekked out to Panda’s place to help me out.  Opti kindly allowed us to use two of her CD/DVD-Rs so I could boot the new operating system from an external source.  Thank goodness we had two, since the first disc Doc burned didn’t work!  After many hours waiting for my computer to do its thing and process whatever it needed to, I was finally able to boot with my brand new system.  Gotta love that Panda’s an engineer who gets access to a free version of Windows 7 Professional, courtesy UCLA.

window 7 was my ideaNow that I’ve been using it for a couple of hours and have viewed the tutorial videos, I’m getting a good handle on its new features.  One of my favorites is the rotating backgrounds, which makes so much more exciting.  I’ve set my desktop background to change every 10 minutes, just to keep things fresh.  It’s also so much nicer to scroll your mouse over things and get previews popping up before you commit to clicking.  I kind of miss the long task bar buttons that would have the icon and first couple of words for each program you had open, but I’m getting used to remembering what each icon stands for (and I could always revert back to what I’m used to if it gets too confusing).  Another thing is that the quick launch icons are gone and now any of the programs can be “pinned” to your task bar quickly and easily.  They basically took the quick launch and made it the task bar, but also allow you to open up the open windows of a program using the same icon you use to open up the program in the first place.  If that makes any sense.

One of the things I remember hearing about before the release of Windows 7 is the “clicking” into place.  Whenever you drag a window to the left or right side of the screen and your mouse hits the edge of the screen, the window automatically resizes to fit the corresponding half of the screen.  Saves me the work of resizing windows that they take up about half the screen whenever I want to see the contents of two windows at the same time.  I think that’s a key feature that makes everyone exclaim, “I’ve wanted that forever!”  They’re also much better with docking windows to the edges of your screen so you don’t have to approximate anymore.

Check out the cute little hummingbird!

Check out the cute little hummingbird!

The new library feature is something that will take some getting used to, since it’s another way of organizing things.  From what I gather, it will be very useful because it allows you to group folders together without actually moving them into the same parent folder together.  That way, you can access certain files across all of your documents, pictures, or videos and easily search within these libraries that you create and define.  The preset ones are pretty intuitive too: Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos.  Sometimes I have videos that are actually in folders within my Pictures folder, so having a Video Library makes it easier to find the videos I’m looking for without having to search all over the place.  Another thing is, I can add an external hard drive folder to the library so that when it’s connected, the library will access the files in my other hard drive as well.  Nice!

Seems like Microsoft is making a nice step towards better usability and functionality.  I don’t believe that the Mac commercial poking fun at Microsoft is true at all.  Sure, there may have been some empty promises in previous operating systems, but I never felt they were that bad.  And even if they were, Windows 7 is truly a huge improvement.  Besides, I don’t respect Apple for making a series of commercials where they just ridicule their competitor.  Whether or not what they say is true, it’s unsportsmanlike to say it at all.  If they are really that great, then they’d be just fine touting their strengths without stomping all over Windows.  Yet another reason why I’m not a Mac person.  But anyway, like I was saying, I think Microsoft’s done well with this new operating system and the corresponding marketing campaign.

Bleeding Blue & Gold

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Belonging to an alumnus whose nickname is Frisbee (because he was on the Ultimate team).

Belonging to an alumnus whose nickname is Frisbee (because he was on the Ultimate team).

Our class gift was far from exciting, but I'm still a proud '08er.

Our class gift was far from exciting, but I'm still a proud '08er.

I'm totally getting myself one of these when I own my own car.

I'm totally getting myself one of these when I own my own car.


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,
Whoa, I can't believe they've actually branded this!

Whoa, I can't believe they've actually branded this!

About a year and a half ago, when I was living my final year on campus, I had a spectacular roommate who was an amazing musician (among many other things).  I had written a little post-it to myself that I stuck on my desk and one of our friends came in and read it: “I fiddle.”  Somehow, from there, Ms. Mariachi got the impression that there was a new product on the market called an iFiddle (must be her musical background).  The friend and I then proceeded to tell her this story:

Apple is coming out with a new product modeled after a real fiddle, which you can hold just like one, but instead of having strings, it has sensors that recognize when your bow and fingers are on it.  It can then play notes just like you would normally, but the great thing is you can connect your iFiddle to your computer and play background music to accompany your notes, or choose to have them transcribed into a composition as you play!  They’re coming out with a whole line of other instruments you can play with it as well, so you can get really creative with the pieces you compose.  You can also hook it up to your iPod to play back pieces you were working on, or use a song you have on there as the accompaniment for your work.  Then through iTunes, you can edit your compositions and share them as new songs…

We had this whole elaborate story going, both of us building off the other’s inventive descriptions until we got to a point where we just couldn’t contain ourselves anymore.  We burst into hysterical laughter that Mariachi had completely fallen for our ruse, which was neither planned nor rehearsed.  In fact, it was completely spontaneous and neither of us had a clue as to where it was going as we spoke!  That’s the beauty of improv!  And all the better that she believed us through and through, and was excited that such a product was coming out.  Just gotta love the random moments you have with your friends.  I just wish I could remember more of the fabulous details we were able to think up on the fly so that you could truly appreciate our brilliance that night.  😉

Small world

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Living and working in the microcosm of UCLA can be quite the experience.  With each person I meet, I can find about three different ways that I connect to them, whether through mutual contacts, shared passions, or similar work/volunteer/student organization involvement.  It’s really crazy when you meet someone and connect to them on so many fronts, which just makes the bond that much stronger.  I probably also experience this a bit more because of my tendency to be a social butterfly, with my contacts spread out far and wide.  I’ve been involved in so many things in many different ways that there’s bound to be some common ground beyond just the UCLA connection.  It’s really cool!

Perhaps that’s part of why it’s so hard for me to leave this Bruin world.  I quite enjoy walking around and running into people I meet.  There’s really nothing quite like catching up with an old friend and seeing how much things have changed.  It’s also so nice to make a new friend and already have so much in common with them.  This campus really is like a little world of its own and it’s a wonderful community to be a part of.

Cool Haus ice cream!

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

A special treat waiting for us!

A special treat waiting for us!

Their names are architecturally-inspired.

Their names are architecturally-inspired.

So it's rather like Diddy Riese ice cream sandwiches... take your pick!

So it's rather like Diddy Riese ice cream sandwiches... take your pick!

So this is the window in the back where you get your order.

So this is the window in the back where you get your order.

Happily got mine.

Happily got mine.

They specially printed the Education for Sustainable Linving Program logo!

They specially printed the Education for Sustainable Linving Program logo!

The wrapper is edible too (made of rice paper), so no waste!

The wrapper is edible too (made of rice paper), so no waste!

Opportunity Green Conference 2009

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

opportunity green 2009It’s been a long and exhausting weekend for us at Opportunity Green, as we worked long and hard to throw a fantastic conference for everyone.  A lot of lessons have been learned on my end, watching how the intensely crazy registration panned out for us and getting a behind-the-scenes look at how things were running.  We didn’t expect so many people to show up to the event, so it was challenging to handle the overload in capacity, but it’s great that we got so many interested people to attend.  All in all I had a rewarding experience, getting great feedback from participants who were so thankful and appreciative!

Working the registration table for Speakers, Sponsors, and Press!

Working the registration table for speakers, sponsors, and press!

I’ve also had some fabulous conversations come out of these past couple of days, as I randomly chatted with other volunteers, a few sponsors, and some of the attendees.  It’s wonderful that people are so friendly and most were very patient with us.  Granted, registration delays were probably expected for those who showed up without being registered online already.  Things also worked so well because we had dedicated interns diligently working from the wee morning hours til late in the evening, volunteering our entire weekend to make this event happen.  Of course, the OG full-timers were working even harder, sleeping less, staying longer, but never complaining about how exhausted they must have been.

Many a time we had to be resourceful, giving, and downright creative to get the work done, but as one of our staff pointed out, we never lost our cool.  It never occurred to me just how useful that must have been in keeping everything running smoothly, but it’s true!  I suppose that’s a large part of why the participants were so enthusiastic about their experience at the conference, because they never saw any of the fires we were putting out throughout the day.  That’s exactly how things should be!  It will get hectic and overwhelming at an event of this scale, but with everyone working the event being level-headed and patient, we got through just fine.

Now it’s time to enjoy the trappings I did manage to get from the conference (like these awesome bamboo USB drives from MINI USA and a lovely Whitelines notebook) and let my body recover.  Everything aches or throbs and my mind is so cloudy I keep on making typo errors, but I’m glad to know that tomorrow I will have no more physically draining activities.  Rather, I’ll be working hard on my sample entries for, as I apply to be a freelance blogger for them while I look for a job and try to get more involved in the green space.

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