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For some reason, now that I’m working, I’m never in the mood to check my personal email.  So, to make things easier on me, I’ve started to unsubscribe to all the things that used to clutter up my inbox, like invitations to take online surveys (which I just ignore anyway).  There are also a bunch of newsletters and offers that I never look at, so I’ve gotten rid of those.  I think because I’m making a real income now, spending time making a few cents at a time just doesn’t matter as much anymore.  I’d rather focus my time on resting for work and being fully alert for it.  Back when I was a student, time meant less to me than it does now.  Sleep was also not a priority!  Now, both of those are.

Within a week or two, I should only get a handful of messages a day, versus the dozens I’ve had to sift through.  Maybe that will make me want to check my personal mail more often, since the quality emails that I actually want to read aren’t hidden amongst a pile of junk that I never had the heart to get rid of.  Well, now I am more than happy to clear out that part of my life.  Isn’t there some saying about a clean desk is a clean mind?  I’m sure a clean inbox is too.  And maybe, just maybe, that “Unread Messages” count will dip below 1000 and eventually find itself no more than two digits long.  That would make me a happy camper.  🙂

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