Posts Tagged ‘opinion’

Second fiddle

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

The type of work that I’m good at leans towards internal support – I usually do research for our business development.  It’s the stuff that fades to the background and gets lost among the crowd of client accounts we’re handling.  It’s what tends to be ignored or forgotten, and is hardly ever recognized.  Yet, it’s critical to any organization, as it is for ours, since we need to stay up-to-date with developments in the field and have articles to reference to create new programs.  I’m used to being in the background unseen, like stage crew in their black outfits to blend in with the darkness.  Unfortunately, when you aren’t seen, sometimes your effects are not felt or understood very well and this can create a sense of mystery about what work you do.  If people don’t know what you’re working on, they’ll often draw the conclusion that you’re not really doing anything – after all, where are the results?

It can get pretty overwhelming.  photo credit:

It can get pretty overwhelming. photo credit:

Well, in the field of research, a lot of time is spent searching and filtering through information with little result to show.  So though a lot of time and effort goes into producing just one little thing, all others see is that one thing you did produce.  Nobody knows how many different ways you had to look and all the reading you scoured to get to the end result; after all, it’s only what you find that is relevant that matters.  And to them, this looks like it could be easily accomplished, so your work tends to get discounted in the process.  There’s a lot of room for misunderstandings and certainly a lot will occur.  So, in an effort to curtail this, I’ve decided to take a more proactive approach.  Whereas before I would just report that I’m doing research as I always do, with nothing exciting to update, now I’ve chosen to mention more specifically what I’m doing.

In a way, it’s just to save my own butt – after all, all the stuff we’re doing for clients gets recorded, but the internal stuff doesn’t.  I don’t want people to look back and wonder what in the world was going on for business development efforts.  I want them to see all the areas we were exploring and see the contributions that I made.  This is something I’ve known intuitively for a long time.  After I started here, I kept a running list of things that I had worked on so I could look back and appreciate what I’ve done and what I learned from that.  This way I have solid proof and examples to use when I look back on my experience and I can at least vaguely measure how I grew professionally.  For this line of work, you either need to stand up for yourself or just allow yourself to be used as a stepping stone for the other work.  There won’t be anyone to look out for you and make sure that your efforts are recognized, save for the leader who notices and appreciates (like Starfish, who made a point to thank Skim and I for our work).

First chair recognizing the rest of the orchestra.  photo credit:

First chair recognizing the rest of the orchestra. photo credit:

I think it’s something important for any leader to look out for.  When you don’t neglect those who often are, it means a lot to them.  In any team, you will need people to be front runners and, in musical terms, first chair.  However, it’s equally important that you have a strong “second fiddle” and entire orchestra to truly play wonderful music.  Without those to harmonize, you’re left with a solo act that can have its own benefits, but will never compare to an entire symphony.  Only by taking care of all your people can the engine of the business run smoothly.  It’s a good lesson for my future intentions to start my own firm.  The problem is, I’m going to need to be more of a first chair to be able to start a company.  I could try to find a business partner to be my counterpart, but being second fiddle doesn’t mean I don’t want to be recognized.  It just means that with my skills, I’m better at producing a different type of sound to complement that of first chair.  I guess the question is: Do I have the willpower to take on both roles?

Best Job in the World

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,
Ah, back when I was visiting Australia...

Ah, back when I was visiting Australia...

Today marks the official first day of Ben Southall’s new job as Island Caretaker on Hamilton Island.  For those who don’t know, he competed to earn this job through a highly publicized “Best Job in the World” campaign that has seen its copiers: The Next Best Job (which had to be canceled due to the economic downturn) and A Really Goode Job (yes, it’s supposed to be spelled like that).  Back when this Australian opportunity first appeared, my mom showed it to me and suggested that I apply.  Were it not for the video entry, I probably would have, but video is not my forte.  I love to blog, I love to swim, I love wildlife, and I love what I’ve seen of Australia, but I do not want to spend hours editing film footage to vlog about.  Another thing stopping me from going crazy over this chance to live and work in Australia is the lack of company.  I’d have to live alone, or maybe bring my mom along, but everyone else in my life would be far too busy to join me.  Other than that, it’s really an amazing job and I’m sure Ben will have a spectacular time.

This was truly a great publicity stunt on the part of Queensland tourism.  It generated a lot of buzz and coverage because of its unusually generous offer.  Plus, they had international reach, with nearly all finalists from different countries.  Additionally, it didn’t take much effort on their part to set it up and share the news.  I’m sure a lot of viral marketing took effect to help spread the word, like how I found out from my mom.  Now that the hype’s over and things have settled down, I wonder how Ben will do in maintaining public interest in his activities.  I wish I could do something similar to that, visiting all the exciting places in a beautiful place like that (or, even better, in an entire region of countries).  I also wish I could do something fun like Matt, going around the world and doing a silly dance like that (and sharing the joy of the goofiness of it all).

Ben Southall

Ben Southall

Of course, this “dream job” is not without its challenges, what with the constant updates on various social media mediums and the constant activity.  I’ve never really wanted to be famous because I don’t want people tracking me all the time and I want the freedom to be lazy on the weekends or sleep through something I shouldn’t, or any number of the other flaws that people have.  Looking at his itinerary so far, it’s like bam, bam, bam – visit here, visit there, and then off to the next place.  I hope he has more down time, or else it could get quite tiring to be trying things all the time without a day or two to lounge around in bed or not have to absorb everything new and think of how to write about it.  Overall, I’m sure it’d be absolutely fabulous to do what he will get to in the coming months and I look forward to keeping a loose eye on his activities.  I look forward to the day that I can go to Australia again, and this time actually go in the ocean!

The strange human psyche

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

I am a strangely stubborn person.

Singapore National Day  <br>photo credit: Alec Ee,

Singapore National Day photo credit: Alec Ee,

This weekend, I called up my dad to talk about plans to travel, which my mom is not keen on.  He was open at first, telling me to cut back on the countries and he’d talk to her, but I was unsatisfied with the compromise.  For in cutting back on countries, I would also need to cut back on time and cutting back on time meant having to leave earlier, but leaving earlier meant missing National Day.  Now normally this would not be a big deal, after all, I’ve only ever heard of this celebration recently, but what is important to me is that the people I’ve been working with day in and day out wanted to share this experience with me.  When else would I get that opportunity?  I’m not even sure when the next time I can come back to this part of the world would be.

On the other side of things, I could just spend more time milling around Singapore, but in moving to the new place, we had agreed to a one-month period assuming I’d be gone for a month.  This would then add another week or two to that stay, which is far too much extra to ask for.  And in this situation, it’s not like they’d be able to chase me out, since they’d feel bad knowing that I have nowhere to go.  I guess it goes back to my age-old habit of trying to please everyone at the expense of myself (and, in turn, my parents).  So rather than miss out on the holiday and leaving early or asking for an extension to my living arrangement, my focus was on making both work out.

I wanted to be the ultimate tourist and find scenes like this!

I wanted to be the ultimate tourist and find scenes like this! photo credit:

So though I knew that pushing for more would get me nowhere, I had defend my reasons.  Certainly other issues got in the way, mainly the different attitudes we have towards this period in my life.  My parents are waiting for me to get a stable job (which apparently means one with insurance) but I’m planning on spending these years exploring my options, interests, and capabilities.  At some point my stubbornness took over and it was no longer about what I wanted, but it became an issue of rebellion.  I stopped caring whether or not they’d help pay for some of my expenses and instead needed to express myself.  Perhaps I’m too adamant about getting an unconventional job (and preferably never a desk job again, or at least one that involves a lot of moving around), but for the coming months I’m not about to change my mind.

Now the most interesting thing to come of this was when my dad commented that with my psych background, I should know how to speak to him in such a way that would convince him of my desires so I could get what I want.  Well, I’m not out to use my knowledge to manipulate people.  Sure, I can work it to my advantage, but then I’d be treating others as fools, merely using them as pawns.  I’d much rather be the rebellious, stubborn daughter that I am than suppress that to get my way.  My dad said that I may have won the battle but not the war, but what he doesn’t get is that I’m not out to win.  I just want to make my position clear, which in the end puts me in a “losing” scenario, but I don’t feel the loss.  I’d rather scale down and pay my own way or go forth and find other ways to fund it than owe even more to my parents.  I’m only comfortable with owing them if they’re gladly willing to help, rather than reluctantly agreeing to.

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No matter what happens, I know two things: 1. I will make the best of it and 2. I will never forget it (though I will not regret it either).  It’s a self-preservation mechanism that we all have: whatever happens, we will find a way to justify how that is better than the other options (otherwise we’ll sink into depression and perhaps end with suicide).  So, if I go to fewer places, I will justify that experience by focusing on the extra time I had at each place.  Even if somehow I end up not going anywhere at all, I’ll justify that by thinking of the money I saved or how it’ll be more fun to go with someone.  That’s just how the human psyche works.  Whenever something we don’t want happens, will find a way to make it seem not so bad or even good or else we’d drive ourselves crazy with regret.  As for not forgetting, I’ll always recall how much I wanted to travel in the fast-paced manner that I spent my time in Europe.  I may not yearn for it too much (after justifying why it didn’t happen and convincing myself why what ended up happening was better), but I will always remember how it could have been.  Sure I’ll get over it (in fact, I already have, since now I don’t have to spend as much effort planning and just thinking about the hectic pace makes me feel tired), but I will never forget these lavish dreams that I had.

Oh the nuances of the human mind.

The need for answers

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

I have found that curiosity is a huge driver and motivator.  It pushes people to want to know more, which in turn translates to doing something to gain that knowledge.  It is also what allows us to continually improve, because we’ll always wonder “what if?” when we tap into our curious mind.  Really what it comes down to is asking questions.  In the quest to find the answers, we come across so many innovative ideas that can change the world.  But first, we must be curious and want to understand things more deeply.


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This could be something as simple as unsolved deaths, as hit shows like CSI and the most recent tragic airplane crash of Air France flight 447, exemplify.  There’s this deep desire to find out why and how certain events happen.  In the event of mystery, there are plenty of people who are ready to devote a lot of resources to investigating the reasons.  I guess it’s because we like to see ourselves as logical creatures and as such, expect our world to behave in a logical way.  When something comes along that cannot be explained, it’s simply not enough to let it be, but there’s almost a need to find out why.  That’s why cases like Amelia Earhart disappearing or “eerie” coincidences are classic stories and people try to attribute it to a greater power that undetectable.

Of course, curiosity can also work in great ways, inspiring people to come up with great inventions and discoveries have changed the course of history.  What if Galileo had not wondered about how fast things fall to the ground?  What if Edison had never tried so hard to find a way to light up our nights?  Imagine how the world would be if neither of those events had happened.  I can’t even begin to – our understanding of basic physics and our nightly habits would be so different.  So I’m glad that people wonder about the world and are motivated to continue to change.  After all, a static world would be boring and unbearably predictable.

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Even in my own life, much of the articles I find myself reading are because of my personal interests and curiosities.  I educate myself because I wonder what ways I can reduce my carbon footprint, better use my mind, or improve my relational abilities.  I take those questions and go about finding answers in whatever way I can.  Sometimes, that’s what inspires me to post too!  Perhaps in sharing my thoughts I can also find answers in the wisdom of my acquaintances.  I think it’s critical that people never lose sight of their curious nature.  For some, it’s testing the limits of humanity (how else did the 4-minute mile get broken?) and for others, it’s reasoning through things.  Whatever the purpose, it always makes us work harder, try more, and (usually) be better.  So let’s keep on demanding those answers!

Unprofessional appearances

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

As I was researching for work this week, I came across some websites that looked worse than what I used to create in middle school.  It shocked me that businesses like that could exist and somehow make money when their homepage ran for miles with plain text in glaring colors detailing a lot of superfluous information.  It really resembled an infomercial: “Are you desperate for help?  Do you know what kind you want?  Do you know where to get it?  Are you looking for a great solution?  Well guess what?  Helpline is here!  For only nine installments of $19.99, you too can join the thousands who have found the help they need! …”  Catch my drift?


So plain, so bare!

I really don’t understand how people can take a company seriously when they don’t even bother to get a website designed to reflect their brand.  It is their front, their face, and they chose to represent it as such?  I wouldn’t trust my business with these people!  Who does?!  I see this kind of like a company that gets an empty warehouse to work from and all they get are desks and chairs.  They don’t carpet the place, add curtains, put decorations on the walls, or anything to personalize.  The whole place is dusty and smells strangely too and an unshaven man with food particles all over his beard throws open the door and rushes off when you knock.  You walk in to find minimalistic decorations and no sitting area for guests.  You’re then handed plain sheets of printed outlines of what services they offer. Would you want to engage this organization?  I wouldn’t!

Now there’s definitely a difference between looks to enhance an image and looks to just appear professional.  I’m not saying that these people should suddenly decorate like crazy, but there are certain protocols.  In the work force, people often have uniforms depending on their organization and if you wear something else, it can really change the impression that you give.  Much like dress codes, there are guidelines to follow to be taken seriously for business.  I think there’s a huge difference between just being casual (which plenty of companies have chosen to adopt) and being sloppy (which no company should ever adopt).

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photo credit:

Women are most often judged for their appearances, so let me draw an analogy of a woman going to work.  If she shows up with tangles in her hair, some eyeliner gone wrong, and hiding herself in baggy sweats, I don’t think anyone would want to do business with her, especially when they get a whiff of her… odor.  Now if she were to show up to work with neatly combed hair, a fresh clean face, and a simple non-offensive t-shirt and jeans, she can be casual without looking like someone who can take care of her business.  Now of course, the way we’ve been conditioned, she is probably more likely to be taken seriously if she wears even dressier clothes, like a business suit.  But that’s a whole other story.

To me, a website like the one shown is basically not performing “proper hygiene” for itself.  When I come across something like that, I’ve got no better choice but to hold my breath and rush on by.  And so I did, quickly moving on to sites that had more thought and effort put into them.  Am I being too harsh here?  Do websites need the kind of grooming I’d like to see from them all or are they fine like this as long as they have all the information?  I can’t help but feel like this is unreliable and unprofessional.  And who wants to business with an unreliable and unprofessional organization, right?

An irony of life

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,
photo credit: Daily Bruin

photo credit: Daily Bruin

I came across an article in the Daily Bruin earlier this week talking about a first-year student who is battling cancer.  He’s not only going through various procedures to fight against the disease, he’s excelling academically and professionally.  It’s just another reminder that sometimes the worse off someone seems to be, the better off they can be.  Often experiencing a traumatic or otherwise negative life-altering event can show people the light and make them appreciate what they had and what they have.  Of course, there are also those who struggle in the face of adversity and fall to the wayside.  When you get stuck in a deep pothole, it’s either two extremes – you choose to look out at the light and work towards it, or you choose to look down at the darkness surrounding you and give up hope.

So really, the pressure of extreme circumstances can bring out the best and the worst.  This also reminds me of how people who tend to excel at something tend to excel at pretty much everything they do.  It’s a way of life, a certain discipline that drives them to do well, no matter what they’re doing.  Similarly, people who go through a tragedy or near-death experience are then infused with the drive to pursue excellence.  After all, many take it as an all or nothing issue, especially if they’re dying (faster than normal, that is).  I always thought this was an interesting phenomenon and I’ve wondered how I would take a terrible blow in my life.  I would hope that I would be the type who would turn things around and even do better than I had been, with a newfound zest for the life I almost lost sight of.

It’s always encouraging to hear stories like this, where people stop worrying about what will happen to them and how or how long they’ll live it out, but start to focus on what they can do in the mean time to make the best of it.  Crazy isn’t it?  Sometimes it takes a brush with death to truly live, or at least live a more rich life than before.  I think to a certain extent it is a desire to show people that not only are they going to defy the odds, they’re going to beat them and thrive.  And thus out of tragedy is born excellence.  Like they say, a diamond is only created under high pressure.  What better pressure is there than a threat to your life as you know it?

Accents and self-deprecation

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

Nearly a month ago I came across a blog entry about speaking with accents (to me, there is no such thing as speaking without an accent – everyone’s got one).  Reading that led me to the blog post cited (written by Louis) and so many thoughts were triggered by these pieces.

Can't all speak like a news reporter!

Can't all speak like a news reporter! photo credit:

First, let me start by airing my main grievance: there is no such thing as NO accent!!!  Why don’t people get this?  Perhaps it is because Americans are so sheltered, so unworldly, so ignorant that they think they’re the center of the world.  Not having an accent does NOT mean having an American accent, yet you’ll find countless American writers acting as if that’s the case.  I’m sorry but since when did you get to act so haughty?  I’ll admit, I used to use the same terminology until I grew old enough to realize that it’s not that I don’t have an accent – it’s just that I have a thoroughly American accent.  So, to the people around me, sure I don’t have an accent – but what they mean by that is that I don’t have a different accent.

Secondly, and closely related to the first idea is that just because you have a “non-standard” accent (aka American/British/Australian accents found in mainstream media), you’re not as civilized or smart.  That is complete BS and everyone should know that.  Yet, I find the likes of commentators on Louis’s blog post acting as if this is the case!  In Singapore and Malaysia (and I’m sure many other countries as well), people will readjust and speak with more “proper” accents when they’re dealing with foreigners (namely white people).  Why?  Well, according to a commenter:

“Accent or no accent, i think its all about trying to prove and to impress. Humiliating as it is, we already have a bad impression on the foreigners and i guess speaking with a fake accent is somehow a try to change that impression…”

Excuse me?!  Are you SERIOUS?!!!  How much more could you put yourself down?  You’re the ones who have mastered multiple languages and can understand not only your local accents but American and British and whatever else ones out there.  Why can’t you think like that?  Why do you have to treat your own accent as if it’s not as good?  It’s just different!  This is after I had posted a comment saying that they’re able to do this because they’ve had exposure to foreign accents, so it’s a nice gesture for them to throw us a bone, so to say, and speak in a manner that is easier for us to understand.

You do, I do.  photo credit:

You do, I do. photo credit:

Honestly, switching accents should not be seen as some sort of a demoralizing act that makes the person changing accents feel like theirs is less worthy.  It’s completely natural for people to change their behavior to match the people they’re trying to communicate with.  There’s even a term for it: mirroring!  It happens on such a subconscious level sometimes that people may never notice.  Think about it – if someone is speaking to you and you two are building repertoire, you both want to be liked by each other.  How do you do that best?  Making each other comfortable through your body language, interactions, and conversation.  Well, the most basic of that boils down to speech patterns, movements, breathing, accent, attitude, diction, the list goes on…  Give it a try next time you’re talking to someone – lean forward, lean backward, slouch, stand up, cross your arms, start talking faster and watch what happens.  More than likely the person you’re conversing with will follow suit unknowingly.

So really, the change in accent should be more about clear and comfortable communication with the other party rather than consciously doing it to try to impress them.  It’s unfortunate that so many people seem to take it the wrong way and there’s a huge mentality change needed to accept this as a purely normal interaction between two people.  This type of interaction is no different from the expat who starts to use local slang, the immigrant who picks up certain parts of the accent he’s surrounded with, or (for a more extreme example) even the multilingual who uses a language that will allow her to be understood.  In the end it’s really just a simple case of making communication easier and more clear.  That whole “my accent is not good enough because it’s not what you hear on TV” idea?  It’s all in your head, or at least it doesn’t need to be true.  I wish people didn’t think it was true.

Better Life Cleaning Products

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

better-life-starter-kitOnce again, Alice never fails to deliver.  See the first giveaway I entered for a waterproof pad and the second one I entered for lip balm, both of which I won!  This week’s giveaway is a lovely set of cleaning supplies from Better Life.  This stuff is truly remarkable.  They’ve got a line of cleaning products that is non-toxic, safe, biodegradable, and effective!  It’s hard to believe, what with growing up thinking that harsh chemicals is the way to kill germs and clean messes, but I’m loving what I see from them.  Talk about environmentally responsible!  Here’s a way to keep your household clean without worrying about what baby may put his hands on or what part of the house the cat may decide to start licking (I’ve had my cats randomly lick spots on the floor for no apparent reason o.O).  Who knew Mother Nature would provide us with all the ingredients we need to clean up our homes?  It’s wonderful to see such responsible products on the market that takes care of things on all fronts: people, planet, and performance.  Plus, they donate to non-profits that share their philosophy!  How great is that?

Having a clean home provides a certain level of comfort, especially when you know that these products are practically all-natural and so environmentally friendly!  Hygiene is important to health and healthy living allows us to truly enjoy everything in life.  To me, that’s the most important thing about household chores.  After all, who wants to have dusty counters and dirt in their food?  That just increases the chance of germs getting ingested and infecting our bodies.  Plus, keeping things clean helps keep your mind clear and bright too.  It’s so much more soothing to walk into a room lit by sunlight with gleaming surfaces than to walk into a murky room barely lit by the sunlight trying to shine through grime.  Having a clean and non-toxic home is all the more important so you don’t have to worry about what kinds of chemicals are you inadvertently breathing in or ingesting.  Instead, you can focus on the task at hand and not be concerned for your health or the health of your family.  In the end, using Better Life cleaning products can bring you peace of mind.  And what’s better than that?

The economic downturn

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

I’m sick of all this talk about the economic “crisis” and all the problems it’s causing.  At least there are some articles out there that address the upside of a downturn though.  But the thing is, to me, that’s all it is: a downturn.  It’s not a crisis, it’s not the end of the world, it’s just another down in the cycles that we’ll all experience in life.  Sure, the economy is much slower now, people are less confident and not spending or investing as much.  Think of it this way though – the more you think things are bad, the more conservative you will be and the more conservative you will be, the worse things will get.  When can we break out of this?  Does the government just need to come out and falsely raise our hopes to get things going again?  Why do people fall prey to this so easily?

It goes up, it goes down, but it goes up again.  photo credit:

It goes up, it goes down, but it goes up again. photo credit:

Much of this is really just in our heads.  By allowing ourselves to believe that the economy is too weak and life just sucks too much, it limits a lot of people.  On the flip side, it’s a great time for innovation and creativity to find its way into life’s solutions as people have to figure out how to do more with less.  But really, this is really just a self-fulfilling prophecy.  If you believe you can’t find a job or will lose the one you have, you know what, you probably will.  But if you believe that you’ll find something and figure it out, you may end up with a job you never thought you’d have, but at least you’ve got something.  And who knows, maybe that will open a whole new world to you and show you a side of yourself that you really love.

Having faith in your abilities and things just working out makes you much more open to opportunities that come your way.  You’re far more likely to see a chance to do something new as compared to those who have a negative mindset, or even compared to your own mindset last year.  Plus, having this pressure may lead you in directions you never thought you’d pursue, which in turn could create some amazing new opportunities that you never would have considered or taken before.  Hard times breeds creativity and innovation if only because people have to find a new way, a new method, a new thought process.  Besides, limiting spending and making people think twice before they make purchases that ultimately mean very little to them is a great thing too.  When the pressure is on, it’s like a quality check on our lives.

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I personally like having this “problem” at hand because companies are now looking internally to see how they can improve efficiency and productivity while also figuring out how to add the most value.  Quality is increasingly important and we’re finally getting back in touch with this whole idea of what good service really is.  Sometimes people get so caught up in the bottom line and meeting projected earnings or whatever else that they don’t stop to think about how they can improve the way things are done.  It’s the old adage: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  Well, as I read somewhere recently, “it is broke now.”  So it’s time to fix it.  And what is it?  Well, it varies, but generally it seems to be the way we look at and approach what we do, from work to family life.  And though I agree that families get more time together now, I hope that’s not backfiring as stressful family members infect the rest of their relatives.  It’s always a double-edged sword, isn’t it?

Really what it comes down to is how you choose to frame it.  It’s the classic case of the glass half empty or half full.  Depending on your perspective, you’ll see something different from what others will.  Whatever you do choose to believe, the more you believe it, the more likely it is to be true.  Your mentality affects the way you act and the way you act affects what will happen to you.  People who are down and depressed will start to withdraw from others, stop doing things they love, and other destructive behavior that actually makes things worse and that’s what I see here.  Unfortunately, we need the whole world to buy into the idea that the economic situation really isn’t that bad for it to actually start improving again.  And with all the job losses and paycus you hear about, it’s no wonder people are reluctant to behave as if there isn’t a problem.  It would be a start (however small) to at least frame things like this: it’s just an economic downturn or slowdown.  It’s NOT a crisis.  That in itself can begin a better pattern of behavior from people – a more optimistic and hopeful one.

Spirituality and atheism

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

I came across this NPR program today on the science of spirituality (go read all parts!), which I found fascinating, as I generally do with anything dealing with spirituality (which I consider separate from religion, but often intertwined).  Let me get right into it, since there’s a lot I want to say!  (Note: I’ll try to be as non-offensive as possible, but this is coming from an agnostic leaning atheist point of view.  I’m quite the skeptic when it comes to religion.)


To start with, I was tickled by the quote: “neurologists suspect some of the religious giants were epileptics” because I often thought, wouldn’t it be funny (in a bit of a sad way) if religion was borne of some random guy hallucinating?  Turns out that the visions that prophets had are quite likely caused by epileptic seizures or hallucinations.  So was there a burning bush?  Were they touched by a divine being?  Perhaps it was all in their head.  However, I’m not a big fan of this idea that “whether those encounters actually happened — or whether they were all in your head” are two separate possibilities.  After all, everything we feel is processed by our brains or else we don’t recognize it as a feeling we had, no?  As Michael Persinger put it, “all experience is generated by brain function.”  So yes, it was all in their heads.  But to them it was very real because it was in their heads.

Thus, to me there is no other being or “god” that is omniscient, but rather, God/the gods are within us because we thought them up.  They are products of our minds, our thoughts, our feelings.  And all those feelings we get of being touched by the divine?  It comes from our own imaginations, taking experiences and interpreting them in our own mental framework.  There’s certainly no harm in attributing it to an outside source if it makes you feel more peaceful, happy, and healthy because of it.  Belief can give people hope and I think the positive emotions from faith is actually what does “magical” healing for people, though they’ll choose to attribute it to their spirituality.  Do their beliefs actually create visible, measurable changes?  Certainly!  Any thoughts you have can do so.

“The more you focus on something — whether that’s math or auto racing or football or God — the more that becomes your reality, the more it becomes written into the neural connections of your brain.”

~ Dr. Andrew Newberg, neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania

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You literally are rewiring your brain with every experience you have, including the very one right now of reading thing (and for me, writing it).  I don’t have anything against religion in its best form, but I don’t like when people use it as a scapegoat or security blanket and never take responsibility for their actions, good or bad.  Of course, I’m also not a fan of zealots who take things too far and harm others “in the name of God.”  That’s just stupid and irresponsible.

No matter what, I feel the debate will rage on because spirituality, like love and your thoughts, is something intangible.  And anything that is intangible cannot ever really be proven or disproven.  It just depends on if people choose to believe in them or not.  When it comes down to it, how do you know you’re in love?

“Everything starts from a thought, and then the thought creates a reaction.”

~Sheri Kaplan, HIV positive but “defiantly healthy” with no medication

Sure, your brain reacts a certain way and releases certain chemicals, but in the end it’s really how you interpret what you feel and experience.  And if you want to fall in love, that is how you will interpret the chemical changes you feel happening.  Otherwise, you may just blame your libido or the weather.  There are plenty of people who look back after a nasty breakup and claim they weren’t really in love or they’ll fall in love with someone new and say that they didn’t really know what love was until this person came along.  It is what you say it is (for you, at least).  The power of spirituality comes in the flexibility in how we choose to understand our thoughts and emotions, but none of that can be physically tracked.

“I think we’re wired for the supernatural,” says Scott McDermott, a Methodist pastor.

I think so too, because we need to be able to believe in things and have hope, or else life can really get us down.  We need to have the capacity to believe that there is more, there is better.  That’s also what drives us to pursue excellence – a hope for a better life, a better world.  What it comes down to, then, is that immeasurables are too subjective to be objectively measured.  And that’s the problem here – we’re trying to use science that is based in objectivity to measure spirituality, which is steeped with subjectivity.  A conundrum, certainly, and probably one that will last as long as time.*

Synergy ball.    photo credit:

Synergy ball. photo credit:

For me, spirituality comes down to believing there are forces in this world that we can’t explain.  For example, how do you explain consciousness?  Is that not but an inexplicable result of our web of neurons interacting?  I consider myself spiritual in that sense and in the pure sense of believing in a spirit within us.  To me, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.  I believe in synergy.  Two people working together can create things that they could not have done had they worked alone and then put it together.  Likewise, those billions of neurons in our brains get together and create more than what just a random pile of neurons could.  That extra bit that produces all these thoughts we have is what we consider our spirit.  From my point of view though, that’s where it ends.  Without the brain, there cannot be a spirit, though with a brain there may not necessarily be a spirit either.  Nature’s not always fair like that.  So, though the idea of an afterlife and our spirit continuing after we die is a nice one, it’s not one I buy into.  However, our deaths aren’t meaningless and can infect other people’s spirits to make them feel like ours has continued on, by touching their hearts and minds and rejuvenating their own spirits.

Also, it seems that people are brought closer to spirituality when their senses shut down.  From meditation and other forms of intense focus that take away from the ability to process senses to near-death experiences that rob the brain of oxygen to psychedelic episodes from hallucinagenics, people feel the closest to their spirituality when our brains are not functioning fully in reality.

“The brain function of many of these people who have undergone a near-death experience is altered,” Woerlee says. “That’s correct. It is altered. Extreme oxygen starvation does change brain function — because it causes brain damage to the larger cells in the brain.”

It’s brain chemistry, he says, not a trip to heaven.

You take a step away and see things from an angle you never did before because your brain is in an altered state.  The same thing happens with age; as we grow older, our brain structure and chemistry changes, so we experience the world differently as time passes.  Maturity and wisdom are actually changes in our brains that are reflected in our behavior, but really, what are they?  They’re just more examples of intangibles that can never be fully and satisfactorily measured.

Another thing, spirituality is NOT religion!  Religion is a form of spirituality, but I do not believe that all forms of spirituality result in a form of religion.

When it comes to the brain, Newberg says, spiritual experience is spiritual experience.  “There is no Christian, there is no Jewish, there is no Muslim, it’s just all one,” Newberg says.

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Everyone can experience a connection with the world, but in different ways, like the athlete who feels their body move in just the right way at the right time.  As a swimmer, you get that when you dive and make the most wonderful entrance into the water.  Everything just falls into place and it all feels right.  Same thing with skating – there comes a moment when you become an extention of the board and you are in control.  It’s a sort of zen, even.  The most common one talked about is probably runner’s high, when you get into the groove and the world seems to fall away.  Really spirituality is intense focus on what you’re doing.  So much so that you don’t have room for your other senses to send their feedback to you, so all you know is the here and now and what you’re doing.  I believe that’s the “oneness” people who meditate feel.

“When people lose their sense of self, feel a sense of oneness, a blurring of the boundary between self and other, we have found decreases in activity in [the pareital lobes, where sensory information is taken in].”

You get so entrenched in your own mind, your own thoughts, and not paying attention to anything your body might be telling you that you start to feel more in tune with the world, as you do in a perfect dive, a glorious ride, or a unparalleled running rhythm.  It’s not just a mental thing; physically the part of your brain that processes your senses shuts down, presumably to allow the frontal lobes (where concentration happens) to work harder.

*Do note that this is different from things like wind, where you can feel it but not see it, because inner feelings are something that not everyone can agree upon.  When there’s wind, the person next to me can confirm that they feel it too.  You may not see it, but you feel it in a tactile way.  Similarly, air is even harder to sense, but once again, everyone can agree that they sense something and we have chosen to call it air.  But when you’re feeling from an emotional point of view, it’s completely internal and nobody else around you has to be sharing in such a feeling.  We’re all experiencing the same world more or less, but in very different ways mostly because of our minds.  Since everyone experiences their own feelings in different ways at different times, how do you come to an agreement?  Simply put, you can’t.

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