Posts Tagged ‘work’

First week of work

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Happy Friday the 13th. 😉

Woo hoo! My very first weekend since starting work is upon me and boy am I pooped! Between adjusting to a new schedule, learning A TON, and trying to get the hang of things, I have been worn out at the end of each day this week. When I got home, I barely had enough energy to blog and crash. I think I forgot to have dinner one night, but it’s all fuzzy now. As always, I think I’m picking things up ok but gosh I wish I could be a natural at it and rock it like none other. I get a little impatient with myself sometimes when I feel like I’m “at par” because it just doesn’t feel good enough. I’ll be glad to recharge over the weekend and pick up again on Monday with a fresh approach. Let me share some random moments from this week!


cup of dunkin donuts iced tea drink with box of three chick-fil-a chick-n-minis breakfast sandwiches

I started my first day off right with a free breakfast!!

panera bread you pick two combination meal with chicken noodle soup and soba noodle salad topped with shrimp and spinach plus french bread on the side

I spent all day training with my manager and then we got lunch together. I tried the new soba noodle salad at Panera and I’ve found a new fav!

view outside office window of street filled with cars and buildings in background with sun obscured by clouds

Looking outside our office you can see parts of the Reston Town Center.

light wood desk with laptop, wooden framed picture, purple purse, black bag, and chococat mug

I’m trying to keep my desk space simple with just my bag, purse, mug, laptop, and framed picture. I’ve since added some snacks and acquired a phone headset.

first day of work care package items with picture in frame, bottle of coke, bag of chocolates, tube of lotion, twenty dollar bill, pen, note, insurance info, band-aids, and bag of chips

Panda was so sweet to pack me a care package. I knew there were snacks but throughout the day I discovered the note and money, then later on the picture frame, and finally the band-aids right before I left for the day!

bright colorful sunset with clouds in sky and trees to side

At the end of the day, I drove off into a beautiful sunset.


yellow and black slow down geese crossing sign stuck in grass by side of road

My second day, I took a different route and came across this sign warning us drivers of a geese crossing. Please disregard my dusty windshield.

giant hangover turkey burger from be right burger

One of the few girls in the office invited me to lunch and I had this fabulous turkey burger with fried egg and bacon, among other things. It lasted me two other meals as well!

I spent much of the morning training again and learning more about what I’ll need to do. By the afternoon, they let me loose on some of the research so I began digging away. We took a break as a company at one point so the CEO could share some awesome news with us – that we’d landed a very large and important account!


noodles and co pasta rosa with penne, spinach, mushrooms, and cheese in spicy tomato sauce

On Wednesday, I asked the trio in the room next to mine to come out to lunch and my manager made it too. I got the pasta rosa at Noodles & Co and I’ve definitely found a winner for future visits.

I had training with another manager for a couple of hours and continued to do research as I touched base with my manager to learn the ins and outs of my role. I got a company t-shirt just in time for the picture we took to thank the new account we celebrated yesterday. Fun times!

building being contructed lit up at night

When I left that night, I was surprised that the building next door had so many lights on.


Gosh, I spent nearly the entire day working on getting my first batch of research compiled so I completely forgot to take any pictures. It was 2:30 before I realized I wasn’t really feeling hungry but boy was I getting tired. I spoke to Panda briefly, wondering if I should even bother to get lunch at that point and he encouraged me to do so. I checked in with the folks next door again and the two who were there were such sports that they happily accompanied me out. I decided to repeat my Panera meal and I gobbled it up without realizing I was hungry. I guess tired and hungry are hard to tell apart sometimes. A few times I thought it was Friday already, yikes!

Good news came again as another fantastic account closed a deal with us, so the CEO pulled us all together to share the details and congratulate the efforts of the lead and team.


The day started off with free bagels the CEO brought in! I helped myself to one, but felt kind of bad when I didn’t see others coming too. Apparently I’m the only one who doesn’t eat breakfast.

bowl of wonton soup at busara thai restaurant

Today I had a wonderful bowl of wonton soup at Busara Thai while chatting with our marketing guy.

green curry chicken dish with bowl of jasmine rice at busara thai restaurant

I tried something different and got green curry chicken, yum.

My morning kicked off slowly when we got me set up with a phone number and headset. Since they’re transitioning to a new system, and I’m one of the first, it took some time to figure out what we needed to do. Lunch ran a bit long so I came back in the afternoon to a ton of work I wanted to do. I hope I did alright performance-wise. I stayed late to make sure I delivered decent results, but was it great? I’m learning what types of lunches are long so I know when to refuse them in the future so I can work through busier times.

teavana perfectea perfect tea maker sitting on chococat mug

To be featured on today’s 365great, this contraption has been amazing for my tea brewing needs.

string of emails announcing shipment and tracking of subscription boxes

All afternoon I got notifications that boxes were shipping! Wow, what’s up with Friday the 13th being so good for me? 🙂

driving on freeway at night with lights dotting road and clouds darkening sky

I enjoy my drives home, relaxing to music and appreciating the features of my car. 🙂

365great Day 180: care packages

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , ,

Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 180: care packagesOn my first day of work, Panda prepared a little care package baggie for me. I knew he had put in some snacks and tube of lotion in there, but I had no idea of the surprises ahead. So yesterday I got up and headed out first to Chick-fil-a to redeem a free breakfast offer. I got those little bite-size sandwiches (so cute) and sat back in the car. The next stop was Dunkin’ Donuts, where I was going to get my free iced tea. That one required a coupon ad thing so I went to pull it out to make sure I had it. That’s when I discovered that the pen holding together the ad and the insurance info had more items clipped in! Turns out he’d written me a sweet note about starting my new job and he put a $20 bill there for good measure (lunch money, you see). I was really happy and enjoyed the wonderful surprise. Hours later, as I was reaching in the baggie to pull something out, I discovered that there was more! This time I found an adorable little picture frame with a picture of us soon after getting engaged. 🙂 I made sure to put that on my desk. By the end of the day, I was ready to head out and go home. As I was cleaning up my bag and putting things away, I wondered what that paper was at the bottom of the bag. What I pulled out was two band-aids! Hehe, apparently Panda really wanted me to be prepared. I loved discovering more and more little thoughtful gestures each time; it certainly brightened my day. Care packages are such a great way to share meaningful, practical gifts.

365great Day 179: Canvas

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 179: canvasIn honor of my first day of work, I had to mention Canvas. The moment I started interviewing for this company, I knew it was what I wanted. I loved the product and service, I connected with the company philosophy and culture, and I enjoyed speaking with everyone I met. I even stopped applying for other jobs and threw myself wholeheartedly into the interview process because I wanted it so much. Luckily, I got the job and now I’m thrilled to join the Canvas team. So what is Canvas and what do we do? Well, we help businesses revamp the way they do business to be more efficient, more accurate, and more green. We do that by providing a mobile app that people use to collect information from their mobile devices. Gone is the need for paperwork like invoices, work orders, checklists, and time sheets. By turning all of that digital, you can update information in our database in real time for access on any internet-connected computer. It eliminates the challenges of paperwork like when they get lost, are illegible, or are incomplete. We can even prevent inaccuracies by providing timestamps, GPS locations, and pictures! I mean, it really is a fabulous solution that brings paperwork to the digital age and I’m so proud to be a part of this company. I love the green and tech components, which are two of my passions, AND I love the start-up culture that I thrive in. I’m pretty stoked about my role too. 🙂 So hey, if you think you know a business that could use Canvas, be sure to let them know! It’s very empowering through its robust solutions. You know what I say: great!

6 tips for landing a job in one month

laelene Posted in how to guides,Tags: , , , ,

I’ve had a pretty good track record when it comes to finding work. Whenever I’ve wanted to find something, I’ve been able to land a job within a month of initiating my job search. I hear of a lot of stories about people searching for months though, so I thought I’d put together some tips for how I optimize my efforts. Perhaps I’m just more flexible in my search, but I’m probably doing some things right too!

six tips for landing a job in one month at

Tip #1: network!

An important thing to do while you’re job hunting is make sure you mention it to people. You never know when an off-hand remark about your job hunt can lead to a promising opening. Strike up a conversation with that stranger in line and you can usually insert the topic since it’s common to discuss what you’re up to. Don’t be spammy and talk about nothing but how hard it is or what your dream job would be, but don’t be shy about bringing it up. They might have great suggestions for where to look or you might just get a referral!

Tip #2: use your social groups.

You should definitely try to make an effort to meet more people and expand your network, but also tap into your existing networks: family, friends, classmates, previous coworkers, etc. If you’re meeting up with friends, they’ll probably want to know what’s going on – what a perfect time to share your job hunting status! Also, a couple of posts on your social media accounts could bring in opportunities as well. Just be careful not to let it take over or people will just tune you out.

Tip #3: don’t be afraid of Craigslist.

The first time I looked for a “real” job (aka full-time with benefits) I shied away from Craigslist at first. I figured the best leads would be on job listing sites – I mean, that’s what they’re set up for, right? While there were plenty of listings there, I actually found it to be quite challenging to navigate. The CEO of the company I was interning for at the time asked if I had tried Craigslist and I kind of cringed… “Craigslist? Isn’t that kind of shady?” But she assured me that she knew plenty of people who got great jobs out of it. Thank goodness I listened to her! I found a great job not long after and once again it was Craigslist that came through for me this time around.

Tip#4: scour job listings like a pro.

It’s always hard browsing job descriptions trying to figure out what is a good fit for you. I always choose one or two features that I really want to focus on and center my searches around that. With my most recent search, I wanted a company with a entrepreneurial vibe, so I searched terms like “startup” (and I believe that’s how I ultimately found the Craigslist post that led me to my job). When I was first starting out a few years ago, I wanted something related to “associate/assistant manager” so that’s what I searched for (and I came across the affiliate manager listing for the job I got). Hone in on what matters the most to you for your search and find terms related to that – don’t just think about job title or responsibilities, but consider the work environment and even things like travel opportunities.

Tip #5: evaluate what you already use and love.

I actually looked at a bunch of positions at companies that are a part of my normal routine – everything from the technology I use to the things I buy. Take a look at brands you already love and see what openings they may have. Chances are that at least a handful of these companies appeal to you not just because of the product or service you use from them, but because of their company philosophy and culture. These would be great places to look to advance your career! I know I got pretty excited about some of them. I even thought of what I could do for that organization that they weren’t necessarily hiring for. If you enjoy the brand enough, it’s definitely worth a try reaching out to their HR department pitching a role that you’d be perfect for. They may not even know they need you until you show them what you can bring to the table!

Tip #6: apply like it’s your job!

Finally, and very importantly is to be very dedicated to your search. Job hunting could easily be a full-time gig and if you put forth that much effort, you will be rewarded that much faster. For my first job I applied to a good 10-15 listings every weekday. For this latest job hunt I was a lot pickier, but still forced myself to find half a dozen promising leads I would pursue each day, focusing on getting out an application to at least one of those. As long as you continually have a pipeline of leads, you are giving yourself your best shot at finding a fabulous job ASAP. Be sure to take the time to research the company and write a thoughtful and custom cover letter for each. That’s your chance to truly stand out! I was contacted about the job I got because my cover letter was one of the most detailed that they had come across. My qualifications weren’t super strong but I sure did make up for it in effort!

And of course, remember to keep your head up and keep plowing on even when things are looking grim. I pushed through that dark period of my search and found a job that I couldn’t be happier with. It’s always going to be challenging trying to find a great job with promising career prospects, the pay you want, near your home, and the company culture that fits your style. I hope that my tips help you think about different ways to approach your job search. Good luck!


Disclaimer: I don’t know your individual situations so of course I can’t guarantee these methods will work for you. They’ve worked for me but your success rate and time may vary.

The click

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

canvas logoYou know when you hear something – a philosophy or idea – that just clicks with you? It strikes you to your core, makes you nod subconsciously, and might even put a smile on your face. I’ve been getting that lately with Canvas, my new employer! I love their approach to business, I love what their product/service provides, and I love getting to know my coworkers. It’s surreal in a sense and I keep wondering how in the world I deserve to be here… am I really good enough? I must be since they hired me and I did feel really confident throughout the interview process; I did a ton of research and know so much about the company, its products/services, and even its people. But still, every time I think about what a great match we are, I am amazed that I am here. It’s a wonderful feeling.

Today I had a day of training with some other noobs; I learned a lot and it also reinforced my values. That feeling just can’t be replaced. When your values and goals align so well with your company’s you know you’re in the right place. I found myself loving it when we went over the Canvas Way and how the “why” of what we do is far more important than the “how” or “what” (not that you don’t need those too). That’s exactly the approach I’m trying to use when I describe Canvas to people – it’s not just a company that transforms paperwork into digital forms. Oh no, Canvas is a company revolutionizing the way businesses operate by streamlining processes and removing inefficiencies because (and here’s the Canvas why) “we believe that by helping organizations and individuals share information, we can radically transform how people around the globe connect.”

I mean, think about it: when you are able to collect and share data in real time you save time and energy. No more data entry just to get information on paper forms into a database! When you are able to dynamically capture information beyond what paper allows (like pictures, GPS coordinates, and barcodes) you become more effective.  No need to upload pictures and add them to files. No more confusion about where a service technician was at a certain time. No more calculating the wrong price of a part or forgetting what was fixed/replaced. All this information and more can be quickly captured and stored in the cloud. No more lost forms! Beyond all this, Canvas is a fantastic solution for consumers too. In fact, I plan on using it when I move to the new condo so I can track where all my stuff is with pictures to ensure I can find exactly what I want.

Ah, but I digress. What I really wanted to say is that I am really excited about this position and how my role within the company will change and grow. I believe wholeheartedly in their philosophies and approach to how they operate. It’s a wonderful feeling when you’re empowered and encouraged and challenged. I haven’t really felt that sort of motivation from my self-employment. It’s definitely time for me to get back into the work force and do all that I can to push Canvas forward!

On My Mind, episode 9

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I’ve got so much on my mind it’s a perfect time to link up with Jennifer again for Thursday Thoughts!

Thursday Thoughts

a. ~I’m so happy that I got the job I really wanted! For awhile I was getting all stressed out because every day that passed felt like weeks and it seemed like I’d never reach the point of getting a job offer. It’s funny how time drags on like that when you’re waiting on something that’s important to you. I mean, from the time I applied to the time I got the offer was really only 2 weeks but I seriously felt like 2 months had gone by. Now that I know, I feel like a weight has been lifted. As they say, the worst is not knowing… then you’re stuck in a limbo not sure of what the next step will be or where it will take you. Oh, and I’m really glad I no longer have to remember to use my debit card 5 times a month to avoid a fee on my checking account. I will have direct deposit again, which will waive that requirement! The small joys of employment…

homegrown collective july box coconut theme

I’ll get Homegrown Collective boxes like these now!

b. ~So since I’ve settled the job thing, now I’ve got a ton of things to hone in on. I’m looking to get a car and a new laptop and maybe some clothes. I’ve been meaning to get a pair of sneakers (I can’t even remember the last time I wore sneakers and it’s high time I use them again!) and I promised myself I could get the Homegrown Collective subscription when I landed a job. There are a ton of other subscription boxes I’ve been eyeing and I want to pick up yoga classes again, but I don’t want to go crazy spending money so I will need to phase these items in slowly. There’s so much stuff to purchase in the coming months! Not only all this stuff I’ve put off until I got a job (I figured that would help motivate me), but also the things we’re going to want for our new home. I can’t wait to get some fun home items like a reed diffuser and some more furniture.

c. ~Once again I checked the mail late yesterday and I was so surprised to find another Ipsy bag! I double and triple and quadruple-checked that both were addressed to me and I didn’t see a second charge on my credit card, so it looks like I got lucky this month! I got identical bags so I’m going to put some items up for trade, like the lip balm and nail polish, since I really don’t need two of those. Hopefully I can find the second bag a home as well, since I’m fond of collecting the variety of bags and have no need for a dupe.

inside of kia dealership

Lovely experience at the Kia dealership.

d. ~Panda and I checked out a Kia dealer last weekend and today I headed to a different one just to see if they had better rates or something. They ended up offering me a price that is close to what I’m looking for, so it’s looking very promising. I can’t wait to share the car I end up getting, which will almost definitely be an Optima with the EX premium package. There are so many cool features in it that it really feels like a luxury car. In fact, it can rival the Lexus that my parents have (though that one is nearly 10 years old now so it’s probably a bit outdated by now). Still, for the price point, I’m getting a lot of nice stuff. I have a few more questions I need answered and a bit more negotiating to do, but I love that it ended up being easier than it might have been. The original price they quoted was so far from my desired price that I wasn’t sure I could come to a good compromise. I’ve had my heart set on getting a Kia for a long time now, so I would have been disappointed if it didn’t work out. Fingers crossed there are no unexpected surprises!

e. ~I’m slated to start work next month since I had a vacation planned already, so in the mean time I get to go home for a bit! For some reason I feel like I’ve been out east for a long time when it’s only been a month and a half. I think it might be because this is the first time I came intending to stay long term; every other time was just a 2-3 month visit. When you relocate, it feels different from just staying awhile. I do have training to attend next week for the first two days, but then I’ll be flying back to SoCal for a few precious days at home. I’m looking forward to going back since there’s a lot of loose ends that I didn’t really get to tie up yet. I hope I can get some nice rest in as well. For some reason I’m always tired here even though I’m not really exerting myself. Maybe home will be the recharge I need.

f. ~YAY our second annual summer vacation is coming up in less than two weeks! We’ve had this trip planned for months now and I’m so excited that it’s nearly here. Panda and I agreed that we would alternate choosing destinations each year. Last year was our first major trip and he chose Hawaii; this year I chose the UK (which works out nicely since the Uni of York where I studied abroad is celebrating their 50th anniversary this year). It’ll be so nice to go back and share some of my life out there with him. This vacation had to be later in the year (our Hawaii trip was June/July) due to ticket prices and trying to catch a holiday weekend – in this case, Labor Day. It’s the first time he’s leaving the country, which should be quite the adventure.

g. ~Since I have to use my debit card 5 times a month until I get direct deposit again, I went out to Target for some shopping today. I was hoping to get the fuzzy nail polish that Sally Hansen has, but the sale was gone and I wanted to wait for a deal again. Instead I found some ointment for my burns, which aren’t healing as well as I’d want. I also got some food items that I had coupons for, which I’m pretty excited about. Finally, I purchased office supplies – these clear reusable double-sided sticky pads that you can mount pictures or hold things in place with. When I was visiting Brandy (check her out at MommySplurge) a few days ago, she showed me how she used them to ensure things didn’t roll away when she was trying to take pictures. Brilliant! Now I don’t have to waste tape. 🙂

What’s going on in your life?

Job history: real world edition

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

If you missed the first three parts of this series, you can go read about the jobs I had in high school and the jobs I had during college (while school was in session and when it was summertime).

Communications think tank and consulting firm

In December of 2008, I officially entered “the real world” after finishing my final quarter to earn my double BA in Psychology & Economics. I was still taking time in the new year to ponder my direction when I happened to chat with a friend who thought I should join her in Singapore. She was working for Caelan & Sage, a small communications consulting company, and felt like I would enjoy it there. We arranged a Skype chat with her bosses, the co-founders, and next thing I knew I was flying to Singapore to work for a few months!

sitting at desk laughing

Enjoying one last sit at my C&S desk before leaving.

Out there, the culture was much more different than I had expected. It was neither the Western culture I had grown up in nor the Eastern culture I had been influenced by. While I enjoyed the people I met and worked with, it got to be lonely (especially since Panda was still in LA). Work ranged from meeting with clients to tapping away at proposals. Eventually I fell into a more internal development role, since I was interested in that sort of thing. I’ve always been fascinated by company culture and managing the activities and resources within a business. I got to work building an internal reference database and doing support roles for the projects.

Green conference

Nearly half a year later, it was time to return to the US. My stint in Singapore had been a rich experience but my heart was still stateside. As I was still trying to figure out a direction for a job hunt, Panda and I happened upon a recycling machine at Whole Foods with an ad for a green company. We went online to learn more and somehow stumbled upon the Opportunity Green website. I think being green (or more accurately, resource-conscious) has always been important to me. My parents raised me to not waste water, electricity, and the like. In college, I started to learn about all these green initiatives and it became a growing passion. Opportunity Green seemed like the perfect opportunity to explore the world of green solutions and they were looking for interns, so I immediately applied!

manning press & speaker registration table at opportunity green 2009

I loved interacting with attendees as they arrived for OG 09.

I worked with OG starting in September for a few weeks leading up to the conference that year, then stayed a few more months after. Pre-conference, I managed press and media partnerships, ensuring that we were getting the coverage promised by various media outlets and they were getting the appropriate number of press passes for the event. I helped set up many of these agreements and then managed a spreadsheet listing all the coverage OG was getting, for reference. When it came time for the actual conference, I managed press and speaker registration. I welcomed them all (many of whom I recognized by name from all the correspondence we had done) and ensured they had all the information they needed – press kits and directions to the press room for the media folk and escorts to the speaker lounge for the speakers. Once it was all wrapped up, I followed up with our media partners to get final articles and videos out for the world to read and watch.

Online & affiliate marketing firm

By the end of 2009, my parents were getting anxious that I get a “job” job, so I had to leave OG and focus on my job hunt. I found many exciting opportunities and ultimately ended up taking an offer with WebYes!, LLC. My start date was February 1st and it launched me into quite a learning experience over the course of the next two years! WebYes dealt in many areas, mostly in the online marketing realm. I was brought on to be an affiliate manager, so I was trained to set up offers, both in terms of negotiating agreements with affiliates and uploading the appropriate information to a platform we were using. A few months in, my manager left and I worked directly with the CEO to try to hold things together. I was still very new to all this, so it was definitely a challenge. I didn’t want to run to the CEO every time I had a question, so I had to learn a lot on my own.

centerfield media (formerly webyes) office

There were TVs everywhere with a laidback vibe at Centerfield.

A few months of keeping it together on my own (I basically was my own department at that time), a new manager was brought on to expand our affiliate marketing efforts. In addition, our CEO decided to bring on a co-CEO with expertise in many areas of online marketing. The company was rebranded to become Centerfield Media. We expanded to SEO and SEM, among other things. I finally found myself with someone to work with, and soon the one or two reports I managed grew until much of my day was consumed with reporting. I created spreadsheets to track a ton of performance metrics and others were hired to focus on the sales side of things. My new manager then parted ways with the company and I sort of got absorbed into the team of another manager. The new co-CEO took over the projects that my former manager had been working on and I found myself splitting my time between the new manager and the co-CEO.

The combination of my role evolving away from what I wanted to do, having been in a long-term long-distance relationship with Panda (he moved out east for a job), not seeing as much growth potential for my role anymore, and the hope of a new business opportunity with a business partner led me to decide to leave. Oh yeah, and the horrible commute I endured was wearing down on me too (3 hours a day roundtrip). This was early March 2012 and I felt like I needed to make a change, so I spoke to my new manager. He kind of saw it coming, perhaps because he too recognized that my potential was not being fully utilized. I’ve always wanted to start my own business, and the timing felt right. I finished my last day in late March after training a few coworkers on the work I had been doing.

Soon after I left, they hired a girl to supposedly take over my role but then I got an email from the manager asking me if I knew someone suitable for the position. I had helped the company find a designer over a year earlier, so he thought I might have the right connections for this position too. I reached out to my network and as luck would have it, a really great candidate surfaced. He actually was the one who told me about the demoing opportunity I took a few years back! He eventually was hired to help take over the reporting I was doing and I’m sure much more too.

My own ventures!

sitting at desk working on making origami jewelry

I even tried my hand at making origami jewelry for PandaLoves!

Meanwhile, I was settling into life as a self-employed businesswoman. Over the course of the next year, I would try many things, mostly in the e-commerce realm but also in blogging and social media. The business that I was working on with the coworker had to take a backseat when he began wedding planning, so I began to sell trinkets and beauty products online. I created to sell iPhone cases, since ones I had gotten for myself were getting compliments from strangers. I also opened up for gift items like skincare, jewelry, and trinkets. I sold both through those sites as well as on eBay. It got to the point where I was sending out many packages a week and really getting the hang of things, but I wasn’t sure how to expand my operations. I explored a couple of avenues, but they didn’t end up panning out.

I then thought that since I was selling all these fun little things from Asia, it’d be fun to explore putting together a subscription box of trinkets. Each month, I could send out 3-5 cute items sourced from various Asian countries – the stuff you’d expect to find in the markets and bazaars out there. It would be like getting a piece of those regions for those who couldn’t afford to go themselves. Plus, I could include the back stories of the cultural significance of the item or the life story of the person who made them. I began to put together a Kickstarter, since that’s a great way to get funds and ensure you have an appropriate customer base to start.

New direction

Right around that time, Panda and I started to find some tension in our relationship. I didn’t feel like he was that supportive of my ventures and I was discontent with not being able to spend much time with him. When we finally hashed it out, I came to the conclusion that the most important thing to me right now is being able to settle in with him and the most important thing to him is being able to not have to worry about my career and financial future. So, we agreed that the best thing at this stage would be for me to move out east and find a job. We’d settle out here and I could do some selling on the side. That Kickstarter would be tabled. And that’s where I’m at now! I’m currently interviewing for a position at a company I’m really excited about and I hope I get to join their team! I’m focusing on the new condo we’ll be moving in to at the end of the year and saving up enough money for us to comfortably afford the down payment and get everything else we’re going to need – a car for me to drive to work in, some furniture to fill the condo with, a new laptop for me and maybe him, a pair of sneakers to exercise in, and a few other random purchases I’d like to make.

What has your job history been in the “real” world? Did you switch jobs a lot or stick with the same organization for a long period?

The nightmares

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I must be sleeping too deeply these days. Or, maybe it’s just that I’m waking up during that deep sleep, filled with dreams. Throw in the stress of worrying about everything that comes with getting a job and buying a home and you’ve got a recipe for nightmares. For the past two nights, I’ve had some pretty vivid and unpleasant dreams. The first I would definitely call a nightmare, but the second might just be a bad dream. I don’t usually remember my dreams, but when I do, my restful sleep declines. This might even have been triggered by that scary knocking on the door a few nights ago.

bottle of dream water nighttime nectar sleepstat shot

Could this be the culprit?

So it started Tuesday night. I had an interview scheduled for the next morning and it is THE job I want, so you can imagine I was a little nervous. I knew my stuff and prepared really well, plus I’d done quite well on the phone interview. That wasn’t the issue; I was anxious because I’m really counting on getting this job. In an effort to ensure I got enough sleep and would fall asleep at a reasonable hour, I took some of that Dream Water I’ve been getting in subscription boxes. The entire bottle seemed like overkill so I went with about 2/3. I fell asleep relatively easily (I’ve been known to toss and turn for hours).
sketch map showing layout of things in nightmare

A visual to help you navigate my nightmare.

Wednesday morning, 5:50 am, I jolted awake. In my dream, I was on a bus, maybe a school bus. I was headed into town or something, but decided to get off at a stop where my house was. Apparently my orange tabby from childhood, Jerriey, was playing in the bushes and I figured he probably got stuck again. I was going to retrieve him and continue on my way. Once I got off and the bus left, I paused to look for Jerriey. A car passed by and the bus neared the next turn. Then, a truck pulled over and a man got out. I started taking a few steps towards the bushes where Jerriey was, but took a quick glance at this stranger stopping here when there was no reason to. He and I looked each other in the eyes and somehow I knew: he was there to abduct and assault me. I started to run towards the house, but everything was painfully slow – apparently I had been to swim or track practice and I was sore beyond belief. I hoped that someone on the bus might notice, but it was rounding the bend. Somehow I thought that if I could run fast enough towards the fence, I could float over it (which made sense at the time because there was a hill sloping down to it so if I could just run fast enough to run straight out at the same height as the hill, I could clear the fence). Meanwhile, the man calmly pulled out his cell phone to call his brother for backup (don’t ask me how I knew – it’s a dream!). His confidence that he would catch me anyway was even more frightening than if he were chasing me.

That’s when I abruptly woke up. The terror of running from a possible kidnapper left me with a pounding heartbeat. When I checked the time, I found that I had another hour and a half before I was set to get up, so I tried to get back to sleep. For awhile, all I could do was think of what I would have done had I gotten over the fence into my backyard. Would I run through the backdoor, lock it, and hide? If I did that, would there be a way I could text 911 so I wouldn’t alert him to my whereabouts by speaking? I figured he’d be able to shatter the glass of the door and walk right in the house. As he looked around, how could I get help without betraying my hiding spot? Or would I not hide but run out the front door to a neighbor’s? Would I pretend this wasn’t even my house and run through the yard to the street in front and find help? I didn’t want this guy to know for sure that I lived here so he could come back to find me. After running through some of these scenarios, I fell asleep and luckily had no more dreams.

Then last night I went to sleep earlier than usual again and when I awoke this morning, I had dreamt that I was being exceptionally rude to my relatives. I believe my grandpa, cousin, and mom were involved? That one is more hazy now, but I just remember I had said something really mean to one of them (grandpa, I think) and the others were defending him. I eventually realized I was wrong, but I kept being horrible anyway because of my pride. At the point where I was getting disgusted with myself, I was awoken. It might not be a nightmare quite like the night before, but it certainly was a bad dream. I hope I never actually let pride turn me into a mean person!

I hope this isn’t some new trend and I’m not sure what about my sleeping situation or mental state might be causing it. I’m hoping that with the stress of the last few weeks melting away, so too will the nightmares. Is it possible it’s related to me sleeping earlier and waking earlier? If that’s the case, I’m in trouble since my job will require me to sleep on that new schedule. I guess I’ll just have to see how tonight goes!

Need for social connection

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

Working from home is hard. Not only do you have to keep yourself motivated and on track despite all the distractions, you get isolated from people. I mean, sure it’s great to connect with people online, but nothing can truly replace sitting across from someone as you chat over cups of tea or share a delicious meal. That’s one of the reasons I’m rejoining the workforce, in addition to seeking greater learning and growth opportunities.

sitting on ground working on laptop

Just me and the laptop…

These days I find myself getting antsy around 4 PM – I’ve done a lot of my work for the day and I’m seeking a break, but nobody’s around. Sometimes I’ll have a snack but sometimes I kind of forget and just wait until dinnertime to eat. I start looking out the window as neighbors begin arriving home from their day of work and wonder when Panda will be pulling in. He’s pretty much the only person I am consistently in touch with and definitely the only one I spend time with in person. Sure, I’ll call my parents or email/text my friends, but I don’t really know anyone out here so there’s nobody to meet up with. When it’s just me and the laptop, I often wish that I had my cats with me – they’re always entertaining! However, they’d be a distraction so I guess I shouldn’t be playing with them. Instead, why not get the interaction I want by doing work together with others??

I’m really looking forward to getting back into an office so I can make new friends, get to know my coworkers, work towards a common goal of growing the company, and get more interaction overall. Nothing can quite replace being in the same physical environment (unless you have some complex video-chatting stream between all users, then maybe). Plus, it’s good to get out every day and move around. There have been days where I didn’t breathe a single breath of fresh air since I just stayed indoors on my laptop the entire time. It’s easy to start to get disconnected from the world.

Of course, I still love my online life and it’s so cool to be making blogger friends. I definitely plan on continuing with that, but it’s something that can easily be a hobby I do at night and on the weekends. I don’t have to work on it for 40 hours a week (though I certainly could) and I think it’d be a nice complement to the work I would do during the day at a workplace. I’d get a nice mix of interacting with people on the phone, in person, and online. I’m ready for that!

The hunt is on

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Man, job hunting this time around is quite challenging! It’s a combination of finding a company in a reasonably close location, looking for a position that’s not quite first job entry-level but isn’t exactly management, and trying to meet my desired price point. Now that Panda and I know where we’ll be located, I’ve had to shift my job search further west out of DC. I’d really rather not commute an hour to hour and a half each way – 30-45 minutes would be ideal. I also want something where I don’t have to start over again, but can pick up in a similar place to where I was when I left my previous job. This is difficult to find because I plan on moving into a different industry and some of the industry-specific skills they require are not part of my skill set. At the same time, I want a salary similar to if not slightly higher than what I had been paid

Adding to those criteria is my desire to work at company that either has immense opportunity to grow or has a cool, laidback work culture. Of course having both would be amazing, but I’d be happy with one or the other. A lot of companies in the region require highly technical skills – a good 75% of listings I’ve seen are for engineers, programmers, and the like. What about someone like me who is tech-savvy despite not having a technical degree? I wish there were more options out there. It seems like I find a ton of very basic administrative assistant type roles or far too complex engineering project management roles. How do I find something in between?!

I’ve definitely come across some promising leads, but boy are they competitive! I’ve gotten a few rejections and I’m still waiting to hear back on some others. I wish it was easier to find the sort of tech companies that I’m interested in, but most of the tech companies out here exist to service government needs and that sort of thing gets highly technical. I’m not in the best location for the type of work I’d like to do, which is really limiting my choices. I originally started looking for positions with opportunities to travel, but now I’ve thrown that out and will just count myself lucky if I do find a position offering that.

And the hunt goes on…

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